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Everything posted by Eraser

  1. Anybody seen her lately...pm me her contact info if you wouldn't mind...need some Nelle time.
  2. Both at once will take you to places you've never been!
  3. Any recent info on this lady? There was some about 4 years ago,has anybody seen her lately? http://winnipeg.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/lisa-marielets-rock/1635677
  4. WTF!!! So what if she was "native"?! What's with the racism, mods???
  5. Eraser


    I'd be happy to volunteer to hold your...phone...for your next set of selfies...you look beautiful!
  6. You are gorgeous and you seem to be getting more gorgeous each year!
  7. Whoa!!! Looking forward to inspecting your Sparkly things!
  8. Personally...I avoid dowtown like the plague! Winnipeg has a less than stellar rep for both personal and vehicle safety downtown...and I do live here.
  9. You are beautiful. I am so there this Fall...
  10. I caught this ad today...looks like she is still around. http://winnipeg.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/sunny-in-st-james-38/1786493
  11. Seriously...what part of this statement do you not understand??? #*$ it...request withdrawn.
  12. OK...I"m in Winnipeg...now instead of telling me how to word my request,how about a suggestion!!! (FYI.. a good number of the members here know me)
  13. Eraser


    Once again...Wow!
  14. You could be getting a new biggest fan...
  15. Perhaps the lady's advertising will tell me what I need to know...looking for a little help from my fellow gentlemen.
  16. Ok guys,help me out...mature preferred (35+) or younger with mature attitudes...busty and loves lingerie.PM me your suggestions,Thanx!
  17. ...like I said,"I can not imagine",...have not been there,but would love to!
  18. ...I cannot imagine a better time than a couple of hours with Kaylee and Zoe! I'll leave you with that thought!
  19. Not often that I disagree with you C...but on this one I have to...We have many more than 1 or 2 high end Ladies in this city...many more. * Exclusive means nothing to me C...it's all about the service and ...in this city we have some Women that really deliver.Smell the roses ,man!
  20. Her pics are fake...a couple of us checked them with Tineye.Stay away...methinks.
  21. Has anybody seen her since she was called out for using a couple of fake pics???I lost my hard drive(not that one...the one in my computer!) and cannot find a number for her.BTW...She really didn't need to use any pics that weren't her...she's quite the stunner.Let me know if anyone has any contact info.Thx!!!
  22. I think that it's more like "Duh,I forgot what I had written!" There are so many little scammers out there...
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