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Everything posted by wet_dreamz

  1. A very much belated Happy Birthday to you Erin...better late than never as it goes. Or call me a tad early for next one.
  2. One of my favourite jazz guitar players is the late guitar virtuoso Joe Pass...I have most of his recorded music as I'm a big fan and a student of his music.
  3. For me, it's a "killer smile" complete with beautiful, white teeth and warm, soft lips...melts my heart every time.
  4. Some excellent observations being made and although I've never given this matter the indepth thought so well articulated above, my own perspective is that I very much enjoy the "fantasy" aspect of being with a lovely lady of "my" choosing for a momentary escape from reality, a mini-vacation of sorts if you care to call it that. It's simply so nice to be with someone who accepts me for what I am, albeit ever so briefly. I wouldn't call myself a "sex addict;" I am more of a social animal.
  5. Especially the Christmas episode where he was wearing the turkey on his head while answering the door when his date arrived for dinner! LOL Sophia Loren for me.
  6. I've always used my real first name for incall appointments and if I've been entertaining a lady at my hotel while travelling on business, my full real name is used for registration. In some cities, I've had to produce proper identification for SPs over the years as well. Besides, I find that trying to keep fictitious names straight in my head is a pain. It's hard enough to keep track of all the SPs names especially when they are changed frequently. "Elvis"
  7. Now that's a one way ticket to divorce court, the hospital or both for a client if I ever saw one. I'm so discrete it almost borders on paranoia. LOL [quote name=JoyfulC;52507 The other thing I'd like to address is customers who leave a number for you to call back' date=' and when you do, their wives answer. ???? Don't put us in that situation, please. If the only number you can leave is one that your wife is going to answer, then please just keep trying us until you get us. What goes on between you and your wife is your affair -- leave us out of it.[/quote]
  8. Thanks Paige. I've been here (in Ottawa) for a few years now and only recently retired deciding to stay as my wife is still in career mode. I hope you will enjoy your new abode in Stittsville as I like the community as well. I'll have to get out your way for a run, a workout and a spank...throw in a kiss or two and that would be great! LOL Take care.
  9. wet_dreamz


    Holy smokes!!! Very stunning and beautiful.
  10. Thank-you Miss Emma...kisses back at you! I love Halifax and the city is lucky to have you.
  11. Thanks Aurora...I've not been to Surrey/Whiterock for a number of years now but I had a great time while there...maybe again some day. Thank-you for the welcome.
  12. Thank-you Maya for taking the time to welcome me and say hello as it is very much appreciated.
  13. Thank-you Annessa...I'm very much "old school" in that I am polite and respectful of women in all circumstances and in all occasions. Hope I have the opportunity to meet you in the not too distant future. Again, thanks for the welcome.
  14. Thanks OFF...good to know it didn't in fact cause you any grief. She must have valued your friendship.
  15. PP: I think this is as it should be IMHOP. It's well balanced in all aspects. I don't react too well with aggressive marketing techniques.
  16. May I ask please if you were contacted on your cell phone or at home? If I was single it likely wouldn't bother me, however being married I'd not be very happy about it yet I understand her position. I guess it depends on the nature of your relationship with her. I am of the view that discretion and privacy on the part of both is important as is trust. I guess this is why I tend to be very cautious during the course of all this and I try to leave as little as possible in the way of a paper trail. Were you a little shocked by this? Not to pry, I'm just curious that's all. Thanks.
  17. Thanks kindly. Appreciate the welcome and the words of encouragement...nice to be here.
  18. I hope I am posting this in the correct place. I jumped onboard a few weeks ago after seeing a number of links to CERB from various SP's sites. I find it is both credible and helpful. Perhaps I will be regarded by many here as being a little too old (for some), but I make no apologies for my vintage as I am now in my 61st year of existence and still going strong after my first SP experience more than 40 years ago in Montreal. My work took me to many parts of the country over a period of about 35 plus years and now that I'm retired I decided to remain in Ottawa, at least for the time being anyways. I'm from Monteal originally and I still go there occasionally. Unfortunately, my travels to both coastal areas will no longer be as frequent, yet I still try to get to Vancouver as much as I possibly can. While working and travelling, I was able to spend some very special time with some very special ladies over the years. Anyhow, being older and retired, my experiences will no doubt be fewer, but not lesser in quality of service or of companionship. I'm quiet and easy going personality-wise and I live an active, healthy lifestyle. That's about it.
  19. My sentiments exactly...emails are fine IMOP, but no phone calls unless we are playing telephone tag to meet up. I only use my cell phone for meetings and would never provide my home phone number under any circumstances. Well said Dummpy.
  20. Real deal all the way for me, please. Just my preference for feel and taste.
  21. Glad you're okay. I had a recent scare and I thought I had prostate cancer, but after a more recent DRE and a PSA blood test (something I have done annually anyways), I have BPH which is something that has run on the male side of my family. No surgery, just a script for FloMax and all's well except less seminal fluid, but plenty of "O" factor. As I said, I'm glad you're okay...I wouldn't want to have that operation personally.
  22. Use a staple gun to keep your condom on and that should do it for you. Just kidding obviously, but I once had an occasion where an SP insisted I double up on condoms for some reason or other. It delayed my orgasm significantly...to the next day!
  23. Gotta love an attractive, intelligent, intuitive perfectionist in sky high heels! :wink:
  24. Being a non-smoker, I very much appreciate a smoke-free environment for an incall. This is something I always confirm in advance, however and that the lady is also a non-smoker. I just don't care for the smell of stale smoke. I would certainly welcome everything as listed by OFF.
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