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Everything posted by wet_dreamz

  1. I think it was! LOL You'd think I just fell off a turnip truck or something. No biggie!
  2. I realize that...I was reflecting in jest that which is commonly stated on various SP's websites. I'm not being silly and dancing around anything...please give me more credit than that.
  3. I only had it happen to me on one occasion as it was a long time ago and I went to an incall blind. We had talked on the phone and she did provide me with a description and she was very pleasant/polite. I arrived and quickly discovered there was no physical attraction for her (there was nothing wrong with her and she was a nice lady), however I stayed with her for the hour and we had a pleasant, intelligent convesation for which I paid the regular donation up front as usual. She did try her best and she was very understanding as I was very tactful in my explanation. We were both mature enough to recognize this does happen (on both parts). I'm of the view that if I make a commitment, I honour it. After all, we pay for and SP's time only and anything that happens occurs between two consenting adults, right?
  4. If I took it off, I'd probably lose it. The only time I take it off really is when I go to the gym and lift weights. Whether or not I wear it during an encounter with an SP is a non-issue really.
  5. 1965 Pontiac GTO with a 389 cubic inch V-8, three two barrel carbs and a four speed Hurst shifter of course!
  6. While attending university, I owned a 1966 Mini Cooper (smaller than the current Mini's made by BMW nowadays) and I used to park it on the street just outside the rooming house where I was living. It was a big, old place with a huge front porch on it. I got up one morning and looked out my window as I always did to check on the car. It was gone and I ran downstairs in my underwear and out the front door only to find the car on the front porch. This was courtesy of my football team mates (the defensive linemen) who picked it up and carried it up the stairs to the porch. What made things even worse (or funny depending upon your perspective) were the photographs taken of me in my underwear standing on the porch hugging my Mini Cooper that circulated about the school for many months after. I loved that little car.
  7. I would have to say that to me it would be any part of a woman's body that is abused by drugs/unkept/unclean; the biggest turn-off being bad teeth and bad breath...total deal breaker for me. Just give me a healthy, pleasant and well-adjusted lady companion and I'm happy.
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