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Everything posted by MandalayBay

  1. Emma ... you are the best! Thank you so much. What does a prostate feel like? What should I feel for to know I'm in the right spot. I wish I could find a gentleman who could teach me all about it and show me what to do. Any gentlemen guinea pigs willing to teach and show a newbie about prostate massage?
  2. I think a man knows in his heart if an SP is just giving lip service ... or if she is genuine in the words she speaks.
  3. Any good books or videos that could teach me more about it?
  4. I'm curious about prostate massage and learning more about it. Just wondering if any ladies or gentlemen could offer some advice on this subject. Here are some questions I have. How do you ask a client whether he is interested in prostate massage without offending him? Some men probably love it. Some men may not. How do I gage their interest level without offending them or coming across as a newbie at it? How do you do prostate massage? Any other tips or advice you could share? I would really love to hear from the ladies AND gentlemen regarding this topic. xoxo Mandalay
  5. I definitely want to learn more about prostate massage. I am going to start a new thread about it.
  6. There is an amazing lubricating lotion you can buy at most sex shops and at Shopper's Drug Mart manufactured by a company called "Oh My!" Get some of that, warm it up with your hands and stroke yourself with it. I'm not sure what the ingredients are, but it feels just as good (if not better) than pussy juice and will help you cum. It's the best invention ever!
  7. This made me roll on the floor laughing. Thanks Whatsup!
  8. Would you get a tattoo of my face on your penis? I'd be honoured if you did. LOL Heck ... I'd throw in a free one-hour session. :razz:
  9. I've had a bit of a "butt evolution" lately as a result of experience and experimenting with very patient and encouraging lovers. My evolution includes losing my fear of inserting a finger up a lover's bum. It's a baby step and actually turns me on a bit!
  10. It is only dangerous to feel when the SP is pretending you are special. When you really are considered special, there is nothing dangerous about it.
  11. I recently received a phone call from a gentleman who sounded sincere over the phone. He called while I was shopping with my little one (who was distracted by toy shopping and away from earshot). I told him I needed to obtain a babysitter in order to see him within an hour or two of his phone call. I explained my policy of filling in an application form online and he promised to go in and fill it out immediately. So I cut short my shopping excursion, called to arrange for babysitting and rushed home to review his application form. The application form never came and I had to cancel my babysitter (which was embarassing). Not only did he waste my time and frustrate me, he interrupted my time with my child. That bothered me more than anything, but I need to make a living and this career obviously isn't 9 to 5. When this happens, it is very frustrating. I cherish my clients and know their time is valuable. Luckily 99% of my clients treat me like gold and are very respectful of my time. I have, however, heard endless stories about how disrespectful SPs can be of their clients' time as well. It all boils down to mutual respect for each other.
  12. Only Michael Jackson and those who were close to him know the truth about his pedophelia ... If it is true, I also hope he rots in hell ... Heck ... he might be there right now if he did do all he was accused of. I find it interesting that the media - who contributed to his psychological breakdown - are now painting a picture of him being a hero and a victim as a result of his father's abuse.
  13. I am okay if a man doesn't do the enema thing ... but everything else Attilla does is so very much appreciated ... gentlemen like Attilla make the escourt industry a true pleasure ...
  14. Very interesting ... thanks for sharing.
  15. Hair is sexy ... Don't even think about removing it ... It feels really good as it rubs against my very sensitive nipples!
  16. I saw my "famous client" today and he told me he has "ransom insurance" for both himself and his family. I can't get over that. Ransom insurance? I asked him what that meant and it is insurance to pay off kidnappers should someone kidnap him or his family members and demand large amounts of money for their safe return. Yikes! Being famous isn't all fun and games.
  17. You would love CoachG too ... He puts you in another dimension!
  18. Brandy ... thanks for the direction to the SP only area. I am going to do some serious thinking about Ottawa as it sounds like a wonderful, welcoming, amazing city to tour! Thanks for the feedback and I'll keep you updated.
  19. Tattoos are not for me, but I think they look great on other women ... especially alternative women. I have a low pain tolerence and wouldn't be able to handle it.
  20. Erin ... this post is hilarious! You really crack me up and I love your dry sense of humour. For me, the worst situation I have ever encountered is when a drooling client put his face in my pussy and whipped his face back and forth aggressively like a maniac. Although I wasn't down there, his face was moving back and forth so fast that there must have been drool flying all over the place down there. I know it was drool because I wasn't an ounce turned on in the slightest. I was so shocked I didn't know what to do! My first thought was the same as yours. This man was such a lost cause that I couldnt' be bothered with offering tips or pointers. I wanted him out of there ASAP and never saw him again after the session. For me, gentleness and teasing is a huge turn on. Aggression and uncontrollable head movements turn me right off.
  21. My partner is truly an angel and because of his support of my career and I love him to a higher depth than I've loved any other man. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't like my job and tries talking me out of it once in a while. He tells me the day I announce my retirement will be one of the happiest days of his life. It is truly the first time I've experienced unconditional love and I have been blessed. No matter how strong my feelings may become for a client (and there are some that I feel strongly for) I remind myself about what an incredible man my partner is for loving me when most other men wouldn't.
  22. There are some "clients" who prey on new SPs and take advantage of their "niceness" in wanting to attract new clients. New SPs are generally more willing to be kind and polite when gentlemen prey on them for discounts and try to negotiate. For all new SPs, please realize that certain "clients" make a career out of whining about their "financial woes" to see how much money they can get away with not paying. There are SPs who charge all different fee rates and don't think for a second these "whiners" aren't aware of what the fees are. If a gentleman can't afford it, don't call an SP. It's as simple as that.
  23. Cat is a phenominal writer and seems like a truly amazing person. If I were a hobbiest, I would hire her if only to meet the beautiful soul she seems to be. I hope one day Cat writes a book about her insight into life as I would be first in line to buy a copy for everyone I love.
  24. I am seriously giving some thought into touring to cities outside of Winnipeg (Ottawa is calling). Never having done this before, I have a few questions that I would love to be candidly answered. 1) Ideally, I would like to have enough appointments scheduled ahead of time to make it financially make it worth my while. Do ladies generally require a deposit upfront before travelling to their touring city? If so, do gentlemen object to this? 2) What is the best way to advertise in other cities? I am aware of Escorts Canada, the forums (PERB, ●●●●, YARB, any other good ones?) and Craig's List. Any other advertising suggestions that work well? 3) Can you recommend any classy, affordable hotels in the Ottawa area? 4) Any other advice or tips for touring that a "newbie" should be aware of? Thanks, Mandaaly
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