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About hotwinnipeg

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  1. Dong computer stuff might be the source of a lot of the confusion!
  2. I saw her recently, good experience.
  3. I haven't been to either of these in a while (before covid) and don't see any recent threads discussing them - but they are both still advertising on the k site. Just wondering if anyone has been recently, and has anything good to say or anyone to recommend?
  4. What's the situation like there right now in terms of covid precautions? I've pretty much taken a break from all services during the pandemic, but I'm considering "re-engaging" so to speak.
  5. I thought maybe he was saying it was someone he knew! I'm a little obtuse sometimes ..
  6. I don't get what this comment is supposed to mean
  7. No idea, I've never seen her. But I know her reputation, so thanks for the heads up! Edit: Found the "East Indian Sargent" thread, seems likely this is the same person.
  8. Ad offering massage among other services, location on Sargent by Safeway but does not appear to be Healthtree - kj user is "Nails". Anyone familiar with this? Here's the most recent ad: https://www.kijiji.ca/v-view-details.html?adId=1483429567
  9. I'm a fan of Winnie, but I haven't seen any of the ladies listed in this post already, so I guess I've got more research to do!
  10. Any reason why? (just wondering if worth trying to see her)
  11. Visited Kitty again today, and I think her massage has improved quite a bit since last time. Plus she is super cute, great body, and excellent attitude & personality. Rates are similar to all the usual places, and booking has been quick and straightforward. Highly recommend.
  12. I think you have a point there - last time I saw her (2-3 weeks ago) I noticed she was way more business-like. Might be getting a bit burned out, I wouldn't be too surprised.
  13. Yeah, I've found her to provide consistently excellent service, good communication, and I've never had to discuss money again since we established a rate+tip that worked for us on my first meeting with her a couple years ago. But, I'm not going to say I doubt anyone else's experience either - I just have a different experience. She went by Hannah when I first saw her 2 years ago, and has been using Winnie for about the past year. I don't recall her ever using Vicky but she may have - I've always booked her using her cell directly, so really don't address her by name very much. I don't believe she changes up her name, just switched the name she went by (for reasons I'm unaware of).
  14. Not familiar at all with the location you're referring to and can't find any hits on "Teaghen" in the usual places - can you share any more info? Does she have an ad?
  15. Winnie is a mid-40s (?) Chinese woman, average height and weight, pretty average in looks but by no means bad-looking. Hope that helps.
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