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Everything posted by hotwinnipeg

  1. I remember her in that I got in to see her once, or maybe twice? I don't think I could pick out her face after this many years though...
  2. Yes, Winnie is the perfect choice for this. Her new place is much nicer than Sargent. She will definitely tease you for as long as you like 🙂
  3. I'd also be curious if anyone has any experience with this MP
  4. I have been seeing Winnie, formerly Hannah at Yuan Yuan and Forever, for quite a while now. Never did try the 4-hand with her or anyone but now I'm intrigued...
  5. Winnie is fan-tas-tic, one of my all-time favourite MPs. She used to go by Hannah as well. I first met her at Yuan Yuan on Notre Dame, then she moved to Forever, and has been at Sargent now for a couple of months I believe. I booked directly with her and didn't even realize she was using a new name until I arrived and the woman at the desk said my appointment was with Winnie. She is well worth your while - can't say enough good things about her!
  6. The link provided above seems to be dead - would anyone be able to provide an active link or her contact info, either here or in a private message? Thanks
  7. Since sometime around the start of this year, this place seems to have gone the "no extra service route". I've gone back 2 or 3 times during that time, as the location is especially convenient for me, but no dice.
  8. I've paid 40 to 80, usually right in the middle unless it's exceptionally bad or good.
  9. From what I've seen in older posts, this place provides only legit massage therapy. But, I'm wondering if this is still the case? I've seen quite a few kj ads go up recently, offering "relaxation" massage. And recently I was told by Hanna, who I had seen originally at Yuan Yuan and then for the past while at Forever, that she has moved over to this location and isn't working at Forever anymore. If I have the chance I'm going to book with her, as I know her services - but just wondering if anyone else had any other info on this place.
  10. I can confirm this is accurate. Saw Linda a few weeks ago, good massage with extras - she seems to enjoy herself too, or at least pretends too. Just saw Daisy today and no extras as mentioned, but a really excellent massage nonetheless!
  11. Anything going on at this place still? Anyone worth seeing? Have to be out in this part of town, though I might check it out again.
  12. The lady I see at Forever (Hannah) provided me with her phone number, so I book directly with her rather than calling the studio, that way no surprises. The only other lady I've seen there is Rose, and I'd rate them both pretty close overall, but Hannah gives a better massage.
  13. I hope you didn't accept a replacement, when you had an appointment with a specific person. Taking the bait-and-switch only encourages them to continue this kind of behaviour.
  14. Saw an ad for "Rose", which didn't mention Forever so I thought it was her personal number. I even texted and asked "Is this Rose who used to work at Yuan Yuan", she replied yes, and I booked a time. Showed up at Forever, and the booking lady was there... Said Rose had an "emergency", but she herself was available.. I declined, and she contacted Rose and got her there within 20 minutes. I had a great session with Rose, but it turns out that she never got any of my texts. The number was for the booking lady, who simply outright lied to me. YMMV of course, but I highly recommend getting the personal number for any girl you want to see, and contact her directly. I have Hanna's number (she's out of town at the moment) and plan to get Rose's if possible, next time I see her.
  15. I was once, but it was many years ago.
  16. Seems likely too good to be true, but I'm at least curious
  17. Always meant to book some time with her, looks like I missed my chance. Certainly wish her all the best, as with anyone leaving this business - it certainly can't be an easy transition in many cases.
  18. Hannah who was at Yuan Yuan is now at Forever, same top-notch service from her :)
  19. Hannah who was at Yuan Yuan is now at Forever, same top-notch service from her :)
  20. The combination of that, unreliable service, and a bit of distance to get there (for me), and I haven't been back there since then either... Wonder if it's worth giving them another shot ... hmmm
  21. Would very much be interested if you find out whether this is true, and if endings are happy ;)
  22. Is she African-American? If so, I saw her a few weeks ago, so she was still there at the time if that sounds like her.
  23. If it's the place I found with a quick google search for "lime and pine winnipeg" then I wouldn't put any hope towards any type of extras - looks like a 100% legit hair salon. https://www.limeandpine.com/
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