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Luckyme last won the day on February 4 2018

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About Luckyme

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    Elite Member (500+ Posts)

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    Respectful, humble, gentle, sensitive, sportive, well-educated

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  1. Happy New Year, Cato! Nice to see you back here although I see you on twitter often.
  2. Pretty sure you have seen this thread from cerbmod, but just incase -- It contains a lot of information and what the readers wish to see in response to cerbmod.
  3. I have to agree with your sentiments here. Lyla is way too quiet comparing to a few years back. As far as Vivian is concerned (I agree with you and Notch), I will add - her beautiful body, silky smooth skin and great personality. And.. I just saw her again this past week. What an amazing time!
  4. Some essential martial arts equipment for my lovely ATF..
  5. I voted on the other board already. There's an industry-wide understanding that a client pays for the time duration he spends with the lady notwithstanding an in or outcall. For example, one doesn't bring a bottle to a lady and expect the time spent chilling witht her should be considered off the clock - until or unless she says otherwise. The moment you step into her place until you leave is the duration of the time the lady has to spend/work with you. No exception even if you have seen the lady many times. Again, unless the lady says otherwise. Be a gentleman and refrain from haggling with her.
  6. One time, a couple of years back, I booked a session with an MA. Shortly after, when I was told that she would use a dental dam, I decided not to go through with it because what you experienced was exactly what I imagined or rather "feared" I would feel... ;)
  7. Me too. This is the first time I have read about the history of this device which is intriguing. No wonder it's called Dental Dam.
  8. Found this article by chance. Published in The Atlantic entitled - Nobody Uses Dental Dams - So why do they still exist? Nobody Uses Dental Dams So why do they still exist? An Object Lesson. The students have survived watching their teacher demonstrate how to put a condom on a “wooden penis model.” They’ve been assigned homework to find examples of contraception use in sex scenes in movies or TV shows. But before they go, they have one final lesson, one last barrier method for their teacher to sheepishly explain: the dental dam, a latex sheet used as a barrier during oral sex. According to a sex-ed curriculum used by school districts in San Diego, Boston, Portland, and elsewhere, their teacher would show them how to remove a dam from its package and place it over genitalia by forming an “O” with their hand. The instructor would inform the students that dental dams are flavored, and that they should only be used once and then thrown away. Most important, the teacher would instruct them to always use dental dams when performing oral sex on women, or they’ll be at risk of transmitting STIs.There’s just one problem: The pupils are unlikely ever to take their teachers up on the suggestion. Even the teachers, preaching about the dangers of STIs, have probably never bought one themselves............. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2019/04/dental-dams-are-more-symbolic-practical/587539/ Some exerts from this interesting article - - Sanford Barnum invented the rubber dental dam in 1864 to isolate individual teeth from saliva during dental surgery. For more than a century, the product’s use seems to have been limited to dental operations. But in the late 1980s, as millions of gay men began dying of AIDS, safe-sex advocates adopted the dental dam for an entirely new purpose. - In the nearly four decades since, science has shown that HIV is practically impossible to transmit between women, and dental dams were more a product of AIDS panic than of genuine medical necessity. But dental dams are still around, even if not because of consumer demand. - From a medical perspective, it makes sense that dental dams aren’t highly sought after. Cunnilingus is one of the safest forms of sex in terms of STD transmission. Minkin, the Yale School of Medicine professor, says this is likely because the labia tissue is more similar to external skin than the internal tissue exposed during anal or vaginal sex, and thus less susceptible to STD transmission. - Halem argues that dental dams should be struck from curricula entirely. “If you only have a short period of time to educate young people about sex, dental dams should not be taking up any of those precious moments,” Halem said. “I just really don’t want anybody not having oral sex because they can’t find a dental dam. My god, that’s a tragedy!” Personally, I have been in this hobby for way over 10 years. But I have never seen one or seen anyone using it. Thoughts?
  9. Learning that Paris's central landmark Notre-Dame Cathedral which I had the opportunity to visit a few years back had gone up in flames. What a tragic loss! https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/notre-dame-paris-fire-1.5098604
  10. Two highlights -- both for Sunday. - Watching Tiger Woods won the 2019 Masters Golf Championship marking an incredible comeback from injury and personal hardship that ended a nearly 11-year-long championship drought. This was his 5th Masters and he won his first in 1997. https://www.npr.org/2019/04/14/713280877/tiger-woods-wins-his-5th-masters-title-marking-a-career-comeback The second highlight was -- The premier of Game of Thrones season 8. https://www.cnet.com/news/game-of-thrones-season-8-premiere-episode-1-recap-winterfell-jon-snow-bran-stark/
  11. Haha.... thanks for the laugh! I haven't set foot in a strip club for ages...with or without refund! 😉
  12. This is a fiirst for me... got a text a few days ago saying that CRA had a few hundreds dollars (don't remember the exact figure) to refund me. All I had to do was to click on the link... These scammers thought I was born yesterday!
  13. This is a fiirst for me... got a text a few days ago saying that CRA had a few hundreds dollars (don't remember the exact figure) to refund me. All I had to do was to click on the link... These scammers thought I was born yesterday!
  14. Adèle and her new spa I too had the privilege of seeing the amazing Adèle recently in her newly-opened spa. I saw her a while ago before she left for Australia, and since then I have been wanting to see her again. It was a long wait since my previous meeting. But the wait was so worth it! The lovely Adèle remains as lovely as ever. Those who have had the opportunity to have seen her will know that she’s a complete package – her DDG look, model-like physique, friendliness, top-notch service, her will to please, her professionalism and last but not least, her adorable personality. Little wonder that she is well-loved and that she’s booked solid for the short period she will be working. Her new spa has just been opened about a month. It is in a very private area with plenty of parking on the street and nearby. The establishment is beautifully and tastefully decorated and setup with impressive amenities. Four different rooms each with different constructions, facilities and amenities ranging from a horizontal shower-for-two, to vertical body-to-body massage under continuous jets of water, to a rustic ambiance with hot stone massage, and finally to an erotic experience with the creative use of melting chocolate. Each is an experience to be savored. I managed to try and enjoy only the one with a rustic ambiance and an over-sized massage table – sans hot stone. The experience was amazing and my 1.5 hrs session with this lovely lady went by just like that. No doubt I will be going back to sample the facilities in the other rooms, and hopefully to see the amazing Adèle again. For the benefit of the readers, here is her previous recommendation thread. https://www.lyla.ch/topic/111286-adele-gall/?page=2
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