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Everything posted by Luckyme

  1. An amazing martial arts fight scene.
  2. Likewise, I saw this movie too and I thoroughly enjoyed it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2737304/?ref_=nv_sr_1 It was a bit unrealistic and unbelievable but overall, it was enjoyable and at times scary. This is very similar to a recent film entitled " A Quiet Place" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6644200/ The sad part involving the Bird Box is that there were some crazy folks trying to mimic the actions in the film by doing a copycat blindfold challenge on the streets prompting Netflix to issue a warning against the practise. https://www.metro.news/netflix-warns-fans-not-to-try-copycat-blindfold-challenge-from-hit-film-bird-box/1377268/
  3. This sounds like a fantatic and fun trip! However, before you take the plunge, I'd also strongly suggest to try out an extended or overnight outcall first to ensure you have good connection. It is hard if not impossible to alter your plan midway while oversea.
  4. Another oldie, but goodie - Bob Seger - Still the Same Bob Seger - Against the Wind. How memorable!
  5. Jeff Bridges - Hold on you. One of my favorites.
  6. Agree! This plus -- - the ability to search a recommendation in alphabetical order - the ability to make a comment under someone's post without having to write a new post ( and quoting that post). I understand these issues have been brought up many times previously. Hopefully, the mod hasn't given up on these and other improvements.
  7. Ditto. This site and, therefore indirectly JoyfulC has been instrumental in the large majority of my hobby experiences.
  8. Hi, Tom, Welcome to this site. I am pretty sure you'll enjoy the environment here and that you'll find what you need in your situation. That said, I am sorry to hear about your terrible misfortune and encounter. For bad encounters like this, it would be beneficial to everyone if you post your encounter in the threads entitiled " To Report Bait and Switch....". to warn other hobbyists. You'll find such a thread under a major location and it would be more appropiate to post it in the area where this incident took place. For Ottawa - https://www.lyla.ch/forum/10-ottawa-warnings-to-report-bait-and-switch-scams-amp-dangerous-encounters-not-for-negative-revie/ For New Brunswick - https://www.lyla.ch/forum/270-nb-warnings-to-report-bait-and-switch-scams-amp-dangerous-encounters-not-for-negative-revie/ Hope this helps, and good luck.
  9. I also agree with Sophia and others about the blog idea. A well-written blog is always interesing, insightful and, it shares the writer's experiences and ideas with the readers. A few years back, the wonderful Nathalie L started a thread here entitled " Blog Updates - Post Yours Here" with posts as recent as this past February. Here is the link - you may want to contribute to it or elsewhere you feel like it.
  10. A pair of movie tickets with recliner seats to share with my adorable ATF.
  11. Sad....but it's a goodie nonetheless....
  12. An oldie but it's a goodie. 😉
  13. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DubASKAVsAId9aI.jpg Snow sculpture
  14. I might add that some ladies do offer a birthday special although it is not always advertised. If your BD is coming up, you can contact the lady you're interested in seeing and politely ask if she offers the special. If the answer is no, accept the answer and make your decision. Haggling is considered rude and would most likely get you blacklisted.
  15. Remembering Freddie Mercury. From Queen -
  16. A small but powerful blender for my beautiful ATF, for her to make nutritious protein shakes and smoothies. It was gratifying to see that she really liked it.
  17. Oh, gosh, that looks scary! But it's hilarious to see people's various reactions and the dog's!! lol..
  18. Congratz, Cato, on this your tenth anniversary! I'll reach that milestone next June as well. But in comparison, you're a legend here while I am a relatively unknown which is fine with me. 😉 Despite that, I am glad to say that we do share some fondness for some wonderful ladies here - think Peachy ( now Willow Samoan), think Nikky Fox, Sadie Banks, Claire.... 😉 BTW, I got in touch (via email) with Nikky in Montreal recently, and she told me she was contemplating a comeback. FYI.
  19. Same here. Haven't had the opportunity to meet this lovely lady who is on leave at the moment.
  20. For the last couple of years, it's once a week. Occassionally, I squeeze in another encounter in about once a month.
  21. WTF, getting another phone call from "Canada Revenue Agency", asking to call back with my Social Insurance Number, ready!! Yeah right! Hope the RCMP will get all of you a*sholes in your country!
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