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Everything posted by Luckyme

  1. Never say never... miracles could happen in the play-offs. ;)
  2. This place is on my bucket-list. Just wish that the political and economical situations would improve soon.
  3. Forgot to update that we did take the trip this past winter. The visit to the breath-taking Columbia Icefield, the scenic drive on the Icefield Parkway, the encounter with wild animals like the Bighorns sheep/Rams on the Parkway, and the skiing at Marmot Basin, are spectacular and profoundly memorable. Next on the to-visit list will be Banff and Lake Louise - with my lovely Lyla lady, of course. :icon_biggrin:
  4. Long (or shoulder-length). Sens or Habs? lol.
  5. An amazing get-together with a lovely Lyla lady - my ATF. Watching the Sens-Habs game with a Lyla friend having a beer and dinner.
  6. After having had this procedure done before, I could say that there's no pain involved at all. The only pains in the butt ( pun intended! ;) ) are the prep. you need to take beforehand. They are called Peglyte solution and Bisacodyl tablets and they are meant to thoroughly clean your system before the actual colonoscopy. Get this done, it may save your life! It usually is recommended every 5 years or so anyway.
  7. First email of the day from my lovely and sweet favorite lyla lady confirming our upcoming rendezvous. :D Spent a beautiful day on the golf course.. first outing of the year.
  8. I share your sentiment! lol.. Had another wonderful rendezvous with my gorgeous favorite lyla lady...still day-dreaming about our amazing time together. ;)
  9. Well-said! I always find these types of threads informative, educative and amusing. Even with my many years of hobbying experience, I still find that hobbying is a learning curve and that there are always things that I can improve myself on. These threads are a great way to get helpful information from.
  10. There seems to be one recommendation post in this reco. thread you are looking for. http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=H&t=133785
  11. Having my afternoon tea and day-dreaming of my lovely favorite cerb/lyla lady whom I will be meeting shortly.
  12. There is some truth in the correlation theory between the relative size and whether you are left- or right-handed. Apparently it is true for the ladies as well between the boob size and left- or right-handed. If she is right handed, her left one will be bigger. Now -- I need to do a detailed hands-on study to confirm this theory! :icon_wink:
  13. These are more like highlights of the week - First, having a fantastic lunch with a hobbyist friend a couple of days ago; we had so much fun interacting with a friendly and beautiful waitress; Yesterday, having a beer and a bite to eat with another hobbyist friend while watching the Masters Golf tournament and a Blue Jays baseball game simultaneously on TVs in a sports bar; Tomorrow, having lunch with a new hobbyist friend whom I have not met before -- we'll have so much to talk about! :icon_biggrin: Life is good!
  14. I know this fight in the story was a matter of life and death, but I can't help noticing the pic. which seems to fit the title of this thread. :)
  15. She had received some very nice recommendations here http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=125411&highlight=Betty and some great reviews elsewhere. Unfortunately, from what I've gathered, she has retired from this business a while ago.
  16. The previous poster, namely, Macadamia said it quite nicely. He described Candyce as astoundingly beautiful and super sweet. I am glad he shared my observation! :icon_biggrin: That said, after my last reco., I had gone back to see Candyce a couple more times. The last time was just before she headed off south for her vacation. On her return, she announced that she was baaaaack... but only reluctantly! lol. I couldn't blame her, given how freaking cold our Ottawa weather was last month. I was eager to see her and to check out her tan as she said it was fading slowly. So this past weekend, I couldn't wait but to rush over to be in her lovely company. She welcomed me with a brilliant smile while wearing sexy black fishnet tights and dressed in a beautiful black lacy lingerie partly exposing her nice beautiful figure. Her tan was still visible and it seemed to make her beautiful face glow with colors. What a lovely and irresistable sight! I couldn't help but to give her a tight hug and to exchange some passionate kisses. Our lovely session was not only about being physical. We had a long pleasant chat, updating each other with interesting life events since our last meeting, and filling in with our vacation stories, hers in the sunny and warm south and mine on the ski slope, before any physical activities actually began. The delightful session concluded with more cuddling, caressing and pillow-talks. In fact we were so immersed in the moment that we lost track of our time. And of course, on departing, her lovely furry companions would not let me leave easily without saying goodbye. A visit with her was just like visiting a lovely girl friend accompanied by her furry and cute companions - unforgettable and ever-lasting memories indeed! For the benefits of the readers, here is the link to Candyce's profile page; http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=76277 PM is her preferred way of communication.
  17. I just googled, and this is what I've found: Speed bump Great for... Fast and passionate sex How does it work? You lie out flat on your stomach with a cushion under your belly and pelvic area. He lies on top of you, you spread your legs and he enters you, you'll be orgasming for England before you know it! The turn ons It's a great position for a quickie as things can get quite fast and furious. The turn offs The skin-to-skin contact can mean you get a bit on the sweaty side, and it's not the most romantic of positions. Difficulty rating: 2/5 You just lie down with your face in the pillow - he goes for it Fun rating: 2/5 Your man will probably enjoy it a bit more than you, but worth a go all the same! You say: 'It's the easiest way to reach orgasm' http://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/relationships/galleries/9278/top-20-sex-positions/9 I like this position too, except that we don't use a cushion underneath her.
  18. Never played --- but Cricket, Rugby don't interest me.
  19. Celebrated a special anniversary with a very special lady.
  20. For me personally, if I haven't seen a lady before, I will most likely not notice any changes when I see her for the first time. I am talking about comparing her previous photos and seeing her in person. As far as regulars are concerned, I like the way they look now, which is partially why I repeatedly go back to see them. Small changes like hair color, length of hair, hair style etc are not critical - so I won't mind as much. But a boob augmentation, a nose, a lip or tongue ring, or big tattoos (covering a big part of her body) will probably change their look in a drastic way and will likely make me feel uncomfortable.
  21. This is a very interesting movie which captivated me through the whole length of the movie although I must admit it is a bit too long to my liking. It was heartwrenching and it depicts the ugliness of wars and the inhumane treatment of POWs by the aggressor of WWII. I recommend this film. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/unbroken_2014 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1809398/
  22. A very happy Birthday to you, Lilly!
  23. Happy birthday... and happy hobbying!
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