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Everything posted by Luckyme

  1. Luckyme


    Not sure this will qualify - pan-fried potatoes with garlic sauce at a Shawarma place.... absolutely delicious!
  2. Say Something ( I'm giving up on you ) - by A Great Big World Featuring Christina Aguilera.
  3. Had to cancel and postpone my appointment with my lovely lady this weekend due to an unexpected circumstance. But at least I am immensely grateful that she has agreed to see me next week!
  4. For me, I usually shower just before I visit a lady, so I don't need or expect a lot of things. I even have mouthwash and chewing gum in my car. But one thing I think absolutely necessary is a box of Kleenex or wet wipes, and of course an empty garbage bin. :icon_wink:
  5. I see MA's a lot less than I see other ladies. So far, I had seen only indies since I feel I would be less likely to bump into someone in a private settings. Running into someone is one main reason that deters me to visit a spa.
  6. Visited a Sexual Health Clinic for my regular scheduled tests.
  7. This is one place I have heard of but never visited. The place looks so spectacular and surreal, now it is on my to-visit list. Thanks for your post.
  8. I believe the lovely Emily J works around that area, if I am not mistaken. At least that was where I met her, unless she has moved recently. http://www.lyla.com/classifieds/ottawa-escort-ads/p33-the-attention-you-deserve.html
  9. I saw Interstellar too in an IMAX version. A good sci-fi movie, a bit lengthy in my opinion. But ii's all good and enjoyable especially with my lovely cerb lady beside me! :biggrin:
  10. I have said many times before, that - your courage, outlook and fighting spirits are an inspiration to us all. I wish you all the best and that you have the necessary strength to carry on.
  11. Skiing in the Canadian Rockies with my lovely Cerb lady.:biggrin:
  12. There has been an on-going discussion here - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=199098 It is speculated that the mod is doing some clean-up in anticipation of the new legislation.
  13. Thanks, kassi. I am really looking forward to visiting Jasper in the near future .. especially with my lovely cerb lady! :biggrin:
  14. A delicious sushi dinner for both my lovely lady and mself. :icon_biggrin:
  15. Great educational video! A classmate of mine in graduate school told me he lost one testicle due to cancer. He advised me to check everytime I was having a bath or shower. That's the time the testicles are most relaxed due to the warm water.
  16. The most memorable dish I have ever made was lobster tails stir-fried with chopped tomatoes, chopped onions, some garlic and a bit of soya and oyster sauces. It's memorable because the lovely lady whom I entertained just loved it. :-D
  17. I second that, Craig. Wise men think alike - I guess! :)
  18. This has happened at least a couple of times in the last 2 weeks or so. Yesterday, it was of a shorter duration. No doubt the mods are working on something - most likely in anticipation of the new law.
  19. Like the gentlemen here, I would like to add a couple of advice from the client's perspective. Do not give in to pressure to post your face pics. Sure, you might attract more business if potential clients see your face and know whom they are seeing. But once the pics are out in the cyberspace, they are out for the whole world to see - no turning back. The next advice is - read, read, and read. Forums like cerb are a wealth of information. One area would be of tremendous help is the recommendation section. These recommendations are posted by satisfied customers and they contain ideas that you may want to copy to improve your level of service.
  20. Planning a trip with my lovely lady after a sensual and mesmerizing session -- so excited!! And.. to see her so happy and excited - priceless!
  21. Luckyme

    I love that view too, RR!! ;)
  22. Luckyme

    Lovely view!
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