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Everything posted by Luckyme

  1. Luckyme


    What a beautiful figure!! Wow!
  2. Luckyme


    What beautiful scenery!!
  3. Like a few here, I regularly practise deep breathing or meditation in addition to physical activities such as Martial Arts to counter stress. Talking about deep breathing or meditation, the lady I saw last night complained to me of having trouble going back to sleep after waking up at night. She said she had only about 4-5 hours of sleep each night due to stress and that she had tried counting sheep but it didn't work because her mind was working so hard trying to remember the numbers. So I taught her how to do deep breathing and to meditate. This morning after I texted and asked her how was her sleep last night, she texted back saying " good sleeping.. & long sleeping.."! lol.. That was gratifying to hear! :icon_smile:
  4. Like everyone said here, it has been cerb.ca eversince I joined. You could have mixed up with another similar site. I won't be surprised though, that cerb would change in the near future.
  5. Hey, I thought of this first! :icon_wink: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=195731&page=2
  6. Thank you, Vivian. I have little doubt that this picture is hers. I have not had the opportunity of meeting her yet, but I have seen enough of her pics to know pretty sure this pic is hers. She has been on my radar for a long time. I need to see both of you actually - may be at the same time! :biggrin:
  7. Went back to see the lovely lady again. I did say I would seize the opportunity (that she's here an extra few days) to see her again. And...so glad I did - seizing the opportunity, that is! Our sessions just got better each time. Gone completely were the reservation and quietness. Instead, they were replaced by big lovely smiles, warm hugs and passionate kisses! This shows once again that although YMMV is expected, but when chemistry is developed and due respect is given, the atmosphere of the sessions could only get better. I don't find it necessary to repeat all the details here, but suffice to say that we enjoyed a lot of foreplay, made passionate love, and we finished with lots of cuddling, caressing and kisses -- just like lovers do, really. And... once again, I was left with weaken knees, but a great big smile on my face ... and some ever-lasting memories! Thank you my sweet lady!
  8. This is nice to know and probably welcome by a lot of folks here.
  9. Slurp, you have posed a very good question that I suppose only the agencies can answer. I always find it strange that some girls will use different names in different cities. It certainly makes life difficult for us in trying to match different names in different cities with their photos. Most of the time, I rely on information through grape vines to know who is who. Mona though is an exception - she uses the same name in Toronto as well as here. BTW, this was not an official statement from AP. It was just a casual friendly remark by the phone girl to me. That being said, I had another wonderful visit with this sweetheart today. We were a lot more comfortable with each other since we had already met before. As I mentioned earlier, I just love her smile - so sweet and so classy! Today, I didn't even have a chance to offer her a massage as previously. I was so anxious to kiss and caress her lovely body and she was happy to reciprocate. We made out standing by the bed and things got heated up quickly when we moved to the bed. We tried a couple of things that we didn't have a chance to try last time... and it was intensely enjoyable and mind-blowing! :biggrin: Besides being enthusiastic in what she does and having the will to please, I also find her very fun-loving and endearing .. we enjoyed chit chatting for a while complete with a lot of hand gesturing and broken English! At the end, I asked her how long she would stay. She replied gesturing with her hands that she had all packed up ready to leave but her agent changed the plan and she had to unpack everything. All I could say is - we are so lucky to have a few more days to enjoy the company of this sweet and lovely young lady. I will definitely seize this opportunity to see her again!
  10. I participate in 3 of them - Merb, Terb and Cerb. Of the three, I hardly visit Merb. I find that Terb is more liberal in that reviews are accepted either positive or negative. Sometimes, opinions of some terbites are aggressive and can really turn some people off. Luckily, these aggressive posts including such things as personal attacks, name callings, and accusation against the mods or the site could be removed by reporting them to the Mods. I find that cerb is better managed and the atmosphere is friendlier. It is a recommendation board and not a review board like Terb. I enjoy the discussions and community spirit here. It is more SP-friendly and you tend to see more advertisments here. Advertising is free of charge too.
  11. All the best, Vitto! I have not met you, but I have heard a lot of good things about you through a mutual friend. I've enjoyed reading your many posts especially your enthusiastic views during the World Cup. Happy retirement!
  12. A very Happy Birthday to you, CK! You have chosen a glorious day to celebrate your special day! ;)
  13. Personally, I don't really mind when the stores or malls are decorated with Christmas stuff and with carols playing during the Christmas season. It puts you in a feastive mood. I do however, think that they are over-doing it most of the time. It is not unusual to see Christmas decorations and displays right after Halloween or at the end of the summer, school and Halloween stuff out in the middle of the summer, or summer stuff like lawn furnitures and tools, fertiiizers etc out in the middle of the winter. These look so out of place most of the time. It reminds me of when I was visiting an Asian country near the equator a few years back, it was in about October and the malls were fully and colorfully decorated with Christmas stuff and carols were playing in full blast. The amusing thing is - the outside temperature was over 35 deg C and... it was a Moslem country.
  14. Peachy's stunning new album - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=9581 A couple of samples -
  15. I had the great opportunity to see this lovely lady today. I have heard of her before, and of how popular she was in Toronto. But only after I saw her today with my own eyes and had experienced first hand her exemplary service level that I truly could not understand why she still does not have a single recommendation here in Ottawa. The ever-helpful phone girl Candise was right - "this is why big names don't usually want to come to Ottawa", she said. Mona has a lovely face - the type and features that I really like. She has a wondefully-looking and nicely-proportioned lovely body with silky long hair. To say that she's a model-like is not too far-fetched. She appeared reserved and quiet at first as this was our first meeting ( her English is also limited). But, these reservation and quietness soon would disappear as we progressed further into our session. To prepare for our SF2, she neatly folded my clothing and underwear and put them nicely on a chair. The shower was thorough in that she cleaned each and every inch of my body - the most thorough I had ever experienced with a SP. Having read her ad., I had an idea what she was planning to do to me when we got back to the bedroom. :icon_wink: But, I had a different idea! To her surprise, I motioned her to lie down on the bed instead where I started to give her an erotic massage. Now.. the little moans began as I moved my hands slowly up and down her lovely body and stopping only briefly at the erogenous zones. The moans got louder and the twitching of her body and the arching of her back started as I began to put my lips, tongue and fingers to use. To see how much she enjoyed what I was doing to her almost put me over the edge. After pleasing her for a while, she was eager to return the favour. Her oral skills were also exceptionally good.... I will stop here - suffice to say that I had an extremely enjoyable time with this lovely lady. I was left with such weak knees that I had a hard time walking downstairs to the parking lot! :biggrin: But...I left with a big smile on my face too! I will definitely try to see her again before she leaves Ottawa.
  16. Hi, Mia, welcome to cerb. If you wish, you could put your ad. here - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=316&order=desc
  17. Words of wisdom! It is also true for other businesses as well as if you are on salary. We just can not be sure what the future would bring.
  18. The scent left on the pillow, the bedsheet and the robe by my lovely favorite lady.
  19. Congrats., Daniel, for having achieved this important milestone. Looking forward to many more of your interesting posts!
  20. I do not see that LE will have the resources to check each and everyone of my emails exchanged between a lady and me. For safety measure, we can also keep out the discussions of sexual services as RG pointed out.
  21. Some sites similarly to cerb have already migrated to oversea where Canadian laws are out of reach - so I don't see sites like ours will disappear. I wonder if this may be a good time for clients and ladies to exchange private email addresses - if privacy is not an issue of course.
  22. I didn't realize cats do that too, ie., vomiting after eating grass as Nicolette mentions. I remember seeing my dogs doing this. They will run out to the back yard, eat and chew some grass ( they choose only fine grass tips ) and then force themselves to vomit. It seems quite torturous, but I have a feeling that this is their way of getting rid of something bad that they have eaten previously - a natural way of curing a stomach ailment, I suppose.
  23. Having coffee, surfing cerb and day-dreaming of our extremely intense and beautiful session with my ATF yesterday.
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