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Everything posted by Luckyme

  1. Luckyme

    Nice figure!
  2. Luckyme

    Very sexy!
  3. Non-judgemental is a quality I value in a lady and one that helps me to decide to repeat with her or not.
  4. I must say that I too have noticed an increase in more explicit ads. recently. But I feel that if the ladies find it beneficial to put such types of ads., so be it. That's their livelihoods, who am I to judge? Like you, I've also noticed an increase in the use of explicit language by some clients. They border on hard-core with blow by blow descriptions. I really don't understand why this is necessary either. But if these are allowed, so be it. I just skim over these posts if I find them not to my taste.
  5. Having my morning coffee while cherishing the fond memories of the wonderful time we spent together the last three weeks.
  6. I don't have any tattos on myself perse, but I don't mind some strategically-placed arts on some of my favorite ladies. I must admit that I see them not because of their tattoos and that I will see them with or without the tattoos. When I caress their bodies and run my hands over their nicely-done tattoos, it does make me feel more appreciative of their work of arts. That been said, like someone mentioned here, I am a bit intimitated by heavily-tattooed ladies. I don't know exactly the reason why. This feeling has prevented me to see a few of these beautiful ladies. I would guess that growing up in a era when a tattoo was generally frowned upon could be the reason. P.S. See post #171 in the following thread for some beautiful work of arts - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=152676&page=18
  7. I am thinking some poor guy at Pizza Pizza is going to be asked how much is Greek, and how much is BBBJ....lol.
  8. Comments deletetd by the poster.
  9. tell me more about your bad day, I'm listening!
  10. I am someone who writes better than speaks. So, naturally I prefer writing an email than talking on the phone. It just gives me more time to think about and use the appropriate words although I try not to emulate JK Rowling :icon_wink:. I also prefer to plan ahead. So, sending an email to introduce myself and to book an appointment is perfectly fine with me. If it is a last-minute type of scenario, then I would use my phone and only if this is an acceptable method specified by the SPs or agencies. I tend to think that if you use emails and do not provide the phone number, you might avoid some tire-kickers. But it seems it is not always the case as Sophia stated. The bottom line for me is, I will contact a lady in whatever way she stipulates in her ad., be it phone call, text, PM or email. It does not make sense if one can't even respect that.
  11. Karina, from your description of the event, this man is either very new and hasn't learned the etiquette of this hobby or he was out to take advantage of you. There's no way the clock started after 15 minutes and after he took his shower. That's just plain unreasonable - and on a half an hour appointment?? To me, the clock starts as soon as he steps into the door. He is now enjoying your company and it is on your time. When a client ( and not you) is late for say, 15 minutes. Officially, the clock should start at the appointed time because you were ready and had prepared for him already at the appointed time. However, based on my own experience, the ladies I have seen are kind enough to extend the 15 mins. at the end even without my asking. Of course, this is their prerogative and is only possible if their schedule permits. I must also add that these are ladies I have seen before and know quite well.
  12. I have seen someone calling it Vajayjay - I thought it was cute. Whatever they are called, I love them all! :biggrin:
  13. Happy Birthday to you, Cleo! All the best on your big day!
  14. I made a CD containing most of my favourites and gave it to my ATF. They are songs by artists such as Bon jovi, Adel, Lana Del Ray, Pharrell Williams (a couple). I am not sure if she actually played that CD or not, but all the music being played when I see her are my favorites. I am glad she likes those songs too.
  15. I always wonder about the same thing that Brad is asking, ie., Can you get tired of compliments? When I am with a lovely lady, I feel so happy that compliments come out so frequently and so easy. My own question is that because I tend to repeat with the ladies whom I have seen before and with whom I have good connections. So - Do you get tired of seeing the same clients or regulars and feel that it is a chore? Thank you.
  16. My profile page is pretty "low-traffic"; I don't really mind receiving more lovely messages from fine ladies including those whose pages I have just visited.
  17. Thank you so much to everyone for all your kind words and best wishes. Yes, emiafish, Issy is right, I am "older" than you! lol. I have been a cerb member since 2009. I just hope that she doesn't mean I am really really "older" in age! ;) But I do appreciate very much that you noticed my post counts. You can tell I am not a prolific poster here; 1k posts after almost 5 years! I was more a lurker especially in the first couple of years. I found cerb only because of an oversea friend of mine. Each year, he would visit me and he would plead that I find some fine ladies for him. I stumbled across cerb by accident after rummaging through newspaper ads for a few years. Finding cerb was like god-send, it was such a breeze to find a beautiful lady with all the descriptions and photos. In the beginning, my goal was to look for SPs for him. Then one thing led to another, and I soon found myself participating in this amazing hobby as well in earnest. What I mean is I was not new to hobbying - I have done that in various parts of Asia, Europe and USA. But those were done on occasional basis. Now I have become a regular hobbyist and am finding myself participating more in various posts. I feel like I should try to give back to this community as much as I have gained from it. Thank you everyone for making me feel at home. As RG says, some ramblings! :icon_wink:
  18. Exactly! I have done it many times and I paid whatever she asked. At that moment, I will pay anything the lady asks! :biggrin:
  19. Come to think of it, most of the ladies that I have seen prefer me to leave the envelop on top of the dresser or drawer instead of accepting them in their hands. I don't remember even one of them counting it. Their trust seems to make the session much more comfortable. And the question of envelop or not - my feeling is that money in an envelop is so nice, clean and tidy. We don't really want to touch the bills before we touch and caress each other. Just my thoughts.
  20. It is highly recommended for deep-frying. It is also reported that if you rub or massage coconut oil on your scalp regularly, it will promote growth or at least prevent hair loss. I have never tried it for massage though. Now I am wondering who will be the lucky ( or unlucky) lady that I could experiment it on? :biggrin:
  21. I normally prefer white wine to red. Recently, I hosted a very special cerb lady at home and we had a bottle of Wolf Blass Gold Label Barossa Shiraz 2008. We both like it. When I went back to LCBO, they checked and found out that this wine has been discontinued and no longer available in Ontario. If any cerbies in Ottawa knows where I can find one of these, I'd really appreciate if he/she could let me know. I am looking for specifically 2008 vintage.
  22. These two ladies work or used to work in the Toronto area. You will get better response if you post your question in the Toronto Section. They visited Ottawa once a couple of years ago, and have never been here since. As far as I know, Kareena has retired. Her cousin Latika though is still working in the Toronto airport area. But I don't think anyone will give you the exact location. There are a couple of recommendation threads for Kareena, one in Ottawa and one in Toronto. You can find them if you search for Kareena in the Recommendation Sections of these two cities.
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