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Everything posted by Luckyme

  1. Fresh off the press - the beautiful Nikky Fox's brand new album - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=8303 Of course, she looks much more sensual in person! :biggrin: Here is a fine sample -
  2. Special kind of stupid! lol..
  3. Most MA's will give you a choice of solid RMT style massage or a light, sensual and erotic massage. Since you are looking for FS at the end after a solid massage, I suggest you look for a SP who you know for sure will provide both types of services. One SP I could definitely vouch for is Peachy; she advertises here as both a MA and a SP ( in the SP section), and she's one fine young lady who I know will provide a fantastic service. BTW, you can always ask for a massage as long as you would like but make sure you leave enough time for other fun stuff. :icon_wink: You can also PM (private message) me if you have other questions.
  4. Due to necessity, I usually plan ahead for my encounters. I have asked many ladies I have seen and whom I like to meet again to give me a heads-up when they are visiting Ottawa. Except calling on my phone ( which is a big no-no), I don't mind they contact me by text, email, PM or even message on my profile page. I do make sure however, that I have my alert turned off when a text comes in. One time, a touring SP with whom I have been communicating for a while on a friendly-basis texted me out of the blue and the alert sounded. It was not good timing-wise. Since then, I always have it off. I check my phone often, so, I can and do respond to my texts in a timely fashion.
  5. Heard from a fine cerb lady with whom I was in contact a year ago and who I thought had left this business - made my day!
  6. My dear friend - Thinking of you!
  7. Just curious as to which is a better way to back up - in a portable hard drive or using a site such as MyPC Back up? Both cost money, but having never experienced a crash before, just wonder which will be easier to recover the files? Sorry for the hijack.
  8. This seems to be exactly what is happening to a SP I know. From what I heard, she paid for the photo-shooting, and yet the photographer is the one who owns the rights. So, if she wants to use them, she has to pay a fee ( again). I find this very intriguing and strange.
  9. I love this song ever since I heard it here. Thank you so much, Peachy. Here is a version with the lyrics - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp3Nxbuy48w
  10. I just couldn't get tired of this song - Lana Del Rey's Blue Jeans
  11. Why is it that it is so beautiful out and yet so freaking cold??
  12. Couldn't agree with you more. While I admire those who are actually talented and appear openly confident, I tend to like and respect those who are talented but who keep a low profile. Perhaps I can identify more with the latter. In the business world however, it is the first type that advances farther in life.
  13. I have also observed that there is one openly confident type who appears confident but when in actual fact, they really don't know that subject well. They just have the delibrate habit of putting out a confident facade to garner respect and to gain advantages.
  14. I agree. I think the key is "copying it and use it somewhere without permission" - that's a copyright infringement. Also, as raindancer says, you don't even have to copy to check the photos on Tineye. Searching a photo obviously is not illegal. If it is on the Internet, one can not prevent anyone to search for it. Otherwise, search engines such as Google would be out of business long time ago.
  15. Snead O'Connor's -- Nothing compares 2U (My fav.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUiTQvT0W_0
  16. If you want something badly, no one can stop you If you don't want something, no one can force you
  17. To coincide with her triumphant return to Ottawa today, I nominate the beautiful, sexy and lovely Nikky Fox as the Cerb goddess of the day! My apology, her pictures will be coming out real soon!
  18. Freaky the Scary Snowman strikes fear in Boston http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-buzz/freaky-scary-snowman-strikes-fear-boston-210000742.html
  19. I scored a 39 the first time. Seeing that in a couple of questions, I could have picked another choice easily, I did it the second time. This time I scored a 44. Interestingly, I could see I have some personality traits in both these two categories - 31-40 and 41-50.
  20. I would like to wish the beautiful Ashley Myers a very Happy Birthday!
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