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Everything posted by Luckyme

  1. The good news is that Canadian health officials have ordered doctors to stop testing patients to confirm their virginity. The bad news is that this practice still goes on at all. In a virginity check, a woman or girl is examined internally to determine if her hymen is intact. On Friday, the Montreal Gazette reported that the Quebec College of Physicians has firmly warned doctors to stop the practice after healthcare workers reported [URL="http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Quebec+doctors+warned+stop+performing+virginity+tests/9028563/story.html"][COLOR=#0066cc]â??five incidents of families seeking virginity checks in the last 18 months in Quebec.â?[/COLOR][/URL] In one of the incidents, a school nurse reported that a student said sheâ??d been forced to go to a clinic where â??The physician was pressured by the family in the emergency room. The father was very insistent about having the certificate, and to get rid of the problem, the doctor did it.â? Charles Bernard, president of the Collège des Médecins, told the Gazette this weekend, â??Imagine a doctor who does a gynecological examination with the sole purpose of â?¦ it goes beyond the imagination. And itâ??s degrading to women.â? Appallingly, virginity tests are not uncommon throughout the world. The practice was banned in South Africa in 2005, but the Washington Post reported three years later that some South Africans, â??who say it is a way to curb teenage pregnancy and AIDS, [URL="http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2008-09-26/world/36915476_1_virginity-test-zulu-custom-goodwill-zwelithini"][COLOR=#0066cc]defiantly embrace the practice.â?[/COLOR][/URL] In 2011, Egyptian soldiers clearing out Cairoâ??s Tahrir Square subjected female detainees to virginity tests. As one protestor later attested, she was slapped and called a prostitute, had electric shocks to her legs, and was subjected to â??vulgarity no one can handle.â? She and the other women were then stripped, and â??If a girl said she was a virgin, [URL="http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/09/one-year-later-egyptian-women-subjected-to-virginity-tests-await-justice/?_r=0"][COLOR=#0066cc]she was subjected to a â??check upâ??[/COLOR][/URL] by someone she didnâ??t know.â? In India, [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/14/health/14glob.html?scp=1&sq=rape%20test&st=cse"][COLOR=#0066cc]both rape victims[/COLOR][/URL] and brides-to-be have been subjected to the tests. Last summer, [URL="http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/476720/20130610/virginity-pregnancy-testing-mass-marriage-ceremony-india.htm"][COLOR=#0066cc]up to 450 women underwent the test[/COLOR][/URL] before a mass wedding in the district of Betul. And this August, H.M. Rasyid, the education office head in South Sumatraâ??s Prabumulih district, announced that girls entering high school will be subjected to a virginity test because [URL="http://www.smh.com.au/world/virginity-test-for-high-school-girls-20130821-2sah1.html#ixzz2hip6yfXR"][COLOR=#0066cc]â??every woman has the right to virginity,[/COLOR][/URL]â? and â??we expect students not to commit negative acts.â? Aside from the primary fact that a virginity test is evil and invasive, itâ??s not even accurate â?? as any teenager whoâ??s ever gone horseback riding or read [URL="http://www.obtampons.com/faq"][COLOR=#0066cc]the instructions in a box of tampons[/COLOR][/URL] could tell you. As ethicist and researcher Marie-Ã?ve Bouthillier told the Gazette, to assume so â??reduces virginity to a piece of skin.â? Claire Faucher, an assistant clinical professor at the Université de Montréal, says that the World Health Organization considers virginity testing sexual violence against women. And Amnesty International calls it [URL="http://www.amnesty.org/en/ai_search?keywords=virginity+tests&op=Search&form_id=search_theme_form&form_token=5071bfd802fa7397e780eca0d94ffff8"][COLOR=#0066cc]â??sexual violenceâ?¦ akin to rape.â?[/COLOR][/URL] In far too many places in this world, a girlâ??s virginity is so highly prized her community is willing to sexually abuse her to try to confirm it. And though an official statement on the ethics of the practice may help curb it in some areas, itâ??s clear from its persistence in places where itâ??s not supposed to exist that it takes a lot more than saying itâ??s wrong to stop it. As Bouthillier notes, testing is easy to perpetuate â??because itâ??s a taboo practice and itâ??s hidden.â? Thatâ??s why more education and enlightenment and protections for girls need to be a serious priority in the healthcare profession, all over the world. Healthcare providers need to be trained to talk to families that request the procedure, and how to handle their demands with sensitivity. Because if a girlâ??s hymen is more prized than her basic human rights, what happens to her next, whatever the result? â??Whatâ??s hiding behind this demand?â? asks Faucher. â??What awaits the girl? Is she in danger? Are we giving her a ticket to something more dangerous that may follow a certificate of virginity?â? [URL]http://www.salon.com/2013/10/14/the_invasive_sexist_practice_of_testing_girls_virginity/[/URL]
  2. Fascinating! Bad news for the Jurassic Park's fans though, no new T. rexes will result. Researcher Yulia Goreva used a mass spectrometer to detect a blood protein in the mosquito's stomach. Unfortunately for would-be dinosaur cloners, the mosquito flew long after dinosaurs went extinct, and its meal was probably blood from a dino descendant, a bird. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/fossil-mosquito-yields-46-million-year-old-blood-1.2053945
  3. For me, it is right here, cerb. - tried, tested and trusted! :D
  4. You're welcome. Runa does have some good recommendations here on cerb., and very good reviews on the other site. I have not seen her personally but she seems to be a must-see.
  5. I just love those little birdies!
  6. Sorry, I don't understand why you gave her Location and Atmosphere a rating and you have not even seen her? :confused0024:
  7. It seems Runa of Asian Passion is visiting, see their ad here - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=152746 I must admit that I have not seen her before/yet.
  8. I saw Chloe of Asian Passion recently. Booking was easy with Candise and the westend location is easy to find, discrete and with plenty of parking space. Over the years, I have seen a few Asian SPs including Coco, Bella, Jina, Shasha, Meggie, Sopia etc, but I would say Chloe is easily the most beautiful of them all. She has a great attitude, is very friendly, playful, willing to please and she is hot! She has an oval face with a beautiful pointed chin which I love, long silky black hair and a delightful and toned body to boot. The photos on their ad are hers and you can see her wonderfully crafted and shaped body. But you really have to see her in person to appreciate how beautiful she actually is. After an entertaining shower for two where she washed deligently every nook and cranny of mine,:icon_wink: she wanted to give me a massage. But I had a better idea - I asked her to lie on her back and went on to please her instead.:tongue: She seemed to love and enjoy the way I kissed her all over, moving her hips and twisting her lovely body accompanied by some sweet moans. This girl loves oral and she has some great oral skills herself as well! She put these to great use when she kissed every part of my body. The feeling was so good and so erotic! The AP's latest ad says she will be here for another week - http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=152746. I will definitely be seeing her again the first chance I get. Thank you Chloe for been so wonderful and Candise for recommending her.
  9. Haha.. I am not too too fond of pumpkin pie either. I am glad I didn't send you one! :icon_wink:
  10. Anything deep-fried usually tastes good. I love deep-fried whole chicken, but have never tried a deep-fried turkey. Will need a humongous deep frier!
  11. I prefer a roast goose or duck over a turkey. To me, turkey is too meaty and dry especially the breast.
  12. I find that this picture below (from FB) does not belong to the " Funny Pictures", or " ..Lol Cat..." or " Puppies" thread, or any existing threads for that matter. It is cute, interesting, endearing and heart-warming. This thread should capture some incredible and interesting pictures you may find in the cyber space.
  13. One thread you should find useful is the recommendation thread. The reco. posts of the lady that fancies you should give you an idea as to what you can expect from the encounter with her. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=125 Good luck and welcome to this incredible hobby.;)
  14. I had visited a cerb lady who used Lord Elgin as her incall place; I had absolutedly no issues at all. I think you'd have less problem entertaining a lady or two there. Apart from what nerdnerd suggested, there are a few lovely SPs including Peachy and Isabella Gia about 10 minutes by cab across the bridge on the Gatineau side. They are worth the extra cab fares.
  15. No, most probably not. Hmmm... on second thought, if she can cook like a pro.....decision, decision! :icon_wink:
  16. Check where the 19th hole is!
  17. Some ladies will fancy a tough and rough guy like this - until they find out that he is tough and rough on everyone, no exception.
  18. Best of luck, my friend! Hang in there and keep your spirit up, and, who knows, the weather may still be warm enough when you get back for a few rounds on the golf course! I know you're a much better golfer than this guy, this is just for fun!
  19. If you want something badly, no one can stop you If you don't want something, no one can force you unknown Martial Artist
  20. I am extremely concerned at the presence of a third person in this situation especially if I have been respectful, non-threatening and non-abusive through out. As others have suggested, the mod should be contacted for his take in this - if it is a B&S, or a dangerous encounter, I am sure he'll take the appropiate action such as banning this provider.
  21. Luckyme

    Beautiful and sensual!
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