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Everything posted by Luckyme

  1. I love the smell of a freshly-showered body with a very slight and faint scent of a flowery or fresh perfume, body-wash or a body-lotion on the lady. I prefer that to the spicy type. Any deordorant (scented or not) applied should be very light in the under-arm areas since my lips and tongue tend to wander to those erotic regions. :icon_wink:
  2. Both look hot, but I opt for girl 1 since I could see her face and - wow, a cute, pretty and sexy one!
  3. I am very pleased to have stumbled on this thread again. Thank you, Al, for starting it. I have many regrets in life, but I try not to dwell on them like many folks say here. There are many " what if's", and sometimes, I do wonder too. Like you, CH, I had worked hard to have obtained the highest degree one could study for. However, I had no regret in getting my highest education. What I would do if I were to reborn again though, I would have spent more time in doing the fun things most or all young people do such as partying and getting some girl friends to spend time with. But since the "reborn" is out of the question, I am grateful and indebted to cerb and my favorite ladies here for providing me the opportunity to live my "gfe" dream.
  4. Watching a humming bird chasing away a chickadee who flew near the nectar.
  5. Based on my experience, YoungBeautyMirella provided me with the most enthusiastic and wet DFK. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=55102 She does not advertise regularly, but if you are lucky, you could find her ad. in the Shout Box usually towards the afternoon or evening.
  6. I had another incredible massage session with the Breath Taking Vivian this past weekend. This sweet cutie knew how to treat and pamper her clients - with sensual touches, great cheerful personality, and great massage. Her sensual finger touching or teasing was so erotic and arousing. The build-up made the ending so amazing! She knows how to make you feel good about yourself too. For example, when I wrote in my last reco. that she liked chit-chatting, she told me that she only did that with me! lol. I don't believe her, I think she possesses that cheerful, friendly and relaxed personality that she will be chatting non-stop with all her clients! And, this makes the session so much more enjoyable!
  7. Had a wonderful rendezvous with a very special lady, then treated her to a home cooked lunch including BBQ chicken, BBQ green peppers and eggplants, Caesar salad, then Strawberry Mousse Cake with a cup of delicious Cappuccino! Ummmm.. life is good! :D
  8. Congrats., RG! 8000 posts, that's a mind-boggling no.!
  9. Vivian, as far as I know, is a MA and not a SP that the OP is looking for. If you are looking for RMT type of massage with some extras, she is excellent.
  10. Thank you, my friend, for including me in this great group of fellow cerbites - I am truly flattered. I really enjoy our correspondence and I am grateful for your friendship as well. Take care.
  11. You are so right, Emily. The Senate should have been abolished long time ago. They are so useless and are really a joke. Our tax dollars could go to better use than feeding these bunch of political-appointees. What a shame!
  12. A person who's drowned in cologne or perfume or aftershave turn me off big time. So, I am extremely careful not to overdo it myself. Before an appointment, I take a thorough shower with Dove soap. Then a bit of Old Spice deordorant in underarm arm area and a tiny bit of body lotion. On another note, I just love the "mild" scent of a lovely lady I recently received at home. After an overnight stay, she borrowed a robe from me when she had finished her shower and then wearing it while putting on her makeup and so on. The mild scent she has left on the robe is so sweet, sensual and perfect and it reminds me so much of our lovely encounter.
  13. I have seen Peachy many times since she is one of my ATF's. I can say for certain that she is indeed a lovely spinner. Another gorgeous lady whom I have seen that came to mind is Isabella Gia. She will fit your description perfectly. PM me if you wish for further info.
  14. The rendezvous that I was so looking forward to and dreaming of and that was planned two weeks ago got cancelled at the last minute. The saddest part is - I may never see this beauty again! :sad:
  15. Please check your PM, just sent you her contact info.
  16. It seems some tweeking has been going on recently. A couple of months ago, I could go back to only four pages of my last posts. Today, I could read up to 20 pages, and you are right, the number of posts is exactly 490. The mod may be able to shed some light.
  17. After a meal especially if there are a lot of talking or chatting during the meal, this could happen pretty easily and frankly, quite normal to be gassy because of the air we swallow. But, it has never happend to me (yet!). I think you had managed the situation well to continue whatever you were doing as if nothing had happened.
  18. Another interesting and thought-provoking post, Peachy. Much like you, I feel a lot more comfortable with one-on-one meetings, communicating by pms, emails and so on. If needs be though, I could mingle and have done that in the past in my professonal life in a group situation. For privacy reason, I will not find it comfortable in attending events such as the cerb social events.
  19. That's a very unusual request and it certainly raises a red flag. For safety reason, this person should be ignored. You did the right thing and it's his loss.
  20. I find that most ads on cerb are in general interesting and attention-getting. I also feel that I tend to pay more attention to the ones belonging to ladies I see regularly, have seen before or interested in seeing. In particular, Peachy...... beautiful presentation, eye-pleasing and professional formatting, interesting and innovative contents, Emily J.......witty, sexy, honest and not shy to state what she wants Cleo Catra...witty, sexy, interesting and always purring with pleasure Nathalie Lefebvre ...beautiful photos, thought-provoking, sensual Georgiana Sweet.....beautiful photos, sensual, sexy Julie Wilde .............classy, mysterious, sensual I am sure there are a few more which I can't recall at the moment :icon_redface:
  21. I totally understand and agree with what you said, Peachy. Since this is your business and you are your own boss, you have the right to do whatever suits you and no one should complain including whether you charge more or less than other providers. This is a very special intimate experience. No one should expect two encounters to be the same. A lot depends on the mood and circumstances. If you decide to give a client a deal or extra time, as a client, I will not expect the same treatment or deal that I received today at the next visit. This is akin to the scenario that - when I buy a ticket to watch a hockey game and the game ends in a draw and takes two OT's to settle the score, I should not expect the same thing ( with regards to OT's) will happen at the next game even between the same two teams. In addition, I will also refrain from discussing anything or any deal that happens between me and a provider with anyone else. If I do that, I will have lost the trust we have for each other and which we both observe and respect.
  22. I have never met you, but through this battle of yours, you've become an inspiration for me and, for a lot of other people, no doubt. Keep your head high and continue your successful journey. You'll soon find yourself back on the golf course - not only to flirt with (and teach) the cerb ladies, but also to play.
  23. After your meeting and, most likely you would have a wonderful encounter, you might want to write a recommendation for the benefits of others including newb's like yourself. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=125 Good luck.
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