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Everything posted by Luckyme

  1. I have to echo what Jhena Grey said. I found out the hardway myself that once the title is in, you can not remove or change it. So now, I either avoid the title altogether or be absolutely certain that what I put in as a title is what I want.
  2. I just did. Thank you again Peachy, for this initiative.:bigclap:
  3. I like and have used - Sweetie, sweetheart, darling, sunshine, adorable one.
  4. Thank you for such a thought-provoking and interesting thread, Issy. In our busy lives, we tend to do things which we think are necessary and in the process, we often neglect to think of ourselves or to take care of ourselves. As my life progresses to a certain age, I've become more and more concerned of the burden I could put on the society and on my family members when I grow older. I therefore, start to make special efforts to try to improve my health and well-being, to eat right, to exercise on a regular basis and to relief undue stress. I did not think of this until now that I am actually doing all these also because I love myself. Here are some of the things I could think of - - I try to find reason(s) to excuse someone who has said something or done something that upsets me - try to forgive and forget - which is pretty hard to do - keep active by participating in many types of sports regularly and all through the year - eat lots of fruits and veggies according to the food guide and cut down on fats and sugar - meditate regularly - keep my mind active and sharp by reading and by playing Scrabble, Mahjong etc. - I'd like very much to learn to play piano and to relearn playing guitar
  5. Today, I nominate Kareena - the beautiful EI angel to be the cerb goddess of the day. Kareena and her cousin Latika are visiting from TO and will be here for only a few days. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity of meeting the equally lovely Latika yet. :-( Here is the lovely Kareena - and here -
  6. I am glad you had similar experience with Kareena's cousin, Latika. Kareena is indeed a very friendly and down to earth sweet girl! She said I looked like her surgeon who saved her life; and that's the reason she liked me rightaway, lol.. She's so funny and their website reflects their great sense of humour. I had such wonderful and unforgettable time! Since they have different names, I'd suggest that you post another reco. for Latika, this way if someone is looking just for her, he'll find her.
  7. I have never met an East Indian courtesan before, so I was quite nervous as to what type of experience I would encounter. Any doubt or any worries quickly disappeared when I stepped in and saw her in her dt hotel room. She made me feel at ease rightaway and wow, she's truly an amazing looking girl with beautiful eyes, wonderful smile, a gorgeous body - and a warm welcome! She really looks like an angel! Kareena provides an unforgettable girl friend experience with lots of kisses, caressing and huggings. She enjoys what she's doing and it felt so nice to joke and converse with her while at the same time exchanging lots of dfk's and touching. She not only has a great sense of humour but she also provides exemplary services. In fact, she's quite talkative ( in a fun way) except when she was enjoying herself. I enjoyed our time so much that the one hour appointment was quickly extended to an extra half hour. Even that was a bit inadequate! That's how much fun I had with her! This is the first time this gorgeous girl from Toronto is visiting here together with her cousin. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=102221 Although they are new here, they have been extensively and positively reviewd on the other board. The beautiful photos in her ad. and her website are real. I highly recommend this young lady to anyone and hope that she'll find it worthwhile to come back and visit Ottawa again in the future. Thank you so much, sweet Kareena! I for one will be looking forward to your next return! :smile:
  8. I had the opportunity of seeing the adorable Claire again recently. Contrary to my previous routine, I do not think it is necessary to write an elaborate recommendation this time since I had already written two. I will therefore, attempt to provide only a gist of our awesome and unforgettable encounter. After seeing her multiple times, Claire still amazes me with her beauty, her mesmerizing smile, her toned, slim and tight body. I find that her service remains top-notch, which when coupled with her sensual and friendly personality, entice me to go back to see her again and again. Thank you, Claire for a wonderful time! I'll be counting the minutes until we meet again!:icon_biggrin:
  9. - Seeing the cute little humming birds chasing each other near the feeder and hovering over my head - Smelling the aroma of fresh coffee after opening a new can And these --
  10. My cerb goddess of the day goes to - Claire Aldridge - the adorable one! She is now back in Ottawa after away in TO for a short while. and here -
  11. One of the main reasons that I continue to indulge in this wonderful hobby is that the beautiful ladies from cerb do not discriminate against size, age, race, disablilities etc. They not only provide the intimacy, companionship, and friendship that I cherish, but they also provide me with a fantasy world - a world in which I could fantasize them being my sweethearts, honeys, darlings and more. I salute them for being here when I need them. Without them, my world would have been a lesser place. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, lovely ladies!
  12. Issy is right, it has only been a day. If you check now, Peachy, your club has grown in number and is now more than twice as yesterday. I have joined as well so I can learn some new things and hopefully I can become an active participant. Your enthusiasm in organizing this book club is much appreciated and commendable.
  13. I was an avid reader in my younger days; my favorites were suspense and spy mysteries with also some romantic novels added in. Nowadays I read mostly books on traditional martial arts and philosophy, and journals/magazines including scientific, martial arts and sports like golf, tennis etc. A bookclub like this would probably entice me to go back to reading some serious stuff like everyone else is reading, lol.. I may not be able to participate reading anything "serious" rightaway, but I will take note and hopefully something will peak my interest. So, please count me in.
  14. I am not looking for something expensive to hang my clothes. An inexpensive ordinary hanger will be good enough. If the incall is in a hotel, then I'll have no choice but to leave them on the dresser or a chair.
  15. I like Meg for her insightful posts and for having crazy cravings like "Sliced cucumber topped with cream cheese and a ton of black pepper" which sounds yummy... And I like mrgreen for his attempt in saving the environment! LOL...
  16. I have used Dell and Toshiba laptops over the years and I have absolutely no problem with either of them. With Dell, you can mix and match the components you want installed which is quite handy as one of the posters above mentioned.
  17. Congrat. Meg, for achieving such a milestone!
  18. I would like to say a big thank you ( sorry not a little TY!) to - - the many beautiful cerb ladies whom I have met eversince I have participated in this wonderful hobby and whom I am still seeing regularly. These include Coco, Peachy, Claire Aldridge, Isabella Gia, Annika Reiley and more ( in chronological order as I've met them). Without them, my life would have been incomplete and would not be the same - my best friend on cerb who is also my advisor, my confidant and simply a good friend with similar taste - the one and only Capital Hunter I would also like to say thank you to the following cerb ladies - Nathalie Lefebvre, Malika, Miss Sophia V's, SaraMQ etc whom I have not yet met but whose posts I find humourous, witty and insightful.
  19. - Thinking of the beautiful ladies on cerb whom I have the opportunity to see regularly - Thinking of or seeing my little dog running to me, lying flat on her back on the floor for a tummy rub, and licking my face - Listening to music including classical and pop - Enjoying a good meal - home-cooked or restaurant - Enjoying my favorite vacation spots
  20. Here it is - At Last by Etta James, one of my favorites as well; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADDigK8LwyE And, here is the version by Josh Krajcik in his first audition in front of the X Factors judges 2011. This is the version that gives me goose bumps - the song starts at 2;29 sec. ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BWPbIdFlvs
  21. Thank you for this clarification regarding shaving and trimming. To me shaving is with a razor (or an electric shaver) and is normally done down to baldness. I find it difficult or squeamish to shave the balls bald because of the texture and tenderness. Instead, I trim the whole area using the trimmer in my electric shaver making sure it does not touch the skin. Doing this needs a bit of practice and patience. I am glad this trimming meets your standard, Peachy, ;).
  22. I too have noticed that very soon after the Erotic Ad. Sections were shut down. The ads. seem to shift over to the Therapeutic Section gradually. I must admit though, I haven't been on CL for a long long time - who needs CL when we have cerb.? :biggrin:
  23. I love the tribute to John Lennon singing "Imagine". Also love the Queen with JJ - only wish Freddie Mercury were here (RIP!). The Spice Girls were fun to watch!
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