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Everything posted by billybob

  1. So I'm on the train killing time watching After Dark and I just heard Ian go through Britney's season and tell her week by week who she voted for, then he did the same with Dan.....holy fuck.
  2. Don't want to be annoying, but check the thread I posted above, it will give you some insight into your question.
  3. If she finds out you are on this board do you think her hand might slip the next time she helps you shave your balls?
  4. Similar thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=101147
  5. I'm no world traveler but isn't it common for some ladies in European countries to be au natural?
  6. Most are completely shaved? Interesting, I wonder what the average age of your clients are. I realize that there are older gents (my age and older) who do completely shave but I will only add that not that long ago, 10 years or so??? this conversation doesn't happen. I realize that it's been longer than 10 years since people have been shaving genitals but I don't think, and I could be wrong, that 10 years ago a lady would say most of her clients are shaved. I do some manscaping but have not had the balls yet to run a razor across my balls.
  7. So Joe and Will got nominated. I missed the first half of the show I'll have to download it later and watch. Even though I complain about the After Dark show I continue to download it :) It seems to be real hit and miss, the show either has a whole lot of strategic talk or a whole lot of watching them work out. It appears the target went from Joe to Will, not sure where it is at the moment and I'm not sure which one I want to leave more. I saw Will in the HH room and he wasn't even trying to strategize with Frank and Boogie. Oh well, can't wait for the next one :)
  8. I could be wrong but pretty sure it is against the rules to post prices.
  9. This is my opinion. I think Awards are a bad idea, it separates members and puts certain members "above" other members. I understand the idea of wanting to recognize a members post/contribution on the board but inevitability it will turn into a popularity contest. As was stated previously it caused an issue in the past, one of the posters was questioning whether another member should even be eligible for an award based on the number of posts that member had (or join date I forget which it was). We're human, humans tend to side with like minded people so if you win an award that probably means more people than not agree with what you said i.e. what you said is "popular". There are always exceptions but a member could write a very detailed, well written, well thought out post that a majority of the members disagree with, that post will never win an award. Even the current reputation point process has been evolving based on how members are awarding them. Clearly some current members were trying to prop up some new members so that member has a "higher status. Personally I don't value what is said in a post based on that members status or number of awards won, I agree, disagree, like, don't like the post based on its content. I was never the popular kid in school, can ya tell?
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2132052/Men-pay-price-reading-instructions-hair-removal-cream-review-pages-painful-genital-experiences.html
  11. I'd be nervous as hell to put a razor on my penis. The Neet option is very interesting though, anything to make my penis look bigger.
  12. It would interesting to poll some of your clients, see what they say. It seems like some of the posters here feels it takes away from the "GFE" experience, I guess I understand wanting to keep up the fantasy. But ultimately it is a business transaction, no matter how much you like her or she likes you, you're the customer, she's the SP. Without that relationship there is no relationship.
  13. You posted earlier that you visited the place??
  14. $100 off is a good deal too. Phaedrus brought up a good point about people trying to abuse your offer, definitely something to take into consideration. I would think if your deal was 10 sessions then abuse would be minimal but that is complete speculation on my part.
  15. :D HRM is not New Brunswick, it's Nova Scotia. Just a friendly fyi.
  16. What an interesting idea :) I say that because there was a thread here just recently asking something very similar. Read it, some people kinda beat up on the guy. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=98481 How about this, buy 1 get one free :), I'm joking, I'm joking. I think 5 visits in a year get the sixth one free is reasonable. You would have to track it somehow but I think it could be done.
  17. I downloaded After Dark a few times, I just can't sit through any of it, or very little, wish I would have heard the convo about penis's and pubic hair though :) I like Danielle, but after sifting through some of the After Dark episodes it just seems she talks and talks and talks. I know there's nothing else for those guys to do in the house, but she just kinda gets to me. Dan mentioned in a DR session that he would love to take Ian to the end, I don't doubt that could happen, Dan is one of the best liars ever to play BB.
  18. Sorry to hear about your experience, no matter how much we try there are always exceptions.
  19. FYI for anyone who cares. Scotia Shuttle Service travels between Halifax and Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton. It's only once a day but it's an option to consider. Earlier this year I traveled from Saint John to Fredericton, $20, can't beat that. The guy even went out of his way to drop me off exactly where I wanted.
  20. That's really annoying that they put people through the hell of a strike and now are closing down. Hopefully someone else will come here and do well.
  21. This is my last post on the subject..... Apparently I picked a bad analogy. The point I was trying to make was that several Ladies have reported no shows. So, if you read account after account of no shows why would you go there, then post about how you had a bunch of no shows? I did not read anything new in RG's post, the fact that Moncton has a bunch of no shows has been stated several times. Given all this talk about no shows I see Emily has booked a visit there, I sincerely hope she does well.
  22. Okay, as long as I can get the last word in :)
  23. Seriously? I'm not supposed to read posts and comment on them? You can avoid reading posts that bother you and not comment on them as well. If threads about Moncton no shows bother you don't read and comment on them. Your post added nothing to the conversation, it was simply piling on. I am entitled to my opinion as well and until I unable to do so I will continue expressing myself.
  24. If I tried to book a lady and she cancelled on me 5 times I couldn't name her on this board. If I could I'm sure everyone would say, stop complaining, just stop booking her. My only point is it's been said, multiple times, why do we have to keep saying it over and over.
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