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Everything posted by Lowdark

  1. Berlin has a very good point about newspapers. The public is very uninformed about most issues and this is no different. Opponents of change will cater to public ignorance and capitalize on the absence of information and knowledge. The media will be very instrumental in this, especially outside of the CBC (which is poorly viewed by the average Canadian). It will be very interesting to see how SUN media treats this. They'll probably dismiss it as a moral outrage perpetrated by cultural and itellectual "elites" (and sell a large chunk of their classified ad space to SPs, MAs and adult entertainment). We should all keep an eye on the media over the next few days.
  2. I don't think we have to worry about that. The Government would need everyone in their own party to vote for a bill plus some members from the opposition parties as well. No Liberal, NDP or Bloc Quebecois MP is going to vote with the Conservitives on any bill right now let alone one concerning prostitution. But I do believe there is going to be a long court battle over this and the Conservatives are gloing to fight this in the court of public opinion and try to galvanize support from the rural voting base.
  3. I too remember reading about the disappearance of women in Vancouver before it became a national story. The number then was around. Social workers threw up their hands in exasperation at the negliegence of law enforcement and the media (nothing against the men and women in blue, their political superiors rarely care about anything that doesn't pop up in polls). One social worker asked if this would be the case if it were college girls disappearing. Let's hope that possible decriminalization open's the eyes of both the public and the law to the equality of the women in this indstry.
  4. It's just common sense and simple courtesy.
  5. It should prove interesting. Additional Comments: It should prove interesting.
  6. Excellent post Alexxis. Everyone who visits a lady should adhere to a code of conduct, respect and dignity. ALWAYS. I have had the privilege of meeting some ladies and all had horror stories about some of the men they have seen. It's a shame and inexcusable. People who think and act this way don't deserve to share the time of people like yourself and others (whether it's CERB or anywhere else).
  7. Remember, no matter how tough Hell looks, your bigger and tougher.
  8. I think it's a matter that on CERB scam artists and the like are immediately discovered and removed, weeding out the bad apples. CERB probably has a reputation as the last place that people looking to rob and cheat would want to try. I'd also hazard a guess that a community is the last place most of the hobbyiests who use CL would want to go. I agree with Mister C, CL just isn't trustworthy (no disprespect to the CERB ladies who also use it).
  9. Excellent thread. I've been thinking a lot about the ortaility of some family members lately and it's convinced me to make more time for friends and family. They're whas important and should be treasured. Worry less about what other people think (they could be as bad as the bartender, or worse) and what makes you and yours happy.
  10. Welcome to CERB, Amy. One thing I learned was to appreciate everyone else's wisdom (particularly the ladies and long time members) and respect their opinions even if you disagree with them (unless they're Leafs Fans). I'm. sure you'll be fine.
  11. That was hilarious. And the dog seemed to be enjoying it far more than the guy! He probably got treats.
  12. Right back at you, Wrinkled. May it be a good one for everyone.
  13. I admit that while I have my theories on reilgion, stories like this convince me there is plenty of magic in the world. Thank you Isabella for sharing this with us.
  14. I'm not quite sure what has happened but I think we should all let MOD or the people who CERB know that we appreciate both the board and the work they do. They run the risk of their decisions not being popular or agreed upon but they do it in the interest of both the board and the community. A safe place to communicate and share free of judgement and stigma, one that allows everyone safety. I really only started this thread as an opportunity for others to let the powers that be here at CERB know that their work is appreciated. Whether you've agreed with the decisions or not, we have all benefited in one way or another from CERB and for that, we all owe MOD a great big beer.
  15. Like a few others on this thread, I am not married and have never really had a serious SO, so I have always tried to keep in mind that this business is about fantasy or temporary companionship. I have seen some very nice and definitely beautiful ladies. There was one young lady I visited for nearly a year and felt very strongly for until she moved on. There's a lady I met through CERB only a few months ago who I currently consider a very good friend. So I wouldn't say I've ever fallen in love, but felt strong friendship for and protective of, definitely.
  16. Outstanding idea, Isabella. This is a genuinely dignified gesture. it's virtually beyond words. keep up the good work!
  17. I believe this would be the very definition of awkward.
  18. I don't think Isabella was insulting CL or judging any of the ladies who use it. I get the impression that she was just saying she was wondering why so many threads were started inquiring about ladies from CL as oppossed to the ladies who use CERB. But I don't think she was trying to make any sort of moral assertions or insult anyone.
  19. So no mouth to mouth then? Just kidding. Excellent work Lindsay. I'll be looking to make my donatiob soon.
  20. I understand Isabella's point. If you were a hockey player that worked your butt off to make the big team but you overheard some of the scouts asking about prospects from another organization, one with a very questionable reputation, while you're right there in their back yard, well, I can't think of anyone in that kind of situation who might not be a little confused. Additional Comments: I understand Isabella's point. If you were a hockey player that worked your butt off to make the big team but you overheard some of the scouts asking about prospects from another organization, one with a very questionable reputation, while you're right there in their back yard, well, I can't think of anyone in that kind of situation who might not be a little confused.
  21. Everything in our world, in our lives has historical context. From the gods people cliam to believe in to the languages they speak. he only reason the residents of Buckingham plalace are still speaking english as a first language is because Canada and the United States helped keep them from being conquered by Nazi Germany. The only reason we live on this land is because our ancestors stole it from the people wjho lived here for millenia before. While the Americans chose outright murder and genocide, we preferred starvation and residential schools. The situation with Canada'a aboriginal people is the result of years of abuse, neglect and cultural contempt. Does that excuse violence committed by First Nations? Does it excuse rampant addictions? No. But the current situation can only be solved by both sides standing up and saying it's time to change the status quo because right now too much of the First Nations is caught in a culture of self destructive dependance that will only result in the eventual extinction of their culture. The Canadian government (both Liberal and Conservative) has simply thrown money and hollow apologies at the problem and has expected that to be a enough. They need to make a very strong gesture to Native leaders and say we need to change this. This is the sin this country was born in, and we have an excellent reputation for fighting (and even dying) for freedom and human rights. We need to fight and win our battle.
  22. Perhaps an adequate sentence for his recklessness would be to live a full year with the passenger who sent him over the edge. It may prove proper punishment for both of them. It may have to be served in a state that has the death penalty though cause I'm pretty sure they'd kill each other.
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