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Everything posted by Lowdark

  1. Sincerest Thanks and Immense Respect. Lest We Forget.
  2. OK, I'm gonna be a bit corny and tos out a gift for most of Canada; the return of the NHL (oh stop groaning, most of you want it back too lol). Hopefully sans Gary Bettman. But on a more serious note, the chance to spoil family and friends is always my top priority at Christmas.
  3. Nice. Personally, I'll go and se the new ones when they come out, but with low expectations (Phantom menace almost killed me with disappointment).
  4. Perhaps the most efficient love scene I've ever seen. Nothing but pure unspoken affection between the two.
  5. I agree with Phadreus, Coulter goes out of her way to offend as many people as possible and thrives off the attention. She's a witch with an ugly soul. Her mouth has gotten her fired several times, she's been caught lying more times than most adults can count, she called Vietnam war amputee veterans soft to their face on national television, telling them it was little wonder they lost (that particular one cost her a job). She is a spiteful, bitter, hate mongering bigot. This is just another example of how disgusting she is on the inside. Here's hoping this prompts a tidal wave of public shame that gets her laughed out of whatever job she currently has.
  6. I'm in Kennidi's camp. I remember as a kid, when the Sears Christmas Wish Book came out at the beginning of September I would start getting excited about Christmas. Thanksgiving and Hallowe'en were nice distractions but the Christmas season was what it was all about. And if we really want to add some perspective to how close the season can creep up on us, most people have 5 paycheques until then. Start shopping lol!
  7. I thought long and hard about posting something here but decided I needed a forum outside of places like FB and Twitter where everything just turns into white noise. By now, everyone is aware of the story of Amanda Todd, the young girl in Vancouver who committed suicide to escape bullying. And here in Ottawa, we just observed the one year anniversary (what a wretched word for such a sombre occasion) of Jamie Hubley's death, a young boy who suffered such relentless bullying that he too chose to take his own life. There are countless more stories and they seem to pile up with every passing day. And the callous and the cowardly crawl out of the woodwork, mocking these children even in death. I don't wish to rehash what caused these children such pain that death was the only solace they could find, and I am not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination, but I think most of us should offer a prayer to who or whatever you believe in for these lost souls and for the families left behind. Thanks for indulging me.
  8. Having brunch with a great friend and eating so much I'm good til the middle of the week!
  9. Absolutely. And such friendships may prove more valuable because there may be more respect an judgement and fewer secret.
  10. Just a few extra pennies on the issue. I agree with previous opinions specifying the difference between a recommendation (writing about how you may have enjoyed the time spent with a particular lady and encouraging others to do so) and stating who the best/your fav is (elevating one above the others). The reason I believe topics like this are so controversial is because judging who's the "best" is so subjective. It's like professional sports, ask someone who best NHL team is and they'll tell you who their favourite team is based on their highly subjective criteria. This becomes an even more sensitive issue given that the ladies themselves are so diverse, and may or may not have different levels of chemistry given the hobbiest who is visiting them. In short, there is no way to define "best" (just peruse the internet after the Oscars every year to get an idea of how widely the definition of best varies). And perhaps that's why some people might get a bit touchy-they may fear applying a label that cannot be either justified nor defended may make some of the ladies feel unappreciated. I doubt this was the intent, but this may be how others perceive it.
  11. I can understand where the MOD is coming from closing it. Who was right and who was wrong was irrelevant at that point-human beings are often sensitive creatures and we are dealing with physical intimacy here. As much as we are all adults, once certain words are said or feelings perceived, there is sometimes no going back. It looked as though the misunderstanding was snowballing and growing more and more personal. Best to bury it before things got out of hand further. Again, this doesn't look like a matter of free speech so much as protecting people on both sides of the issue from themselves. Many of us have seen threads begin innocently and then spiral into absurdity and degenerate into name calling, sometimes with members being suspended. My advice is to let it rest.
  12. Stephen King's written stuff is often at the top of my list (movies and TV based on his work usually falls completely flat). Especially his epics like The Stand and It. Green Mile and Cell were brilliant shorter works (and Green Mile is one of my favourite movies ever). If you're looking for some nice genre stuff with a load of humour, Christopher Moore is your man.
  13. If you have a couple of hours there's always a nice game of Risk to be had (the original of course). And I will forever remain partial to classics like Hungry Hungry Hippo and Operation.
  14. Wishing you the best in the days ahead.
  15. I'm a wee bit early but I just wanted to wish a Happy and Special Birthday to a beautiful woman with a heart the size of the sky. I consider myself very fortunate to know Isabella and I'm sure many others do as well. Happy Birthday!
  16. Welcome back Old Dog. You had us worried. Take all the time you need and enjoy. We'll be here when you get back.
  17. Far from being an expert on the issue, I have couple of thoughts rattling around my brain on the issue. If a gentleman and a lady meet through the business, and chemistry develops, genuine physical and emotional chemistry, then I don't see why not. There'd still be some wrinkles they'd have to iron out (personal time, does he still see SPs, etc.) but I think if two, reasonable, consenting adults were determined, they could make it work. Having said that, the reason I belong to CERB is for companionship, and I have had the privilege of meeting some extraordinary people (and forged a very valuable friendship). But if I were to meet the one (assuming she's out there somewhere), would I want to share her with someone else? Greedy and selfish I know, and I'd like to think I could rise above that kind of thinking, but the problem with questions like this is trying to apply logic to very emotional issues. In the end, it depends on how strong the bond would be, and maybe what one person would be willing to give up or accept for the other.
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