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Everything posted by Ragnaglar

  1. . My sentments exactly! Posted via Mobile Device
  2. Used a bb for years switched to the iPhone or jesusphone as it's known in blogging circles. The mods question is what matters most if all you do is text and email, then the bb is fine. If you want more then the iPhones where it's at! It's a multimedia hub bar none! As for android the shine of google shows through and it seems that the silver lining is actually Tin. I cannot abide with all my personal info in a cloud (wiki cloud computing) I am disenchanted with google's blatant gaffs/lack of respect for personal privacy. Their CEO is a total hypocrite on this matter. Posted via Mobile Device
  3. I had an ex gf stalk me, creeped me out. I expected a rabbit in my stew pot! Posted via Mobile Device
  4. Interesting story especially with the notion of previous consent Posted via Mobile Device
  5. GFE = the feeling you will experience with her, a feeling of connection I agree with everyone here, if some dude insists on anything your uncomfortable with tell them to hit the road! He is not a client you want anyways, as he may have found others willing to comply. Better safe than sorry! Posted via Mobile Device
  6. Sometimes it is a failed patch install or other software installed generating a memory leak. There are so many things that it could be. Posted via Mobile Device
  7. More than ever with vista and Windows 7 it is not required to have a separate driver disk usually the bundle additional software that let's you do weird things like put a cartoon hat on you and stuff like that. Consider yourself lucky not having to install anything. Posted via Mobile Device
  8. Well not always the case I frequent at Barbs and can tell you the couples get hit on as well. Just not as often :) Posted via Mobile Device
  9. I agree with Pistolpete entirely, I think references are a fine idea, especially for an independant. Safety is paramount what I think is some guys don't have a lot of rep built up or are so concerned about their privacy they don't want anyone to know anything about them. Just a shot in the dark! Peace. Posted via Mobile Device
  10. Constantly! Started around 8 years old and same as Belladonna at the young age figured god is not the interfering type and never stopped since the hottest times with girlfriends has been mutual masturbation. I love it when a girls knows how to get herself off! Posted via Mobile Device
  11. No biggie for me cause mornings always suck so either way makes no difference to me. I can get 8 hrs and be tired or 4 hrs no difference until I get some java into me ( not a colonic!) takes me an hr to wake up either way more light at the end of the day helps perception is our reality Posted via Mobile Device
  12. The real question to ask is what are you doing with said pc? This will determine what components are required as much as I like to build my own, I recommend to most folks is get the basic what you need pc. Most people do not game, make full length movies for Hollywood, make autocad drawings on the home pc. Pm me if you'd like I like helping people with pc buying. Posted via Mobile Device
  13. Ragnaglar

    Tablet PC's

    Kindle is in hot water over the text to speech thing, the publishers disagree and want it removed or to be compensated as this will/could cut into their audio book sales. As for the crashing of systems I agree with one stipulation vista/windows 7 are less crash prone but xp while excellent in it's day has been patched to death and is no where near the same os as it was compounded with poorly written software/hardware drivers Posted via Mobile Device
  14. Hi Jasmine, I think this time you and Naomi were targeted by some nasty folk cause i have never heard of so many no shows. I too am saddened by this. you and Betty were here last year and had a good time.... ( I certainly had a great time) so it must be a deliberate denial of service attack.
  15. Ragnaglar

    Tablet PC's

    I really do not know what people were expecting when the Ipad came out. sure it has its limitations but WOW its great for what it does. the problem with other devices is either it does too little (Kindle) or tries to do too much (PC Tablets) I have over 60 apps for my Iphone I have downloaded over 128 apps over the less than 1 year I have owned it. (I have the 32GB model) The Ipad is a convergence device and frankly I see many uses for this device as it is well made, lightweight. I can actually see the medical industry getting hot and heavy into the ipad very quickly. I know many developers who have the SDK and have actually submitted apps and have made money on it. Plus add the Citrix app and now you have access any app and OS you have avail in a thin environment. Trust me, the apps are there and more will come, hell even my govt department is looking into the iphone as a convergence device, phone + apps. and as a multimedia device I do not think anyone can contest Apple's dominance in the arena. I owned a Fujitsu Tablet a couple of years ago, and I thought it was nice, needed the Pen to use had USB ports etc etc I would rather have my Iphone any day over the that tablet. PC tablets require so much just to run the OS! now Slate will be interesting, but I highly doubt that they will manufacture anything as sleek as the Ipad. Sure it can run flash, and sure its going to crash and sure your going to need antivirus software and sure your going to need more ram and add on the patch Tuesday every month ..........etc Now to answer the MOD's ??? about youtube, when you access youtube via Safari on the Iphone it sends you to the mobile site with touchscreen. (in fact there are 3 options mobile, touchscreen, Desktop) when desktop is selected the videos ask for flash!, so the m.youtube must link to the .mp4 file.
  16. Kirsten is hot, but looked nervous when she had to speak. otherwise it was OK i guess Steve and Alec as hosts were ho hum IMHO
  17. Funny I picked sleeman cream ale as I like the taste Considering the circumstances though I would have the corona as it is lighter going down and silly as it sounds wouldn't fill me up so much. Rum and coke and rye and Ginger are nice as well It is a nice gesture. Posted via Mobile Device
  18. It seemed crystal clear to me Posted via Mobile Device
  19. I am an steel pig(boar) this also explains quite a bit as for my sign I am a Taurus - Aries rising Posted via Mobile Device
  20. It's happened to me 3 times the first time I was provided an explanation that was understandable and we were unable to reschedule but with wounded pride found a backup and had my first duo. The second time I was provided an explanation that was understandable and we rescheduled. the third time I never recieved a response as too why. I have also had a few "oops I forgot that you booked me" when I called and most times I have been able to reschedule. I think the emotions run amok when these situations happen as you are not thinking on all cylinders. So the response depends on your mood, sometimes you book an alternative sometimes it's a date with Pamela "Handerson" Posted via Mobile Device
  21. What time was it? I was up until 3am in the basement so I didnot notice anything. Posted via Mobile Device
  22. Well for me dfk makes it hotter! Nuf said! Posted via Mobile Device
  23. Just thinking, the holiday season is here and imagining Jayne under the Xmas tree! I might have to give her a ring as my new years resolution! Posted via Mobile Device
  24. Blowjob... Public bus...backseat...during the day....ladysitting with her back to us in the seat in front of us. Same girl, Rideau centre Xmas holidays small alcove near HMV finished and a crowd clapping. same girl, Bathroom at College, the handicap bars are excellent! That girl was wild!!! (I'm not too shabby myself) Posted via Mobile Device
  25. Erin is simply stating that she is paying a price for her education and she would prefer not to have her time wasted with some of the nonsense that some kids spout off in the classroom. hey she is paying for the course it is her right. she is after all just blowing off some steam looking for understanding from her peers/comrades. ( this means she does hold many of us in high regard!) and trust me, all of us have been in a class/meeting/family event and we rolled our eyes to some of the useless drivel being used as intelligent conversation. however on the other hand ( I am sure she rightly knows this....) she should use this opportunity of having her intelligence insulted when these kids speak to garner some patience, as the world is full of them and more than likely will end up being your boss or political leader!:wink:
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