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Everything posted by Ragnaglar

  1. I certainly do not want to offend anyone with the dead horse joke, so no horses were harmed...........LOL :twisted:
  2. The wine of youth does not always clear with advancing years; sometimes it grows turbid. Carl Jung
  3. Do it... don't do it..... nothing is going to change....no one here is going to change their mind. so can we move on Nuff said! \
  4. and never experienced any side effects or caught the flu that was covered by the vaccine, and if I caught a flu it was no where near as strong as some people get it. but that was my experience. But Kate is right, informed decisions is empowering.
  5. Ragnaglar


    has you in their contact list and has been infected therefore spamming you. if you are upto date on your patches for MS and have the latest updates for your Anti-virus and anti-spyware. you will be fine, just annoyed to death.
  6. here is a posted review http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11429&highlight=imkrissy
  7. trainwreck!!!!!! all the kids were wrecked no one is married to the other and everyone required therapy! as for your relationship to your SO, that is yours to figure out. all anyone can really say is goodluck.
  8. I think the vaccination/no vaccination debate is a point of agree to disagree and leave it at that. sort of the Religion and Politics at a diner party. on a lighter note play a lil'game called Pandemic 2: Extinction of Mankind http://www.awfulgames.com/games/pandemic2_eom/ the premise to to wipe out humanity! :-D
  9. I have always liked those particular selections especially the 1812!
  10. Agreed I have used the service a few times now and it's worked out beautifully and it leaves a simple priceline heading on your cc. Posted via Mobile Device
  11. I want to be in control of my faculties so that I enjoy and not lessen the experience.
  12. I think it's easier to say that " I do not understand that kind of relationship" than say anything else that can be misinterpreted or be hurtful. We are all on a journey, we take different paths, who is to say which path is best or better. Posted via Mobile Device
  13. its been a while and I am due to make my post for Sabrina. I do not need to get into the nitty gritty of the session cause for me its about the lady. and Sabrina is a smart, passionate, intense girl, and as stated earlier her teasing skills are phenomenal and has many specialties, she appears to be well on her way to master all of them!. we had a 1 hr session and it flew by. she's not a clock watcher by any means. a great time had a definite recommend.
  14. Hi normally do not do this but and not sure about the rules I noticed in Ottawa at computer Store offering cheap older refurbished laptops if you are in need of one check out Computer Supplyhouse in Ottawa they have an IMB thinkpad T42 going for $349 $299 if you are a subscriber to their e-flyer just in case someone is in need. Peace
  15. Same here asking for a reference is not a bother, safety is paramount! Posted via Mobile Device
  16. Same here a bit late but met some great people, and good conversation. Cannot wait for the next one!
  17. Just so it is clear it was my bad attempt at humour. this post was about asking for discounts and I misdirected it to CL. I have removed the offending comment and apologized.
  18. I never would I have imagined to ask for a discount! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I made a comment about CL and that has appeared to have offended some of the wonderful ladies who do use that service and some of the nice guys the search through it. I do apologize, my foot in mouth disease has taken effect. and by all mean I just mean that asking for a discount from a posted rate was crass and demeaning, not that CL was. again I apologize.
  19. Good work getting the site back up, the enemy never stops, and never sleeps.....well they sleep but not a lot i tell you! good work
  20. Thank you for Kari , Thank Kari's Parents for Kari. just thx! she is hot!
  21. Luv the new pics Rachelle..... very erotique!
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