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Everything posted by bewlayb

  1. My rates are $250 per hour. versus My rates are $250 per hour, babe. I'm at a hotel downtown. versus I'm at a hotel downtown, hun. Yes, I see what you mean.
  2. bewlayb

    Quit meshing with me shweet-hot. :P I love what your body does to clothes... and to me.
  3. Clearly there's more to you than your pretty face.
  4. Mmmm, you've got the look, Heidi. Beautiful face.
  5. bewlayb


    That's a lovely behind you have there, Emily.
  6. bewlayb

    Mmmmm... Mind if I dwell over you?
  7. bewlayb

    I know a good thing when I see it. And I'm seeing a lot of it right now.
  8. bewlayb

    Your legs are so lovely, they have me climbing the stairs.
  9. bewlayb

    The hallway was nice. But you and I were made for this bed.
  10. bewlayb

    Oh yeah! I now have this strong urge to loiter in hallways. Am I excited? My shadow doesn't lie. ;)
  11. Hey Mighty, many thanks for explaining exactly why I wanted to see a list. I'd much rather be informed so I can take a more direct and intuitive approach to writing within the rules. This to me is preferable to a Pavlovian conditioning approach, which I consider terribly inefficient and would probably find annoying.
  12. I look forward to that censor list being posted as I find the word muncher baffling. I just did a test (using preview as suggested) and discovered some pretty innocuous words being deleted. Particularly puzzling was discovering that the name of that notorious Bill is banned. How is this board to engage in a healthy discussion about the state of the industry if The Bill can't be explicitly mentioned? I understand the Mod's job is tough right now and I respect the effort being put into it, but I'm also a bit surprised at the degree of caution being exercised here.
  13. Well, I wasn't responding to you specifically, but nonetheless, I think you missed the point. I understand risk is a part of hobbying. What I'm trying to point out is that C-36 introduces a discontinuity to the natural order that we've become accustomed to here. These last couple of years have been relatively uninhibited halcyon days for our hobby. That will soon change. There will be a settling in period as LE adopt and adapt to the new law. We can't necessarily predict (especially in a general way on a national board like cerb) how all forces will choose to enforce it. Until we have a better idea of the enforcement posture, hobbyist risk is higher than "usual". Adjust accordingly.
  14. Sure. Just as long as no money exchanges hands. Sounds like the end of "pocket pool" to me, particularly if you're in the habit of carrying loose change.
  15. bewlayb

    Such a beautiful woman.
  16. bewlayb

    I don't think I'd get out of bed as long as you are there.
  17. bewlayb

    This way, Talia. You've started quite a fire over here too.
  18. bewlayb

    I'd be more than happy to work my way up to make a positive impression on you. No matter how long it took.
  19. bewlayb


    ...and tasty!
  20. My compliments for your use of mirrors. And of course, for your lovely bum.
  21. bewlayb

    And here I was thinking you were just a beautiful bum. Clearly there's another delicious side to you.
  22. I'd prefer them to slap me silly.
  23. bewlayb


    Another nice view of your lovely legs... this time without the distraction of your spectacular bum.
  24. bewlayb


    Luckily I'm a fit guy, because this picture has my heart pounding and me breathless. But now I wonder, am I fit enough to actually meet you?
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