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Soleil Sublime

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Soleil Sublime

  1. I don't offer Greek, but with notice, I do enjoy DATO. :)
  2. My dogs My family My friends My health My sanity My freedom My safety Free will... Yup. That about covers what I cannot live without. Or truthfully, would rather not have to live without. I'm just really thankful for the aforementioned. :)
  3. I like RG because he's one of the most unoffending and diplomatic members on here. What's not to like about that? :)
  4. I like that even though the board is heavily Ottawa-based, most are friendly and welcoming to those all over the map. An awesome sense of comaradrie within the nation. :)
  5. Oscar is definitely my fave. Have a great holiday and enjoy the show! :)
  6. Actually, I think Bailey is a redhead (Carpet even matches the drapes, as she so kindly reminds in every other ad). Anyway, I believe Cindy is Aboriginal? No question they're both reputed to be money-grabbers.
  7. Thank you for letting us know Angela. And thank God he didn't suffer serious injuries. What a way to ruin someone's holiday. :( My prayers and positive vibes are being sent to you Eric. I'll take very good care of you in February. ;)
  8. I resolve to stop eating so much sugar. My friends are starting to call me "Diabetic-In-Training". :(
  9. I'm crazy about Old Dog. Huge heart, killer sense of humour, amazing presence and one helluva vocabulary! ;)
  10. I remember when I was finally fully prepared to advertise as a Dominatrix with a fully-equipped dungeon. After seeing this, a client I had seen a handful of times actually told me he could never again see me for a GFE session, nor could he think of me the same way anymore. Although I do not personally practice BDSM in my personal life, I am the last person who would ever fathom of judging someone else who does. Was I offended by his comment? Somewhat, but I figured I'd rather not see someone that small-minded anyway. Recently, I saw a new client for a GFE. He asked, rather incredulously, how such a sweet and kind girl could possibly be a domme. He wasn't convinced I could pull it off with my natural down-to-earth demeanor. I took it as a compliment instead of getting all pissy with him, but I did tell him that unless you find a Lifestyle Domme, a good BDSM session does involve acting. He still seemed doubtful, so I invited him to book a BDSM session. Although he wasn't into anything major or extreme, I encouraged him to think of a role-play scenario. In the end, I convinced him. Infact, he even mentioned something about an Academy Award. lol My point is, please don't judge an SP by what she does or does not do for fun in her own life. Even though I am not a Dominatrix in real life, I still have a great time when I play one on T.V. ;)
  11. I too am a total pup-aholic! I love all dogs, any breed and any size. For the last decade I have owned a couple of pugs. I have a serious soft spot for those faces...especially the black ones!
  12. I like hfxandy because he has a fantastic sense of humour and he always makes me smile. I like him, and one day, I wanna meet him! :)
  13. I like Isabella because she always remembers every holiday and makes sure she always sends me a message with a cute picture. So thoughtful! :)
  14. I resolve to compliment at least one stranger a day. I already started doing it and it's so cool to see people's reactions. Sometimes it makes someone's whole day. :)
  15. I looove this idea newboy! However, introducing another dog to him at this point in his life could possibly be more stress than he needs or can handle. But I'm a big believer in owning 2 dogs. So many benefits, IMO.
  16. I like RoamingGuy because everytime I comment on one of his posts, he always takes the time out to thank me for it and to wish me a great day. Now how's that for a boy who's Mama brought him up right? I adore manners and you have them in spades my friend! :)
  17. It might be, if you weren't a serial canceler. And almost always last-minute. It gets tiring Jayrock. :(
  18. Hypnotic Poison by Christian Dior It's the perfect winter scent. Sultry, spicy and a bit of sweet. Just like me! ;)
  19. I like Mr. Gump because he has chosen the perfect tour guide for his trip to Ottawa. ;)
  20. I like Penelope for her fierceness. She is a fighter and a survivor. I admire her. :)
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