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About Rubs

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    Senior Member (100+ Posts)

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  1. Has any one seen this Casidy? On l.l.
  2. I fear she has priced her self out of the Kingston market. Not that she doesn't have the right to earn more money. But people can only afford that much. Hopefully she has a few good whales.
  3. Since this thread started I've seen an increase the nuof ads saying cash only.
  4. Does anyone know how long Mia Rose has been advertising she is 22 yo?
  5. Has anyone booked with the Relaxation Hub? It looks really well marketed. Can be found in the Kingston massage section of LL. It's posted by Tyler Banks. So it might be just her? Have not visited her either.
  6. After a some time of im thinking of booking sometime with eiter; Kara - 41 likely older(10y?) very fit beautiful hard body. Seems nice brief chat. Experienced. Or Tory - 36 probably older (4y?) Softer more comforting body. Brief chat seemed similar comforting sweet. Anyone have any experience with either of these ladies?
  7. Saw a different add from this year that says she's only 20. Ykes
  8. She must have decided to go elsewhere. Just my luck. I have time and no one I know is around.
  9. Sorry Dude. Name doesn't familiar. But do not giver any money. She will keep asking for more untill you have nothing left.
  10. Catrina thank for your input in this conversation, your fire and passion on this topic is only eclipsed by the service you provide. From my perspective I am very considerate about a providers time and understand the frustration of cancelations affecting there income. I Don't book unless I know for sure I don't need to explain my where abouts. And those are generally small windows. And have collapsed on occasion. There have also been times when a provider keeps pushing back the appointment even 15 min is to much for me. I'm not sure how things are for other clients. It's why if I'm traveling to Toronto or particularly Ottawa I'll go to a reputable massage location. They usually have someone available for walking. Again I have much respect to the legit providers who chose to this industry. Wish there wasn't so much forced women in to this industry. It's hard for Canadians to believe, especially with all the assisn locations, the amount of Canadian women forced and trafficked is staggering. The value of the women's body is lower now then it was 1800 years ago.
  11. Looks like Chloe Rose has pushed her arrival date to the 20th. If you have haven't experienced her service yet she is a safe provider!
  12. Kitty is another great local provider. She doesn't mess around and will give you what you want. She never disapoints. She doesn't advertise much. But always willing to take bookings. Visit her page and follow her booking procedures.
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