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Meg O'Ryan

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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I find that highly unlikely! I once had a racoon as a pet.
  2. Big hugs to you castle....I know where you are coming from!
  3. sick of pc's. Gonna throw this latest piece of crap out of the window any moment now. Gimme some recon on the best Mac portable options...I like to go into chat, view tv shows online, edit my pics and of course participate on cerb.
  4. Hmmm I play golf left handed, write with my right, but can do most everything else with either hand. In the bedroom; well you will just need to find out.
  5. LMAO are you reading my mind? I was just gonna vent about google and explorer LOLOLOLO
  6. Ah, but can a woman considered by society to be merely a 5 not exude sexuality. Can she not be a tiger in the bedroom? Beauty is only skin deep. Why do you think super models and big time actresses don't automatically stay in a relationship? They are beautiful but does that mean they enjoy sex? Does that mean they will be great lovers??? Me think not....vice versa when a woman looks for a man. Sure, beauty is a pre-cursor but it is not the final straw! I have slept with men and women who were superbly attractive and once we hit the sheets the fires waned. Then, I have been with men and women who may be considered average and vavavavoom!!!!
  7. Ummm....you know I like you but....we are talking about looks and not age :) I think the topic started out with a not so nice looking man wanting only a 10 as a g/f?
  8. To BCB and johnsutterjr for a great time in chat!
  9. Shallow people come in all shapes, sizes, nationalities, are beautiful or conventionally considered unattractive. Shallowness is a personality trait and has nothing to do with the persons physical attributes. Hey, a jerk will always be a jerk no matter what. It's either a sense of entitlement or poor self esteem but no matter the cause, they exist and always will. Makes for alot of sad and emotionally challenged people but hopefully, some of them will see the error in thier ways and enter the real world. Hmmmm that movie with Gwyneth Paltrow and Jack Black comes to mind!
  10. All I can say is thank god I am a woman cause I can play with boobies anytime I want! (but so much better to play with someone elses!)
  11. I forgot about this....thank you! Allan, Allan, Al, Allan!
  12. A highlight from a few days ago became today's highlight once again. I received some beautiful purple (my fave colour) roses and as I walked by them today and saw them in full bloom I remembered the great time I had that day :)
  13. Big Big Big hugs to you sweet Malika!
  14. Grabbing your steaming hot steeped tea from the drivethru window only to have the top pop off and then spilling it all over your arm and down the side of your freshly washed car. Grrrr is it really that hard to put the lid on properly?
  15. I hope all goes well for your mother!
  16. Very beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
  17. Yesterday, I had one tentative and one confirmed appt cancelled. In both cases, adequate notice was given and while a bit sad, I was very appreciative that they took the two seconds to let me know. On the other hand, I had a confirmed appt that did not show, did not warn me and did not answer his phone. While easy going, I will admit this really pissed me off. Often, I will give a second chance with a plausible excuse but in this instance, there was alot of communication beforehand so I may not be so lenient. Ultimately, it is up to each person to deal with these unpleasant situation as they see fit. Each situation carries with it a set of circumstances and you are the only one in the position to decide whether or not the offense is excusable! :)
  18. I am sending a great big hug to Sky!!!
  19. Two cancellations and one no show....HUG NEEDED!
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