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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. WIT not everyone has your integrity, your motives were never in question.
  2. Of course Samantha deserves to win but in this he against she fight she is but a pawn.
  3. Unfortunately, this is no longer a vote for the favorite SP. It is a battle between two warring factions. Sadly, this means that no matter which lady wins, it isn't a personal victory. I guess the most tenacious group will conquer!
  4. I was able to finish watching it and all I can say is WOW.
  5. I just want to wish you all good luck and a big thank you. It gives me great joy to read all of the insightful, witty and informative posts you have contributed to the board! Thank god the vote is multiple choice cause so many of you have touched me!
  6. I just want to wish you all good luck and a big thank you. It gives me great joy to read all of the insightful, witty and informative posts you have contributed to the board! Thank god the vote is multiple choice cause so many of you have touched me!
  7. And then it may slow down again for a bit! But, I am confident in myself and I know that my service is top notch. Just remember, when someone comes back to see you, it's obvious he enjoyed himself and that is all of the satisfaction you need :)
  8. I love it when you post your random thoughts...they always make me pause for reflection and/or put a smile on my face!
  9. I like Soleil because she is so very sweet; not to mention intelligent and beautiful!
  10. One thing I WILL NOT apologize for is my habit of thanking people for viewing my profile page. I thank women and men alike and have never posted a solicitation type message. IMHO if you don't like it you have the power to delete my sincerely nice message. On the reason for disabling this function, I commend the Mods for their vigilance in helping out the person who is being stalked. I am hoping this guy gets what's coming to him! A for the lady in question, stay strong!
  11. Thank you for the link, however, I got down to the last 15mins of this film and it froze :(
  12. In cases like this, I would prefer not to be flattered :)
  13. I am located very near a Home Depot so I am pretty sure this is a good excuse to get out of the house. Yesterday, I had an appt with a semi-regular who always uses that as his escape. Well, minutes before our time together, I get a whispered call "can't come over will call later". I found it odd but I know him well enough to wait for his call. About an hour later, he calls and explains that, after 15yrs of marriage, his wife picked that day to be the first time she goes there with him! He then told me that he made the experience so tedious that he is sure she won't ever want to go again LOL
  14. Having the garbage collection happen early in the morning as opposed to early afternoon, for the first time in 11yrs. Shit, now I gotta keep it all for another week!
  15. Got up early, went to the bakery and bought a right out of the oven loaf of egg bread. Stopped at Timmies, came home and buttered practically half of the still warm loaf. Took everything outside and read a book form 2 1/2hrs! Awesome morning so far!
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