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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Here is the original thread :) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=5180&highlight=bastards
  2. To be perfectly honest, I have never put any thought into what the friend function means. I accept anyone who asks to be added as a friend but I rarely ask to be added. To me, it's kinda just a box at the right hand of my profile page. Once in awhile, I will go thru the list to jog my memory about someone I haven't communicated to in awhile, but other than that, it's just a nice feature of the site.
  3. Would like to see you wearing just the underwear and windbreaker :)
  4. When someone tries to pass a pic of you off as her own!
  5. A point of clarification; if me PM ends with a question, I do expect an answer!
  6. I have really struggled with this thread. I didn't know how to voice my feelings and not sound shallow. Then, I heard something that inspired me and justified my true feelings... "The most important relationship you have in your life is the relationship you have with yourself; cause, no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself" Diane von Furstenberg. This really made me realize that I am the author of my own life story. I must first love myself before I can give to others and I do! I feel that I am a very compasionate person and this comes from self acceptance. I have had many ups and downs in my life and way too many struggles but I am wise enough now to understand that these experiences have shaped me into the person I am now; a person that I respect and love. I guess, inspiration needs to come from within before we can see and accept the multitude of inspiration that surrounds us. With self acceptance comes a great urge to help others and to learn from them!
  7. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE receiving a massage and a few regulars are very good at it :)
  8. Do you value your balls? LMAO Just kidding. But seriously, someone told me once that she received a bag full of rolled coins as payment.
  9. I don't care one way or the other because they can always be exchanged at the bank. Now, on the other hand, if you were to give me all $5 bills I might be slightly irked!
  10. So that men won't mind buying them for us as gifts :)
  11. During my advertised times of availabilty, I will answer quite promptly (all my emails and PM's send a notification to my phone) when not busy. If it is during my downtime, I will usually answer within 24hrs
  12. I tried to give you rep points for your wonderful post! Luv ya Erin :)
  13. I like Emma because she was super nice and helpful when I joined Cerb.
  14. I like castle for his insightful and timely posts!
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