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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Thank you Phaedrus and Bewlayb for the wonderful morning chuckle!
  2. I forgot that one in my list. Everytime I watch it tho, I have to hide my eyes during the scene where they cut the guy's ear off!
  3. Thank you everyone for the rep points and for seeing the value in my thoughts! Keep up the great positive remarks :)
  4. I think that sometimes, especially lately on Cerb, the written word may be taken out of context and thus create a hostile environment. The advent of email and texting has corroded the human connection. Sometimes, a perfectly acceptable and accurate statement can be taken out of context and interpreted in a negative fashion when in fact it was meant to be the opposite. When we speak face to face, seldom do we get the wrong idea about the intent of the comment! My advice is, before jumping all over a post you may disagree with, re-read it and if clarification is required, approach the poster before jumping all over him/her. Let's keep this wonderful playground a fun place to be :)
  5. Was quoted because you stated the facts but I thank you for asking about it's meaning because it raises the perfect scenario in which an innocent comment could have been taken the wrong way! :) Thank you Gabriella for having the insight to ask about the intent before posting a negative reply! Luv ya!!!!
  6. Yes, variety is the spice of life! Would you risk being stun by a wasp to reach the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
  7. Whew! Sunshine and happiness....let us let bygones be bygones! Sometimes we feel very close to a subject and tend to get very emotional about it. My wish, as the self proclaimed "Fairy God Mother of Joy" is that we all find it in our hearts to first forgive those who "piss us off" and to second, "realize that as intelligent human beings, we can debate without being hurtful!!!? KKK meg being too nice again...oh well, my point of view; hmm part of the democracy we all share?
  8. Not sure how or why this turned into another negative thread (not gonna bother reading the whole thing; hate undue negativity) but the above answers all the questions!
  9. You should also post this in the warnings section.
  10. I am with Berlin and Lindsay...anything goes food wise (at least once)
  11. but if those don't work there is always a chemical alternative...
  12. Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction My Dog Skip Snatch Donnie Brasco Team America: World Police Mrs. Doubtfire Cape Fear (either version) The Mask Any of the Rocky movies
  13. My little brother did the perfect impression of Steve Austin's slow motion moves; with sound effects! He was probably around 4 at the time...was hilarious!
  14. yup nope whateva riiiight es-tu fou I am not an ATM all of the above to my son!
  15. Yes, as a neat freak my floors are cleaner than most dishes in a restaurant. If a friend drastically changed something in their appearance that you thought looked awful, would you tell the truth?
  16. I like Angela because she thinks I'm funny and is ALWAYS there for me!
  17. But of course! Would you travel a significant distance to meet someone new?
  18. Blond moment! I was confusing the nominate post icon with the comment. Sorry bout that :icon_redface:
  19. so, how do you ad a comment at the bottom without necessarily giving rep points?
  20. I got the rep thing down but have yet to figure out the comment.
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