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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Yes Would you streak across the field at a major sporting event?
  2. Obviously I am not of the male persuasion but I prefer natural :)
  3. yes to the elevator Would you have sex with a friend's sexy spouse?
  4. Claire, that was absolutely hilarious! Thank you for the laugh!
  5. Thank you Elizabeth...Singing in the Rain (guess I like dancing better LOL)
  6. I would love to see a real classic with a modern twist. Dancing in the Rain, Gone with the Wind, Citizen Kane, you get the picture
  7. She sounds like she could fly off the handle. Why not just quit accepting any contact with her. Ignore her calls, her drive-by's, AVOID her period. No need to set up a fake scenario if you stop enabling her!
  8. Best bet is to always contact the lady via her preferred method. Just takes a sec to find that out (along with rates, restrictions etc...)
  9. When you are looking forward to April Wine at the Navan Fair!
  10. I like Nicki cause she tells it like it is (plus I have a huge girly crush on her!)
  11. Perhaps the only pussy to be found now....you can use the vessel once it's empty! :)
  12. Great!!!! You saw the light and my faith is now restored :) sorry gotta make funny sometimes!
  13. I love seeing a bit of levity on Cerb but I think you posted in the wrong section as this surely belongs with the jokes. Right? Is so, hahahaha I laughed so hard that it actually made my day :)
  14. LOL I am a mocha Rockstar girl. I think part of the addiction is going to the store everyday. Buying a case wouldn't be as much fun!
  15. I like Lee cause he seems to know the right moments to make me smile :)
  16. Well, went to the pet store today for provisions for my girls and was introduced to the skinny pig. It`s a hairless guinea pig and looks like a tiny hippo. OMG she was so sweet and actually whistles when she wants attention! Maybe I will forego the dog for now :)
  17. Ah jeeze soooooo sorry. didn`t see it but will take your word for it.
  18. For the record, whether or not anyone wants to admit it, women are WAY more sensitive then men. It's a fact and we will sulk whether you like it or not. If a woman feels she has been dissed, we expect an apology. Basic man/woman relationship 101. Suck it up and apologize so we can all return to the rose coloured glasses or be prepared to be attacked. Human nature often overcomes common sense....both ways I may ad. BTW, wording is just semantics, if a lady expresses that she was offended by a remark, an apology is the only civilized way to respond!
  19. WIT, I agree that he started the thread asking for a specific look and the lady that was suggested did not meet the criteria. If his comment was directed at Phaedrus, as he stated, then he should direct his comments directly to the gentleman and not make what could be construed as a negative comment towards the lady. Common sense, n'est ce pas?
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