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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Exactly...what is the point???? Does complaining make things any better? I don't think so but then again I am the epitomy of an optimist! Wish I knew more people like me and happy that I know alot of people like me!
  2. I love it when my pets show me un-requested affection :)
  3. What is located several kilometres to the west of the Eagle Pass summit between Sicamous and Revelstoke. Smell-o-vision
  4. I like WC cause I he always makes me smile. When I see his name, I always read his comments
  5. I tried to give you rep points RG but I gotta spread the love around! I agree, if one bad experience was that traumatic then maybe this hobby isn't right for H. To the rest of you; have fun!!!
  6. Name a song that was written and performed by Carly Simon. Kramer
  7. I think, Hornet, you should have quit while you were ahead. ONE unsatisfactory experience and now you are painting us all with the same brush? I stand by my opinion that you would have gotten a lot further discussing this with the person involved and not airing your dirty laundry for all to see. Have a nice trip.
  8. Again I must disagree...it is much easier to digest and accept criticism in a private forum! If I receive bad news privately, I can lick my wounds and change. If I recieve bad new publicly I will rebel...no questions asked, I will seek revenge and blood! Approach me with the civility that I deserve and I will decide if you're complaint is worthy of my compliance. Approach me in full public view and the gloves are off!
  9. And what would she ever gain by doing this? I think perhaps your perception of SP's is slighty skewed!
  10. Exactly...your bad for not seeking out a reputable (including location) gal! Sorry hun but that's how I see it.
  11. I guess I am naive then. I believe in certain fundamental behaviours and find it unbeleivable that others don't. Guess "my bad"
  12. I think it is hypocritical to state your disapointment publicly and not one on one. He never needs to see her again so what is he losing by sending her a personal note? she may sit back and wonder why he never contacts her again. I would prefer to hear negative comments from the source. I will and can get over a negative email but reading a veiled complaint on a public board would really bother me. If I did something you did not like, email me!!!!!! Yes, police tape could be a turn on in the right circumstances LOL
  13. Yah...thanks for the levity...that would certainly be a mood breaker unless you are a diehard CSI fan! LMAO
  14. Sometimes you must remind people (in general not only in this biz) what is lacking in their service. How else will they realize what is wrong? I will never hesitate to tell my local bar owner that the environment is being neglected, what is different here? If you found something offensive when visiting an SP, a polite email detailing your dislikes would be appropriate. If she is a good soul she will take it in stride and endeavour to change what is not acceptable. If not confronted, she may continue on thinking nothing is wrong. We learn only thru our mistakes but we do not always realize we are making a mistake unless told PERSONALLY!
  15. No matter what room you choose to entertain in, it should be welcoming, comfortable, neat, clean and inviting. No personal momentos or photos, but it should exude the SP in you :)
  16. What is measuring network throughput. Lord of the Flies
  17. You did the right thing. Nothing gets the message across more than never re-booking!
  18. No, there are no guarantees. While I am not condoning any of these behaviours by SP's, let's keep in mind that rotten service can occur anywhere. The snooty store clerk, the clueless waitress, getting f*&cked at the fast food drive thru, the dirty bathroom at your favorite pub, the long, unexplained lineups at Service Canada...the list goes on. You do, however, have the power to minimize your exposure to unwanted incall experiences. Do your homework, read the reco's, tell the lady your misgivings, don't repeat!
  19. I have been involved in MMF threesomes where the M's were interactive. WOW!!! Love it! Antlerman...kuddos to you for being open enough and brave enough to recognize and accept these desires that are sometimes not so accepted. Now, I would like to explore the MTF scenario!
  20. What has 56% corn in it's list of ingredients? Basketball
  21. I have shown my naked body in public I have never gone surfing.
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