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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Doh! I am aloud one blond moment a day! What is is mineral material that is in liquid form Black Eyed Peas, I gotta feeling.
  2. Who is Pierre Elliot Trudeau Which common Canadian birds are monogamous during the mating season?
  3. Oooopppss so many people hit a milestone I overlooked you! :( Congrats!!!
  4. I like QA's techie advice and his spam reports
  5. I have sun bathed on a beach and ridden a tractor but I have never hiked on a mountain trail
  6. X is for Xanadu, an idyllic, beautiful place, such as in my arms!
  7. I like RG for alot of reasons; his constant contributions to the joke section usually make my day!
  8. Thank you everyone and thank you Malika for being so observant!
  9. I like mrnice cause he is, well, nice! :)
  10. I have driven a tractor but have never stayed awake for a period of over 24hrs
  11. I have held a real Koala bear cub but never been sky diving.
  12. Since Baileydog is not yet a high poster, all I can say with great accuracy is "I love your avatar!!!"
  13. I see that we have the same taste my lovely Erin! You are certainly on the top of my list and the ladies you mentioned are certainly present in some of my fantasies :) I must ad one more....Nicki....there is just something about her that gets me going :)
  14. which is where I was getting at with the Berenge reference...I was 16 at the time and ever since, I love maturity and life experience!!!
  15. Tom Berenger in Platoon was a major influence on my daydreams when I was a teen so I will say bachelor #2. I like a man's man :) Rugged = sexy :)
  16. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION INTERNATIONAL MONETARY DIVISION J. EDGAR HOOVER BUILDING, WASHINGTON, DC USA ATTENTION: BENEFICIARY This e-mail has been issued to you in order to Officially inform you that we have completed an investigation on an International Payment in which was issued to you by an International Lottery Company located in Cotonou, Benin Republic. With the help of our newly developed technology (International Monitoring Network System) we discovered that your e-mail address was automatically selected by a newly introduced Online Balloting System, this has legally won you the sum of $750,000.00 USD. The name of the Lottery Company in which presently owes you the sum of $750,000.00 USD is- Alliance Global Lottery Company. They ran an Internet Balloting system which automatically selects e-mail addresses all over the world, this system selects alphabets and numbers automatically and once it has gathered several alphabets, it then randomly selects domains. In this case, your e-mail address was one of the lucky winners. Alliance Global Lottery Company placed an advert on their local TV stations, Radio stations, Websites and even hand bills. Due to the advertisement, your e-mail address must have been compromised which has caused you to receive a lot of unsolicited e-mails. We have placed a law suit against the Lottery Company claiming that you were never paid the sum of $750,000.00 USD, they have hereby pleaded and requested that the Federal Bureau of Investigation should contact you on their behalf to immediately proceed towards sending the winner its legal prize as stated above. Due to the pressure from the Federal Bureau of Investigation placed upon Alliance Global Lottery, they have deposited the sum of $750,000.00 US Dollars at a bank located in the US and the name of the bank is- National Bank Of New York City. The account has been setup as an International Account and presently holds the balance as stated above, therefore the funds shall be delivered to you in form of a Wire Transfer. You are hereby required to immediately contact your appointed agent with the following information requested below: FULL NAME: AGE: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: HOME PHONE NUMBER: CELL / MOBILE PHONE NUMBER: CURRENT OCCUPATION: Monthly Income: You are required to immediately contact your agent with the above requested details and send the information to the following information below: CONTACT AGENT DETAILS BELOW: CONTACT AGENT NAME: Allan Bishop CONTACT AGENT E-MAIL: [email protected] Once you contact the agent stated above, he shall contact you back with further instructions on how to proceed with your transaction. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has authorized you to proceed as we guarantee maximum assurance that your funds will be released and transferred to you without any further delay. Yours Sincerely, FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller III, Federal Bureau of Investigation.
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