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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. My Bday is very unique as well and all of my friends know it cause of my license plate LOL. Rest assured, it's only 2yrs diff...won't say which way, you can take a guess :)
  2. Soleil will bring sunshine to your day!!!
  3. I love kitty breath but rat breath....mine love raw onions LOL
  4. chocolat whipped cream
  5. mmm bacon...should be it's own food group!!!
  6. the special ingredients,
  7. Everything bagel with cream cheese and a steeped tea....great Saturday morning so far! :)
  8. Check it out! At the top of your screen you will find a tab that will take you to the nether lands! All of the cerbite inspired social groups can be found in one easy location! Should you have a special interest or a fetish i bet you can find the group you wish to join. If it isn't there; why not create a new group yourself!!!!!!!!
  9. That is amazing! Congrats to the beautiful Megan and keep those posts a coming!
  10. You betcha bucko!!! No more miss sweet as pie!!!! LMAO (thank you, once again, for making me laugh!)
  11. Since being out of the workforce, I have changed my attitude. I agree 100% that in a professional environment you need to be on guard. Just wish that on a personal level it wasn't so necessary! Screw it....I will go back to being the "boss type" again and harden myself up again! Thought I could let that persona go along with the business but guess not :( Real eye opener today! I am by no means naive, nor am I an idiot and I guess that I need to portray myself as I used to in order to be taken seriously! Still....kisses to you all!
  12. I totally agree Cleo. I think maybe I was not clear enough because if anyone crosses me, a friend or a loved one...WATCH out! In general, I am nice especially to people I don't know well. I am a "one good deed deserves another" type of person but will never lay down and let someone f(*k me over! I can be tough but it is just so much easier to be nice. The downfall is that not many people appreciate that quality in a person and tend to view this trait as someone having alterior motives. This may be true sometimes but let's not be skeptical and put all nice people in the same boat :)
  13. I am one of those optimistic people who is ALWAYS nice no matter what. Sometimes it leads to people trying to take advantage of me (they aren't smart enough to succeed however) or to being shot down for doing a good deed. Is it possible to be too nice? Should I expect to be chastized for attempting a good deed? What are your views on nice people. Not naive people; genuinely nice people? Unfortunately, I am finding out that more often than not it leads to disappointment and disillusionment in my fellow man. At this time in my life I refuse to change but the anger is surfacing much quicker and I am so tempted to lash out. Fortunately, the nice in me, disallows this for now. Signed, Hoping to not become a bitch!!!
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