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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Hence the LOL....I was being sarcastic! :)
  2. Bahaha....I have a friend who just had a vasectomy and shaved himself cause he was embarrased. After the procedure, he was soo upset cause the person doing the shaving was a super cute young lady LMAO
  3. Let me watch Bridget Jones a few times and I will let you know. LMAO, sorry couldn't resist! BTW...a cockney accent or a royal type accent???
  4. My yard is pretty big...both front and back...I would need stock in Round up LOL...besides, I don't think you can buy it in Ontario any longer.
  5. I spent 2 entire days pulling weeds from my gardens and from the lawn. Today, I am sitting here, nose running like a tap, watching the dandelion fluff float thru the air landing all over my weed free property. I do understand the dangers of these products but my allergies are screaming in protest. I am tempted to drive across the border and smuggle some in LOL! What are your views on this subject?
  6. This should be posted in the Ottawa recommendations section so that people may easily find it when searching that forum. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=125
  7. As seen by the various responses, everyone has a different perspective on texting when it comes to booking. The one thing we all have in common, however, is that we all expect respectful texts and the common courtesy of a name and a thank you after we replied to your questions :) Treat a text as a telephone call. Don't be rude!
  8. I have a mild allergy to strong scents so I tend to stay away from them. I am a body wash, body spray kinda gal. Also, no offence to you wonderful gents, I prefer only body wash or soap on you guys :)
  9. I may not be within the norm but, I answer all PM's, emails and texts within 30-60mins between 8am and 8pm...after that, depends on if I had the chance to get online. This is my model as i prefer this type of contact over a telephone call (unless a first encouter) I am not always in a position to answer the phone but I can always check my email, PM's and texts discretely on my phone and do so frequently.
  10. When you send a PM requesting information such as availability, please respond to the response. I answer each and every PM as quickly as possible and if between 8am and 8pm it's usually within 30mins. When I get a PM asking if I am available at, let's say, 10:30am tomorrow morning and I reply within 10 minutes saying, not until 11:30; common decency indicates that you let me know that it's not convenient...even if it takes you 12hrs to reply, a reply is warranted!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. It's been so long I have actually forgotten who my players are! LOL
  12. That would have been sooooo worth it. Thanks for the morning laugh!
  13. LMAO Estaman....thank you for clarifying things for me :)
  14. Please do not expose yourself on cam. We truly are not interested in seeing that type of activity in chat!
  15. ATM CARD From:Mrs. Farida Mzamber Waziri <[email protected]> Add to ContactsTo: Reconfirm your contact address,name&mobile NO,for delivery of your ATM card worth of $10.5M,call for more information +234 8086034076 thank you,Mrs. Farida Mzamber Waziri
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