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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Why do some people drive wearing the earphones to their Ipods? Why would someone, for the 3rd week in a row, put their garbage out the night before pick up only to have to clean up the mess made by some animal during the night. Why do you get a large orange juice at McDonald's on a weekend but only a teeny one on weekdays? Why would someone ask if you are available at a certain time and then never call back? Why would a door to door salesperson return 3 days after being told no?
  2. I have not posted any new photos in awhile. Now, bare in mind that my photoshoots are solo...what shall I do to spice up my albums!?
  3. I voted for one reason only. There are numerous threads about what the perfect breast, ass, body etc look like. You want the cold hard truth about what I prefer...you got it!
  4. Here is a site that breaks it down to a few days.... Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head! http://www.bobborst.com/popculture/number-one-songs-by-year/?y=1970&chart=us
  5. Wow! I realize how unnerving that could be! You must have totally freaked out! Please, let her know the circumstances should you have been totally awkward during your encounter! She will be appreciative!
  6. I will dance to anything but put me in the arms of a man who can dance the salsa and I melt!
  7. Having the best hair day ever and no one or anything to do. Waiting in line at the bank to pay your bills only to realize that your bank card is in the back pocket of your jeans... the ones you are not wearing. Bringing out a summer time item (pool lights, lawn mower, hedge trimmer whatever) only to find out it doesn't work. Having a wonderful time with your kid on Mother's Day only to find out your own mom is pissed cause you didn't spend it with her (after 40 some years of always being there) Fixing a run on toilet with what the Home Depot guy promised would work...and does for only 2 days only.
  8. All I can say is I have a huge smile on my face today!
  9. It is devastating! My baby died at the age of 9. He was with me 24/7, I brought him to work with me, everywhere...my constant companion. I miss him everyday and even went so far as to have him cremated. The most wonderful dog in the world has not been replaced!
  10. I am quite happy in Ottawa and have a wonderful imagination so books have the ability to take me away to far off lands when ever I please :) But, if I had to choose....New Orleans smack dab in the French quarter.
  11. Well, my little toe on my left foot is red right now....I dropped the iron on it :(
  12. I started blind and on a whim. Trial and error for sure but I really want to thank Angela for being my rock!!! Then came Nicki! Both of these ladies are always there for me when I need advice! I also feel that Cerb is a great tool and all of the wonderful supportive ladies that are here have helped along the way!
  13. Mrs Prl Angel <[email protected]>Add to Contacts To: ******************************************************************************-- UK National lottery Promo. Congratulate you on your success as Winner of £1,000,000.00 to claim your prize. Contact Barrister Kenny Brown via E-mail: [email protected] Call: +4470 1114 8566. Contact him, with your, Serial Nos/N-472-9768-79. (Only e-mail sent here [email protected] will be acknowledged). Best Regards, Online Co-ordinate Mrs. Perl Angel.
  14. I agree with Megan, especially if you are planning on visiting a well reviewed lady. What would we gain from any kind of malicious use of your number? If you have so little trust in us, why in the world should we trust you? It boggles the mind to think that there is this view that SP's are all nefarious by nature. To paint us all with the same brush would then make me believe that all hobbyiest are all ugly sex starved freaks!
  15. that the SP/hobbyiest you are about to meet for the first time may be someone you know in your personal life? How would you react?
  16. I was beginning to think that the scammers didn't love me anymore! Don't you sometimes feel like responding with fake info just for the hell of it? UK NATIONAL LOTTERY DRAW May 1st draw no. 1529 winning numbers 02 13 16 24 25 40 BONUS 18 Dear Winner. Your e-mail has won you 1,000,000.00 GBP from UK NATIONAL LOTTERY on our 2011 charity bonanza. The draw no. 1529 brought out your e-mail address from a Data Base of Internet Email Users and qualified you a bonafide winner of the stated winning amount. You are to contact us via e-mail ([email protected]) providing the below stated information for process of claims. 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Occupation: 4. Tel: 5. Sex: 6. Age: 7. Country: 8. Nationality: Claims Manager Mrs. Jennifer Baldwin E-mail: [email protected] Tell: +44 701 424 5813
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