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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I noticed today, that a regular fave of mine always lays down on the same side of the bed. I asked him why and he responded that it was because he sleeps on that side of the bed! Do you have a preference when visiting an SP? If so, why?
  2. Thank you angela and RG....today tho...my hair is the same colour as in that pic :)
  3. I was very impressed when I heard that she did her own makeup! She looked so very beautiful!
  4. Not sure if this is an idiosyncracy or just plain stupidity! I mark an X on my little desk calendar every night before I go to bed. I used to have a 9to5 job (more like 6to9 and beyond as a business owner) and had no problem knowing the date. Now, I sometimes don't even remember if it is Tuesday or Wednesday...I miss garbage day an awful lot! LOL Not being used to being alone for the majority of my day, I constantly talk to myself. I love to be barefoot (and naked) as much as possible but as soon as the soles of my feet get dirty, I prop them up under the tap and wash my feet.....many times a day!!! I can't drink anything that is not a single serving. IE milk cartons, large cartons of juice etc....I buy only single serving and if I don't finish it I throw it away. I will not eat at a buffet. I do not like meals that are all in one IE stirfry, casseroles, pasta unless there is something to go along with it. I need to mix it up! I constantly check both of my phones even when I know they are on the loudest ring option. I will not cook if the kitchen has even one dirty dish in it. It must be spotless before I begin. Same with the shower or the tub LOL I wear an item of clothing only once...no matter what it is. Funny cause I hate to do laundry. I don't like talking on the phone. Except with Angela :) I love to weed my garden but I tend to be distracted when visiting others...I wander away and weed theirs too.
  5. Well, maybe this is too much information but, since I don't wear underwear and am quite, shall we call it endowed, I need to really watch what I wear, pantswize, in public. That being said, I once met someone in a bar (cliche I know!) and the major reason he called me was because of the evidence seen within my jeans LOL. (Hmm bad sentence structure, sorry but it get's the point across LOL)
  6. Just lie face down on the floor and have someone (not too heavy) walk up and down your back!!! If you have kids, this works wonderfully!
  7. To get away from the itchy subject. Warning!!! If you have "backyard shoes" as I do...you know, the duck shoes used when you garden, cut the grass, etc....shake them out before you put them on!!! It took two wasp stings on my left foot yesterday before I could get the fuckers off my foot!!!! I didn't realize what was happening until I got the bloody shoe off and shook out a lazy wasp!!! OUCH!!!!
  8. I like to be funny on purpose but I will now take note of blunders! Thanks for a fun thread idea apex!!!
  9. Well, I met a wonderful person today and it was all because he left a message. When he called, I happened to be in the car and was unable to answer. Once I arrived at my destination, I called him back as per his request and we set up a time to meet. It was a great rendez-vous and I thank him so much for taking the time to LEAVE A MESSAGE!!!
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