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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Wherein lies your allegiance? Boston fan thru and thru! Curious to see who you all are cheering for (if in deed you are cheering)
  2. Do you really want me to scream out "oh yes John!" when your name is really Damian? Sorry, couldn't resist. The fact is, if you meet my screening criteria and show yourself to be trustworthy your last name is unimportant to me. But then again, we all have our comfort zones and they should be respected.
  3. I usually ask beforehand if they have a preference as to what I wear. If I am able to accomodate I will...if not, I will try to find something similar. I won't, however, go out and purchase something for a specific request unless it's an outfit I already wanted :)
  4. I think each lady has the right to decide what business model works best for her. There is no right or wrong answer. The consumer also has the right to choose what works best for him/her. Vive la difference and perhaps take the time to explore the various options :)
  5. There I sat, reading this novel thinking that it seemed so familiar. Then I realize it was made into a movie with Mickey Rourke and Diane Lane. Let's just say that the book is waaayyyy better!
  6. questions, unless irrelevant, require empathy. jopyc
  7. ATTENTION UN GRANT DONATION AWARD WINNER!!! From:"HITCHINGS, JENNIFER" <[email protected]> To: Your Email I.D was selected at random and you have therefore been awarded the sum of $1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars) in the ongoing UNITED NATIONS Grant Donation 2010/2011 AWARD. For more info on claims please contact: Mr. Robin Steven Tell: +447024075573 Email: [email protected] NOTE: Direct all email/reply to ([email protected]) Reply as soon as possible for quick verification and claim. Reply along with your names, mobile number, contact address and keep this winning information confidential to avoid external claims.
  8. Not exactly xenolith unless submerged. (hmmm no verb...that was hard!) zymba
  9. This guy was way out of line. This is totally unacceptable and you are right to send him to "no see" land!
  10. What a wonderful thread and I am so happy to see that soooo many people love animals :) My beloved baby boy died a few years ago and I found it very hard to even think of replacing him. (humongo boxer/mastiff) Then, two little souls (cute tiny rats believe it or not) snuck into my life and I now realize that my baby would be happy to know that I opened up my heart once again!!! I will continue to spread the love with no regrets :)
  11. If you were close by you could anyways :) on with the thread if someone invented a curling iron, straightener and blow dryer with a cord that did not get all twisted up.
  12. we could wake up in the morning showered, shaved and coiffed? Your turn; make it fun and/or frivolous
  13. If you enjoy sarcastic humour within a suspenseful plot try the Gate House by Nelson DeMille. I couldn't read this book fast enough and once I get my butt down to chapters I will be seeking out more of his novels.
  14. this would taste great with your honey cake! :)
  15. I will pretty much read anything I get my hands on! Once I start reading a book, I will finish it whether I am enjoying it or not. I have been know to have a couple of books on the go at the same time! Right now, I am reading Killshot by Elmore Leonard. I am only a few pages into it but I think it may just be quite entertaining.
  16. No, you are not being snobby or rude. One little pet peeve of mine is when I go to retrieve a voicemail only to find out it was a hang up! Waste of my minutes and of my time!
  17. Since I always keep my voicemail accessible...this never even occured to me :)
  18. can be beneficial! What if the person you are contacting is on the other line? Would it hurt to say "hi, it's____, I missed you but I will try again, please don't call me." or "Hey, it's_____, I missed you please call me back before X." I have had a few people complain that I never seem to answer when they call...now they leave messages and we are all happy :)
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