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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 and this is my 2,494th post so I guess I a SUPER active LOL
  2. I cannot provide an opinion one way or another as to the advantages or disadvantages of being represented by someone else. I am probably too old to even entertain the idea LOL. I just prefer to be my own boss as I have been since my twenties (in my previous career). I cannot even fathom having any take control of any aspect of my life :) To each his/her own! Whatever makes you comfortable is AOK with me!
  3. super sexy, very artistic and very inviting!!!
  4. "Hi, when are you available." Just don't cut it lol
  5. I chose mine because it has significant meaning to me :)
  6. Everyone seems to have a birthday on the day I am not online!! Happy belated Bday handsome!
  7. This whole issue is very perplexing. If you have the time to respond to threads, why on earth could you not take 2 minutes to write a reco? Actually, I am surprised that we haven't seen an influx of reco's since this issue has come up. No matter how popular the lady, a reco is still very important for many reasons. We are all human and certainly vanity plays a roll. Who does not like to read about how great one is? It is almost hurtfull when you know you had a great time and yet nothing was mentioned, especially when you have seen that person more than once! Furthermore, eventhough not every person reads the recos, alot do, so yes, it is a strong advertising tool. Such a board could not exist without the participation of it's members. This participation should not be limited strictly to the "fun" threads. Reco's are what inspired this board and what will keep it fresh and useful so....get on the reco train!
  8. most ladies have their email addresses on their profile page. Usual in the about me tab. :)
  9. Can one really be too eager in this circumstance? :)
  10. It is an automatic function. I am certain that the only way MOD can view a private message is if someone hits the "report this" button.
  11. As April stated, we cannot make mention of our website anywhere on cerb unless we have put a link to cerb on our personal site.
  12. Naive maybe, but I could never even imagine having anyone, male or female, controlling ANY part of my life. I realize it happens but the thought is so foreign to me and still boggles the mind!
  13. I know hun :) Just had to put in my 2cents :)
  14. The only way to be 100% careful is through monogamy. This is only my opinion and perhaps my point of view, but the ladies who advertise on a site as respectful as this and other sites such as EC are not looking for a quick money making sceme to get their next "fix". They are intelligent, self motivated, confident women who enjoy what they do and take their chosen profession seriously. They are routinely tested, take all the necessary precautions and want nothing more than to provide a safe and sensual experience for both you and themselves. I would love to hear of any statistics, in this age of technology, where reputable online ladies have cause any STD's within our great community!
  15. I'd like to think that we are all friendly about this practice! But who knows until we are approached :)
  16. Duh! Damn, I just used up today's blond moment!!!!
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