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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. How close is the shining sun to the earth at the moment?
  2. Rulers of Darkness by Steven Spruill. At my incall location, there are two huge bookcases filled with hard cover books. I started at the very top and plan to work my way thru all of them!
  3. No one on this site would post anything negative as i am sure they are all aware of the ramifications. I am pretty sure that the majority of the people on this site are also members of other sites and able to read the trash found there. I see no harm in the way she has defended herself.
  4. I will never forget my first day of kindergarden as the only English kid in a French classroom. Let's just say you learn the important things like "can I go pee" really quickly. I hated my parents for a few weeks but soon learned to fit in. All of my education right up to university was in French. I thank my parents (who never learned the language) very much for giving my brother and I the opportunity to learn a second language.
  5. COME ON CANADA GET PISSED OFF !!! The Inheritance Tax Accounts ReceivableTax Airline Surcharge Tax Airline Fuel Tax Airport Maintenance Tax Building Permit Tax Cigarette Tax Corporate Income Tax Death Tax Dog License Tax Driving Permit Tax Environmental Tax (Fee) Excise Taxes Federal Income Tax Federal Unemployment (UI) Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Gasoline Tax (too much per litre) Gross Receipts Tax Health Tax Hunting License Tax Hydro Tax Inheritance Tax Interest Tax Liquor Tax Luxury Taxes Marriage License Tax Medicare Tax Mortgage Tax Personal Income Tax Property Tax Poverty Tax Prescription Drug Tax Provincial Income and Sales Tax Real Estate Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Retail Sales Tax Service Charge Tax School Tax Telephone Federal Tax Telephone Federal, Provincial and Local Surcharge Taxes Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax Vehicle License Registration Tax Vehicle Sales Tax Water Tax Watercraft Registration Tax Well Permit Tax Workers Compensation Tax ''' and in 2010 the HST!!!!!!!! STILL THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Not one of these taxes existed 60 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world.We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.. What in "Hell"happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'
  6. although I do have a facebook account (personal) I have no idea what a check in is all about...could you elaborate?
  7. That is adorable; especially when he (or she) gets the owners attention to change the page on the sheet music!!!
  8. that damn pull ups commercial "Do the potty dance" Ugg the song stays put in my head for hours!
  9. You think just like me :) My list would go on and on and on :)
  10. You beat me to it :) I feel the same :boobies: And I agree...so many beautiful and sexy ladies. I find that all females are attractive in their own way. If I were a hobbiest I would visit everyone and then start all over again :)
  11. Congrats on your 100th post! Keep em coming!
  12. funny you should say that...i actually did receive that as a gift....purchased some beautiful plants :)
  13. I was about 8yrs old. My family was given the opportunity to use my mother's employer's cottage for the weekend. Being the snoop I always was, I found a treasure trove!!! Playboy, Penthouse and the one thing I stole. A copy of the Happy Hooker. I read the book over and over once I got home! WOW...is all I can say :) guess that was when I figured out that I like girls as much as guys :)
  14. Hepatitis 'C' Cures Now Common Existing Treatments Eradicate Hepatitis C Virus By Salynn Boyles WebMD Health News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD May 21, 2007 -- A new report shows that patients with hepatitis C infection can not only be successfully treated by the best available drug therapies, but they also can be cured. Up to seven years after treatment, 99% of close to 1,000 successfully treated patients showed no evidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Just one of many articles in circulation :)
  15. I love a hairy man! Chest, arms, legs...but not covering his junk! I prefer a gentleman to be shaved or even just nicely trimmed that way no ticklish hairs can find there way into my nostrils LOL. As Carrie said, there is no diffence during intercourse.
  16. Blond moment (I allow myself one per day). Back in 1990, I did a job placement at Rideau Regional. The Hep C virus was discovered in 1989 and at that time is was incurable. All of the residents were tested and those with the infection were identified. We were all required to take a safety workshop as well as the vaccines for A & B. Thankfully, especially for those in contact with infected individuals because of their occupations, it is curable and with the proper safety measures is it avoidable.
  17. there is a vaccine for hep c...it is a series of three shots. I was vaccinated when i worked at rideau regional Posted via Mobile Device
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