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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. We constantly hear complaints about the weather; especially winter. In an attempt to live up to my New Year's resolution (try to always see the bright side of life), I am looking towards the beauty of a Canadian winter. The other day, I looked out the window and noticed the shining sun glittering off of the icecycles hanging from my porch. The beauty of the oddly shaped frozen water was mesmerizing in the sunlight. This inspired me to go out to the shed and find the bag of birdseed I had hidden away. I threw it out over the snow in the yard and waited but minutes for the winter specimens to come and feast. Peter Rabbit made an appearance as well! I must also write of the pleasure I get from an evening spent outside in the falling snow. It mutes the sounds of traffic and creates a sureal atmosphere; it's what I imagine it would be like if I could be inside a snowglobe. I would love to hear of your favorite winter moments!!!
  2. When I click on "new posts" a message comes up that there are no new threads to be viewed. Never seen this before. I have to go to the home page in order to view the threads!?
  3. twenty years ago, I could have been the model for itty bitty titties :) Over the years, I have gained weight and lost it numerous times. Each time, my lovely breasts have gotten bigger and stayed with me while the weight left my middle and butt....not sure why but hey....love em now and loved em then!
  4. May you be blessed with good fortune and happiness on this special day!
  5. From one whore with a heart of gold to all of the others...Love you all. Samantha, wonderful post and it says everything I feel and think!
  6. To be perfectly honest...I don't care about anyone's real name. Makes no difference to me. I just want an actual phone number so that I am sure I can contact you if you are late...most men hate to ask for directions LOL or to cancel/postpone if necessary. More often than not...I would text. It just all comes down to convenience......I am pretty sure all text phones can block numbers and if not, erase your history at the end of the day. Cell phones are the most anonymous mode of communication available what with the disposible phones available at gas stations!
  7. here is mine LMAO ?Obscenity is whatever gives the Judge an erection.? Anonymous ? w4m (Ottawa) 40yr Share with me what will get gold digger in the mood! I pass gas lick nude today until 8pm at my shaved eastend shit hole. Don?t take a chance?..reputanned, sexy, stunning and oh so darn sexy! I wet my panties 40 5?3? 118 pounds blond and Very ambitious LOL 140/half 220/whole (b b b j extraat 30 but no g r e e k) Escort me or send me a message to get the ball rolling. 613?.282?.1560 (I prefer escorts and dirty sanchez s!) Come on over and visit my profile on cerbdotca and look for megforfun Kisses, Meg I mean...come on....what the hell....is this an SNL skit???
  8. I am sure this has been discussed before but indulge me. The number one reason I ask for a number is mutual trust. If I am going to disclose my location to you, I need to feel safe. The only recourse I have is you giving me your number. If you trust me enough with your number, then I know I can trust you with my address. I have never and would never abuse this piece of information in any way, shape or form. We have a need for discretion as much as you. Second reason is for cancellation purposes. Just like you wonderful gents, life can sometimes throw a wrench into our plans. Yesterday, I was forced into being a no show. I have met this person before and he booked well in advanced via email. I had an incident that kept me away from my incall location as well as away from the internet and therefore I had absolutely no way to contact him to cancel or postpone. He called me several times from a payphone but at the time I was unable to answer the phone. If I had his number, I could have saved him the trouble of driving all the way over! Later in the day, I emailed him to apologize, explain, and mention why it would have been a good idea for him to give me his number. No response so I am going to assume that he is pissed off that shit happens to us too. The last couple of days I have been bogged down with a few repairs and of course scheduling goes out the window in these cases. A very nice gent that I see on occasion booked some time with me. I had his number and was able to call and reschedule. There is the trust! He knows that I would never call or text him out of the blue. The number is there for an emergency not to use to solicit. Ladies...I would love to hear more reasons (if any) for why a number is so important.
  9. Reco's are also valuable to us because they make us feel good. This may sound vain but we are human and everyone loves a kind word. A reco does not need to be a novel...even a simple "I had an awesome time with____" is great. If you are the type that is simply looking for that wham bam thank you ma'am type of experience that only requires you to be physically attracted to someone, recos mean squat. Those who want to get a feel for the type of person they will be meeting can gain valuable info by reading the recos. But, to me, Cerb is more than just a recommendation board, it is a social network. If you are looking to stimulate your mind as well as your senses, there are numerous ways to discover that someone who you will be able to bond with. Read a lady's posts, interact with her via PM, get to know her and then you can decide if she is a good fit for you. Anyhow, I will reiterate. If you had a good time with a lady, is a short note on her reco page really such a daunting task? A couple of minutes of your time goes a long way! Be happy!!!
  10. Uggg!!! I am becoming very disillusioned with the level of professionalism that I have been experiencing lately. First episode: I contacted three companies to fix my washing machine. Only one called back. He was two hours late but did some repairs at a reasonable price and stated that if the problem reoccured, he would not charge me for another service call only for his time and any required parts. Great! Two days later, the washer was not working again. This was the week before Christmas. I called and left messages and he finally got back to me last week (by the way, he did say that he was working over the holidays). He said he needed to order some parts and that he should get them this past Monday. I call to inquire, no call back until last night and leaves a message that he would be here at 8:30 this morning. Well, no call and he did not get here at 8:30. So....another wasted day waiting around. Second episode: I had a few issues with my existing eavestroughing and met someone who could fix it. We set a date and time and I rearranged my schedule (and turned down some lovely visitors). Time arrives, no contractor. I wait a respectable half hour and call. No answer....for the whole day!!! Next morning, I call him at 8am. He finally calls back at 11 and says he will be over in 45mins. Again I had to cancel appts. Is this becoming an epidemic? Not only do clients not show but it seems that service is going that route as well. Are they making that much money that they feel they can treat their customers like dirt? A two second phone call is not that difficult! Rant finished :)
  11. Me too!!! As for the drapes....closed is my preference!
  12. I find it interesting that we have not heard the male perspective yet :) I too, believe that an encounter is not booked unless confirmed.
  13. Communication is paramount to a mutually enjoyable encounter. For us ladies, it is different with each person we meet. I may want to jump your bones within minutes because I want the feel of you inside me or I may want to indulge in the eroticism of touch and the stimulation it brings. Each and every encounter is special and unique. There does not exist a prototype as far as I am concerned. Relaxing, communicating and attempting to read the vibes given off by your companion will create a better atmosphere than a scripted tryst. Your time with me is not a re-enactment of a porno (eventhough they are very stimulating to watch...I do so frequently) it is meant to be an enjoyable experience where we can shed our outer shells and have unhibited, spontaneous fun!
  14. Very well put WIT! I must say that, I for one, have ensured that I am atleast acquainted with the neighbours and have fostered a congenial relationship. Not only that, but a great cover story goes a long way! I won't say what I have told my neighbours it is that I do but it certainly eliminates any queries as to the comings and goings during the day! A little planning and consideration for the imagination of your street mates can lessen the risk to practically zero! I laid out the ground work before even starting.
  15. Inspired by Sabrina's thread on being sick! I want to hear all of the old wives tales passed on thru the generations in your family. The sure fire cure alls! I will share some of mine after I hear some of yours! In particular, I need a quick remedy for a minor burn. DO NOT LAUGH!!!! While bending over to blow out a candle, I stumbled (a common occurance in the day of a clutz!) and burnt the tip of my nose! God damn, that is a very tender area. I suffer from allergies and recouperation is slow due to the need to constantly clear the sinuses!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated. That being said, any and all home remedies would be welcome :)
  16. Exactly, I would assume that the ladies on cerb are discreet and do not even appear on LE radar!
  17. Merci Mod. And now the purpose of this thread has been vindicated!
  18. Yesterday some poor soul was caught doing something that was a bit private! She almost died when she realized we had all seen her!
  19. Erin, this has happened to me as well from a regular. I thought he had left it on the bureau and did not realize his omission until about 20mins after he had gone. I called him to let him know and he stated that since he was on the highway already, could I wait until Monday (it was Wednesday) I said sure. Then he texted me and asked if I could meet him somewhere because coming back was out of his way! Anyhow....long stoty short....never did get the donation or even a courtesy call.
  20. 1) What is your favorite aspect of being an escort (aside from the money)? Meeting new people and seeing ones you like to spend time with. 2) Is it just as hard for an SP to retire as it is for the clients? Aside from giving up the income, quitting knowing that your sexual variety is going to stop Haven't even thought of retirement yet :) 3) Have you ever had guys try and 'talk you out of it' too? Not applicable 4) What general advice can you offer guys on ways they can improve on their DATY techniques and or their sexual skills to please a woman (if applicable)? Ask what she likes, we are all different and like different things :)
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