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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. While I would never begrudge anyone the naughty pleasures of a wham bam thank you ma'am encouter, I prefer some chit chat, cuddling and laughter be involved at the appropriate moments!
  2. Happy Birthday beautiful. Hope all of your wishes come true!
  3. Ah thank you! You are such a sweet person and I really had an awesome time with you :)
  4. I too was shocked when I read the title just now. We do not need to experience the situation in order to determine that it might not be safe. The use of illegal substances or any for that matter, can lead to un-desireable encounters. Not always by intent but when inhibitions are impared, shit happens. I am happy that you responded in a respectful manner!
  5. I am a frequent chatter in the afternoons. I really enjoy the friendships that I have acquired through the chat. As for the cam...once in awhile, if I am feeling that exhibitionist side of myself calling, I will turn it on but it is not really necessary for me, especially at that price.
  6. Cerb does offer ads in "real time" just go to the service providers schedule for your particular city and, voila, you will find the ladies ads along with their availability!!!
  7. I hope that this does not come off as negative but....why would you need another site? Are the ladies here not enough??? I do understand that variety is the spice of life but you can find all types of wonderful women right here! I am proud to be part of cerb and I, for one, will tirelessly promote this site as the number one venue to meet spectacular women!!!
  8. In the words of the great Frank Barone (Everybody Loves Raymond)..."suck it up Nancy!"
  9. Mmmm done in the heat of passion with just the right amount of pull.....hair pulling :)
  10. I met alot of lovely gentlemen from there and I sincerely hope that the word gets out about how wonderful and welcoming cerb is!!!
  11. It's funny but I get calls from people I met once or twice, and not for months, yet they seem to expect me to guess who they are. Yes, I particularly like the "hi, remember me". I don't save numbers so I do need a reminder; like a name :)
  12. I do not mind a text to get things rolling. It gives me the opportunity to let someone know when it would be convenient for them to call so that we don't end up with endless voicemail tag. That being said, email and phone are essential for getting to know someone and to determine whether or not our chemistry will be compatible.
  13. As an habitual clutz...I feel your pain! The first snowfall this year resulted in a bruised knee and a huge lump on my hip!!!! My only advice (that I obviously don't follow) is take your time!! Kisses!!!! (put 'em where they count!)
  14. My only problem is in generalizations and the response that perhaps we would be better off working at Timmies. It came across as rude and demeaning. Perhaps we took your comments the wrong way and if so i am sorry. If you are going to post something that may appear controversial, be ready for the backlash.
  15. I have a high school diploma, a college certificate and a university degree, all of which were obtained in a language other than my mother tongue. I have had a wonderful and succesful career in the mainstream world. I changed my profession within the last year and am enjoying myself along with my new found freedom. I find it insulting when I am faced with a "rate negotiator". I have set my donation at what I feel is appropriate for me. Should you not like the amount you are more than free to look elsewhere. Should I decide to, at any time and for any reason, lower that rate, it is my decision to make. I will determine if a bad weather special, or a birthday special or a Christmas special is in order. I don't normally post to threads that I see heading towards a negative slide but this one got my blood boiling! We are intelligent, classy, beautiful and witty women and deserve to be treated with respect!!!
  16. I truly feel for you Vic...I am currently going through the same type of experience. No means nothing but then again ignoring him makes it worse. Hopefully they will all get kicked in the head with the knowledge that it just won't change our minds!!!
  17. This is inspired by Gobofraggle's thread. Mine is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! I watch it everytime it comes on!!!
  18. I really liked Jim Carey's version but my fave is still the 1951 version
  19. OMG total cerb withdrawal today...thank you MOD for fixing the prob!
  20. Thank you Isabella! I tend to steer clear of confrontational or negative threads. Life has enough downs in it already and therefore I prefer to participate in fun, informative and positive threads and let the confrontational nasty ones slip on by my radar!
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