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Meg O'Ryan

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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I was gonna say the same thing...32 or 34 is not petite :)
  2. A simple thank you or acknowledgement to a PM or a signature to a guestbook would be welcome. Even if you are simply a lurker....
  3. What a beautiful tribute to your father. It brought tears to my eyes and reminds me that I should cherish every moment I have left with my parents. Last night my father made one of his annoying hour long chat about nothing calls while my mother was out at one of her "classes". I rolled my eyes, answered the phone and barely even listened to his chatter. After reading this, I have realized that each and every phone call IS important and I should be grateful that they are both still with me and healthy! Thank you for giving me perspective!!!
  4. I love the Pipilongstockings pic!!! I changed yet again after a suggestion from roaminguy! (The hair is close, the nose is bang on but the nails...nope! LOL)
  5. In the spirit of being told you look like someone, I changed mine for now to Elizabeth Montgomery :)
  6. took the words right out of my mouth :)
  7. I have a great desktop that takes care of all of my needs but my laptop is old and takes forever to boot up. I am looking for a cheap laptop (can't justify my desire to purchase the MacBook Air tho I long for it daily!) I use my laptop primarily for cerb, email and watching a bit of online tv...oh ya some chat too! In today's Sun, there was an ad for a refurbished Toshiba Notebook with windows 7 home premium at $379.99. I am no techie so here is what the ad says.... P/N L455D-55979 AMD Sempron Feature 2.16HZ speed and 512KB L2 cache 2GB DDR2 250GB Sata HDD DVD Optical drive Wireless B/G ATI radeon 3100 graphics. Is this a waste of money?
  8. Dress warmly when venturing out or keep a parka in the trunk!
  9. Meg O'Ryan

    MCP 3264

    A very provocative photo! Love the composition, the lighting and the subject!
  10. Meg O'Ryan

    MCP 3291

    Simply beautiful with a touch of erotic! Beautiful lady!
  11. While I cannot describe this movie as eloquently as Gobofraggle... The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane with Jody Foster (Rynn Jacobs), Martin Sheen (Frank Hallet-the pedophile) and Scott Jacoby (Mario-the boyfriend). Foster, at 13, is simply amazing. Her acting talents far belie her age in this thriller. I loved the simplistic setting and found the plot and the actors simply enthralling. Here is a quote from Wikepedia... The plot focuses on thirteen-year-old Rynn Jacobs (Foster), a mysterious child whose dark secrets concerning her absent poet father are prodded by various nosy villagers in a New England town. The film, though predominantly a dramatic thriller, also blends elements of horror, mystery, and romance. Thank you TCM...now my favorite channel!
  12. Bringing the dog to the vet to be neutered Pick up basketball in the park Gotta mow the lawn for the old lady on the next block I agreed to be a stand-in for one of the Johovah's witnesses that usually come to our door I am training for the Boston marathon Guitar lessons Ok, you caught me....ballroom dancing is my new passion!
  13. Uggg...I too hate shopping and would welcome the ideas of my fellow SP's for those female members of my family as well as my friends! If you are looking for me LOL....a bottle of absolute, a good crime mystery or gift cert LOL...Just kidding of course! My guess is tho...most women do enjoy jewelry, clothes and shoes but not necessarily what a man would pick out. I know it isn't extremely thoughtful but personally I love a gift card!!!
  14. Only one other person knows of my secret life. I love the naughtiness of being a seductrice by day and the prim and proper girl next door all the rest of the time! I am in no way ashamed of my chosen path but because of society's view on this issue, I am not prepared to "come out" yet. My previous job was very straight laced and I was constantly dealing with clients and suppliers who may not view this as a good move (although behind closed bedroom doors, they seem to think it's great lol, so I guess I lied...a few people from my "real life" have snuck in) I suppose that is why I so value my inclusion in cerbland. I have made some very good friends that I can rely on for help and advice!
  15. Having the car winterized (don't just use the snow tire excuse, go the whole nine yards...fluid changes etc...) Join a gym (gotta work out before all the holiday food kicks in) Xmas parties (office, clients, suppliers, buddies use em all!!!) Luncheons (same idea as parties)
  16. Big hugs to you Tristan. The good thing about a bad night is the potential for an awesome morning!
  17. Soleil, I must say that the pics you take yourself are very sensuous and beautiful. They portray the real you better than any professional pics ever could! Love you and you pics beautiful Sunshine!
  18. In Romboch, Virginia, it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with the lights on.
  19. Thanks Steve....Just adds fuel to the fire in my opinion
  20. The only thing worse than Carlos' comment on this thread is the fact that the original thread seems to be gone. If what you claim is true and this horrible post was not made by you...all I can say is shame on you. I seriously doubt a buddy would see your computer logged on the cerb and decide to post something negative without knowing full well that it was there in the first place. Without being able to see the original post that this pertains to, I will still make the assumption that while having a few brews with your pals, you must have boasted about your presence on the site and perhaps even encouraged your pals to check it out. Shame on you...even while inebriated you should have shown better judgement than to allow someone to obtain access to your computer while "partying". While I am sure there was no nefarious intent I can just imagine a bunch of drunk guys sitting around laughing at what they were doing. You were 100% negligent and perhaps showing off in front of your buds. The rest of us do not appreciate juvenile behaviour such as this. Let me know if I am off base as I did not get the opportunity to read the original post.
  21. Tristan...that is why I am strictly a body wash gal now!!! NJ....the urge to pee always comes at the most horrible time; then again, we are the same age so maybe you are on to something!
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