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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. We all have pet peeves but is there anything you do consistenly that drives you crazy? I hate sleeping in an un-made bed yet I don't end up making it until bedtime quite often! I get pissed at myself because I should have done it first thing in the am when I was wide awake! I hate hard butter but yet when I use the rest of the soft stuff, I don't replace it until the next time I need it. Damn...then it's too hard and I have to wait! When the snow stops and I should think of shoveling I put it off. Invariably, something comes up and I need to rush out but alas, I must shovel first! Hmmmm perhaps i should change this thread to "Who else is a procrastinator!"
  2. Happy Bday Big Al!!! I hope that you enjoy your time with the lovely Soleil!
  3. What is your favorite all time scary movie? I love scary movies and am having a hard time picking just one! Give me some ideas as to what to rent tomorrow!!!
  4. I hope that this gives both of you the opportunity to heal. Only you two know exactly what happened and it appears that both of you were hurt in the process. I sincerely hope that by getting your feelings out in the open you can proceed to the next level be it together or apart. Be well both of you!
  5. Thank you roamingguy! Well...I will be honest...never had or tried any toys only my trusty fingers! Not sure I need any toys but have had alot of inquiries lately as to what ones I do possess. So, Notch, kinda get your drift on the comparison to a remote!
  6. K antlerman...I'll take you cause I don't know WHAT I am happy with!
  7. What (if any) toys would you like an SP to have on hand???
  8. Thank you for your wonderful post! I am glad to hear that people enjoy our efforts!!!!!!! You ROCK!
  9. I like mustard on a western sandwich...may just try this :)
  10. While I have always been attracted to men older than me, I now find myself looking at younger guys and wondering! Still like the more mature ones tho! Since I have begun escorting, I also find myself checking out women. I never did before other than to admire an outfit, hairstyle or shoes! I guess perspectives change!
  11. Favorite drink of choice - Perhaps not considered GOOD vodka, but I love Absolute on ice or red wine. Favorite foods - Hard to choose, I love to cook and try new things so my favorite changes almost daily. Right now I am in love with baked brie served with cutney and roasted garlic. Things you can't live without - My computer and internet, my phone, football, hockey and my collection of shoes. Favorite Quotes - Here again I cannot just choose one. That is why may ads always contain a new quote that I have discovered. Something not many people know about you - I put vinegar on anything with gravy (ie poutine and hot hamburger sandwiches), on tomatoes, tuna, hard boiled eggs, microwave popcorn...I am a vinegaraholic!
  12. Elizabeth (Lizzy) Bennett of Pride and Prejudice. She is witty, provocative and full of life!
  13. I took me a few tries to get it right! http://www.humorsphere.com/fun/8787/colortest.swf
  14. 1) With a co-worker on the boss's desk and another time on the boardroom table. 2) In the women's washroom at MacLaren's 3) In one of those playstructures you find in a kid's park
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