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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I guess it all depends on the moment! Some gents request a shower first and come in wearing a towel; others disrobe the moment they come in the room; others still, sit or lay down fully clothed and then I take the initiative to begin the undressing!
  2. Megan, that is absolutely hilarious! Love the story and I can picture being on the receiving end...don't ask why!
  3. OK Megan...perhaps I should pay more attention and read word for word instead of my usual speed reading! Thank you once again for having my back!
  4. UGGG being a lover and not a hater I am upset with the direction this thread is taking! Are we not all meant to coexist in harmony on Cerb? This is why I joined! If I am wrong, please let me know!!!!
  5. Well, I finally purchased a new camera and today received the remote control! My question is....what kind of album should I post??????
  6. I know that there was a thread about this but I am feeling lazy. Funny tv quotes..... I am watching Mike and Molly on line. They are on their first date and Molly has taken some cold medicine! He asks her if she's enjoying her snapper and she responds sure do you like your penis? LOL
  7. I once started a thread about something lost that has great meaning. Out of the blue, someone here whom I shall never meet, offered to replace that item! No intent, just total sweetness! He will forever be atleast my cyber friend! Love ya and you know who you are!
  8. In my previous "life" I also fired clients without remorse. In this new incarnation, I do the exact same thing! My sanity and happiness are worth way more than anything else!
  9. While I agree with you 100% Megan, I am going to take the realistic approach here. Men are visual creatures, no ifs ands or buts. Women take great care and pride in their appearance; we coordinate our outfits, add accessories, take care with hair and makeup but yet those admiring glances you get out in public are more than likely based on one of your assets not the whole. Men tend to appreciate the "whole" woman once they have established a rapport. We supply a fantasy and if their fantasy is my ass then so be it! I only expect my friends and SO to admire the real me :) But I still do wish it were different; one can dream!
  10. So...why not consult the menu for the answer and then ask for people to privately contact you?????
  11. Thank you Scott and Time for your accurate portrayal of the sentiments we tried to convey! While some of us do offer this service, it is YMMV and private discussions are welcome!
  12. Anytime! I guess you answered my question as to why I am so talkative...it's the east coast thing!
  13. Well, work a bit harder so that you can afford that jet! Would love to talk face to face :) As I said in the other thread, I love meeting new people even if it is in cyberland! In recent memory, I have been with a couple of gents and the time flew by as we chit chatted and we ended up spending a couple of hours together instead of the alloted time! What fun!
  14. I love to chit chat be it during an encounter, before an encounter or even with someone I will probably never even meet in person! Guess I am a bit of a social butterfly!
  15. Totally against the whole idea of a thread! Perhaps you should be asking for members to PM you their reco's if you don't feel like reading the ads and the posted recommendations. Not meaning this to sound nasty or anything but....just sayin!
  16. At the moment, the majority are from Ottawa! Perhaps this is a wakeup call to all of the lurkers! Join in and participate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Ange....very well put! On the same page for sure!
  18. Hi Mr. Nutty! You kind of answered your own question. The best is subjective! Perhaps you should be inquiring as to who offers this service in your area and then you can pick and choose from the responses and find someone that suits your particular requirements :)
  19. Come on antlerman! Real costume PLEASE :)....I picture you as a box of kleenex! Make it Puffs tho cause they are softer!
  20. I would love to see how creative the gents could be in this instance!
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