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Meg O'Ryan

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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Not to sound too negative as this is obviously not my way...but...this questions could cause jealousy or ill feelings if not responded to in the way that someone is hoping!
  2. Loreena McKennitt....The Mummer's Dance (all you Newfies know what this is!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B7sH5QLyXY
  3. WOW! This is unbelievable! The nerve!!!!! Good thing you found out ahead of time what a jerk this person obviously is!
  4. Education.....funny thing! You can't force education on ANYONE but you can force institutionalized rehabilitation. Perhaps expensive but then again, perhaps the only cure? If the likes of Lindsay Lohan can be sent to rehab...I think the poor souls that took the wrong road and ended up on .the street should not be the exception. Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not a bleeding heart but I do believe that drastic measures are the only solution. Talking and "rescuing" have so far not had any effect!
  5. Tiffany...you are so right...as soon as drugs are mentioned everyone turns a blind/ignorant eye to the situation. This is an addiction which means that it is not easily controlled (at this point) without intervention! These ladies are in dire need of assistance and yet they are outcasts, immoral, sub-human; according to the masses. While I am easily one of the majority that casts an evil eye when travelling that section of the city; I am honest enough to admit that perhaps aid instead of persecution would better their lives and our community (as in the escort community). The vast majority of citizens who do not understand our side of things, believe that we are all low life crack ho's dependent on pimps, drugs and running the streets. While I sympathize with the women caught up in this lifestyle, I also have a lot of anger, as their actions have tainted a respectable and necessary profession! Sorry...I am running into a rant now aren't I? I heard a comment today that made this thread all too prevelant in my life. I met with someone who was shocked a) at my location, b) at my attire, c) at the fact that I wasn't skanky, d) that I could hold a conversation....stereotypes that are totally unwarranted and ignorant! Enough...enough I said!
  6. While I will fully admit that I did not completely read all the posts...alll I will say is that it is not possible to rely solely on Cerb for encounters! Make of this comment as you wish!
  7. Me too...along with REO Speewagon "I'm gonna keep on lovin you...cause it's the only thing I wanna doooo..."
  8. TY mod! Although, truthfully, Old Dog's "Nun of the above" is the clear overall winner!
  9. Congrats Cato...well deserved! And congrats to all of the nominees. You are all very special in my books!
  10. Thank you Cato and thank everyone who took time to vote for all of the beautiful ladies on here!
  11. Will this be your new moto? "I'm not really a homosexual. I just help them out when they're busy." Frank Carson
  12. The bummer is....my best hair days (or hours) are invariably when I have had a cancellation LOL! Keep your head up sweet Emma and hopefully this person will read this post and realize how much he let you down! BTW....we have feelings too you know!
  13. I can certainly relate to this and agree 100%. This "business" is no different than any other and a back up plan should always be in place!
  14. Yes, the one in kingston is the Best Western Fireside Inn. It has great rooms!
  15. You can get a pre-paid credit card...that will solve your problems! I believe you can buy them even at shoppers!
  16. I would go back to this past Friday
  17. As I am contemplating moving my incall to a hotel....I never even thought of the towel issue...how silly of me! Guess I will drop by that linen store and stock up!
  18. Great minds think alike....purple all over my page! :)
  19. When visiting an SP at her in call location, do you prefer .... a hotel over a motel high end over economy a single room or a suite downtown, east end or west end Thank you for your input!
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