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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Just a side note....having it vibrate it's way across the dresser is just as anoying!
  2. We have missed you too Selena! Nice to see you back if only for a bit!
  3. I attended grade school, high school, college and university at francophone institutions. I am a mom I have always had some type of pet until recently I read between two and six books a week I love to watch tv programs on the internet...a whole season at a time I am lazy and excercise is something quite foreign to me I love to float in the pool; been know to do it for hours I love to cook and create new recipes I hate to bake Sunday's in the summer I love to find a nice patio and people watch for the day I am a clutz I was a huge nerd in school
  4. Welcome to Cerb Sasha. I am confident that you will really enjoy your time here!
  5. K...found a computer that actually works! I vote for the siblings....Old Dog and SaraMQ (it is my belief that they are somehow related based on the type of sense of humour they both have) But then again, there are a numerous amount of members that are quite funny and I hope that they continue to post!
  6. Well at least we had his sister (SaraMQ) to keep us laughing while he was away! WE MISSED YOU!!!
  7. I love the variation on the tuna salad...I think I may try that stuffed in small tomato halves! (I love tumeric as well!)
  8. I am looking for quick finger food recipes that are easily portable and can be eaten cold or room temp. Be inventive folks!!! I really need to wow the crowd with new ideas!
  9. What a very difficult question. Do I shoot for looks, someone who makes me laugh, someone who turns me on, someone who could get all of the things done around my house that I keep putting off, someone who could serenade me with beautiful songs....so many things to contemplate before making the choice of that ONE perfect slave. Hmmmm points to ponder!
  10. Well, I have decided that I will donate my brain to medical science so that they can once and for all determine the cause of extreme clumsiness. The Urgent Care Clinic is going to put my name on a chair in the waiting room! It appears that I have a stress fracture in my foot. I swear....the only way that I know I am actually alive is to ensure that pain is present! Now, I DO NOT exercise but after a few drinks downtown and a missed bus at Place d'Orleans, we decided that we could walk....not a great idea in flip-flops. 50mins got us to the first bar, where I sang a mean couple of karaoke songs, and then 50mins home. Was told that I should match my footwear to my activities LOL
  11. OMG that is hilarious! The little brain is sometimes way more powerful than the big one I guess!
  12. This would ensure that you we would never have a second encounter. I just received a call. "Hi, I just happened to be driving by and noticed that there are no cars out front. Are you free now?" I was shocked said no and hung up! My incall location is not condusive to an innocent driveby! Thanks for creeping me out buddy!
  13. Eons ago, while in college, the cafeteria had fresh muffins brought in everyday. Cheddar cheese....omg they were to die for especially for someone who enjoys savory flavours as opposed to sweet! (Damn chocolat allergy!)
  14. As usual...hilarious as ever. Are you related to Old Dog?
  15. See...I forgot another few.... FineWine EmmaAlexander I nominate everybody who participates!
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