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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. WRONG. A potential encounter could arise with someone willing to compensate with the appropriate donation. Not everyone books her time days in advance, often it is within an hour or so. I don't think there are many ladies who will take such an appointment even if they weren't busy. My time is my time and I have placed a value on it!
  2. sidenote: for the person who had the observations about meg advertising herself.......um..this is a recommendation board where the gals are allowed to advertise themselves however they choose, how ever often they choose etc. saying that anyone advertises themselves a lot on here is kind of like saying the sky is blue. :-) Furthermore, when we do advertise our availability, it is done in the appropriate section. Taking the time to voice our opinions is not meant as advertising but as participation. I seriously doubt that I post any more than some other ladies and wonder why I was targeted in this manner. Oh well, everyone is allowed to voice their opinions and I guess I will just accept it.
  3. Linsay....Thank you for the thread. Very insightful and perhaps this has helped me decide what to look for on my next shopping expedition!
  4. Yes Lindsay!!!! Contrary to popular belief, most of us want to enjoy the encounter as well!
  5. Flyer...very well put! I love to chat via PM, text or email however not much of a phone person. Let's just all take a step back for a moment tho. Just because I love this type of interaction does not mean that everyone does! My best friend can talk on the phone for hours if I let her yet HATES any form of electronic communication! Funny, but we still get along!
  6. My god this thread is killing me.....I love everyone and I hate having to make a nomination because you are all so wonderful! For me, blond that I am (no escaping that even with the new dye job!) I always forget what is not in front of my face! I love Kyra's beautiful prose, Lindsay's insightful use of vocabulary, Megan's obvious psychic powers, Carrie's great advice, Nicki's wonderful stories, Vera's bashfullness, Chanel's hardcore posts, Erin's truth, Joyful's wisdom, Emily's insight, Ava's affection, Jenny's youth, Tess's beauty...Annessa, well, all of you! Now for the gents....Love you all! Forgot to mention Old Dog's humour! LOVE IT. If I forgot anyone, I APOLOGIZE. I love everyone who participates in this forum. Oh yeah, MOD...You rock!
  7. Luv u too Avasational....my god, there are soooo many people to nominate (including you) CarrieMoon ErinXO Nicolette Vaughn Scott (the guy from out east) ED Wow...mind boggling
  8. There are so many deserving people! Spike for sure WIT AngelaofOttawa Additional Comments: There are so many deserving people! Spike for sure WIT AngelaofOttawa
  9. Personally, I like to chat to get to know someone first but not all ladies are alike!
  10. Once upon a time, in a far far land, I was a different kind of service provider if you get my drift. The only reason I can see for not meeting with someone with a disability would be because of my own affliction. I cannot be comfortable providing an outcall. I did meet the sweetest of gents one time who could not climb the stairs at my place so we had a ton of fun on the couch and on a big mountain of pillows! :)
  11. Discussing the donation when it is clearly stated in all of my advertising. Rude emails, PM's or texts. Negotiating the donation and/or restrictions. The "yo" syndrome Calls that have come in between 10pm and 6am (I have NEVER advertised anywhere that I was available at those times so why would someone bother to try?) And sometimes, it just comes down to instinct!
  12. Although I give out my number I state that I prefer PM, email or text to get the ball rolling because I cannot always answer the phone and I detest voicemail! This works quite well for me!
  13. Good one OD...perhaps I will use that if it happens again!
  14. This is a new one to me.... You say you offer MSOG; if I only cum once is it cheaper?
  15. Well, I decided to try not shaving during my recent hiatus but only managed two days! It drove me stark raving mad. I am now embrassing the smooth silky feeling of my freshly shaved nether regions! Hail the inventor of the razor!
  16. Speaking of Antlerman...I just saw a commercial that made me think of him.....
  17. Someone special turned me on to this song... Turn me on by Norah Jones; very sexy!
  18. My all time fave (I have had many crushes but this guy....WOW) Tom Berenger. He is 61 now but hotter than ever!
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