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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Jabba, you are one strange dude but yet I find this strangely interesting!
  2. I was introduced to and chatted with Dennis Farina (Get Shorty) in Chicago and partied with Steven Baldwin in Miami Beach. I know there were a few others along my travels but for some reason those are the only ones that are still clearly in my memories!
  3. The ever observant Angela! Well done Spike and please keep 'em comin!
  4. Congrats Sabrina. Thank you for all of the wonderful posts!
  5. I will practically read anything you put in my hand! I love to cook and find it very relaxing to peruse the cupboards and freezer and come up with a unique new dish! Swimming for hours!
  6. Congrats! I always look forward to reading your posts!
  7. Thank you for making Cerb such a great place to be!
  8. An out of the blue, meaningful surprise from someone I will likely never have the honour to meet!
  9. You weren't supposed to let the cat out of the bag old dog!
  10. It's funny you should mention that. When he passed away, I only requested a few small momentos. One was his favorite coffee cup "#1 Golfer". To this day, I am the only one who can drink coffee out of it. We tested it on various people, the milk immediately curdles when they go to have a sip. True story. Perhaps I should wait for a sign from him!
  11. It seems that not only am I a major clutz but I have a tendency to misplace or even lose things of value to me :( Today, I have searched high and low for my fave earings! They are not expensive, just little tiny diamond chip studs but my grampy gave them to me before he passed away! Has anyone recently lost something that they cherish? What was it and what does this item mean to you?
  12. That is just a wonderful post! Thank you for being such a sweet person!
  13. While she is obviously mis-guided as to how to create a rapport and secure regulars, you keeping it to yourself is commendable as perhaps she does not do this with everyone and ruining her reputation would not be a "cool" move! Hopefully she reads this and realizes the error of her ways!
  14. Here?s to the ideal woman; Who could ask for more? She?s deaf ?n dumb, oversexed, and owns a liquor store Additional Comments: Here?s to the King! What King? Fuh-King Additional Comments: To women and horses, And the men that ride them
  15. Same here although we understood it and most of it was not nice because whenever she was mad she reverted back to her native tongue. Believe me, we made her mad alot!
  16. Awesome OD...I was gonna post the Gaelic version but my accents don't work on this computer!
  17. You are always entitled to your opinion!!! Additional Comments: Thank you Pete! T....that can be arranged LOL
  18. To all my fellow scotsmen... (My grampy's fave) May those who love us, love us. And those who don't love us, May God turn their hearts; And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we will know them by their limping.
  19. And this is why IT DOES NOT BELONG ON CERB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No exceptions, no excuses PERIOD
  20. Awe shucks, thanks Spike! I feel better already!
  21. I really don't think it's too much to ask for atleast one "safe haven". The world is full of crap and I am not naive to that fact; I am simply just thankful to have a positive environment, which in turn helps me keep a positive attitude!
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