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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Right now I could use a hug; from a friend, an acquaintance or even a complete stranger!
  2. click here to remove this threat using Security Master AV. Is this legit???? It seems that I paid for something like this a few months ago, went to find the program and alas, it has disappeared. Am I getting sucked in to paying for yet another program?
  3. Exactly....if you have nothing positive to say, then please, SAY NOTHING AT ALL. There is enough negativity and hate out there and finally we have a place to leave all of that behind! If you don't like the rules and restrictions that exist here then, by all means, leave and go somewhere that your rhetoric and obvious personal shortcomings may be appreciated! Negativity begets negative results!
  4. I seem to be doing this a lot lately (guess great minds think alike LOL) but I agree with Megan. As this is a land of positive energy, let the slamming stay where it belongs; The Evil Site!
  5. I actually thought it was quite cute. He just seemed so comfortable with himself and was not leering or anything. Just had a healthy appreciation for the beauty around him!
  6. Raquette man (I know, French spelling) on the market. Thinks he is a talented busker as he stands somewhat still holding two tennis raquettes and moves only when someone approaches. PLEASE lady on the market. Haven't seen her yet this year. Tiny little thing who walks around with her hand held out saying "please, please, please". Dapper old man on the market. Must be about 100; dresses in a mis-matched suit, hat and cane and openly oggles the young ladies.
  7. Hey J....I think it's cause I am too gosh darn nice!
  8. guess the world is not full of wonderful parents afterall! Guess I was just too nice but even thieves need love!
  9. I sent a message to the person and asked him/her to remove the pic. He/she responded that it would be done immediately and apologized! Had to give him/her the benefit of the doubt! He/she said that they thought they would get better responses LOL.
  10. I was thinking downtown but your definition is much more exciting!
  11. In keeping with your son's MO....razberry inserted here!
  12. Emma, you crack me up!!!! No practicing before the main event....unfair advantage LOL
  13. Thanks guys!!! Yeah, I guess I will take it as a compliment then!
  14. Thanks cheek....I just find that the results, in the end, would be just too hilarious even if I am unable to see it for myself! Gotta keep a sense of humour once in awhile!
  15. Yes but not in the erotic section in the woman seeking woman section!
  16. As usual that evil site has pic rips not only in the erotic section but other sections as well. My only redemption is that when someone meets the lady steeling my pic they will realize that it was a fake!!!! Thanks for the heads up...you know who you are!
  17. Don't worry flyer....I am having way to much fun to contemplate a retirement party at this point! Hopefully and god willing, I will have many more "good" years left in me in order to continue!
  18. Perhaps the fact that you would never get the last word LOL or perhaps the fact that there would be minimal talking LOL
  19. Let me be the first (I think) to narrow it down to one. My all time forever favorite...Hotel California - The Eagles
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