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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Get the one available now and then, conveniently drop it in the toilet sometime in August. LOL I really am not that devious just in that kinda mood today :)
  2. The only downside I can see is making a decision on whose ribs to sample! So many choices and such a small tummy LOL
  3. I prefer a taller man but that is not really that hard since I am on 5'3". But then again, as someone mentionned earlier, once you are horizontal it really doesn't matter.
  4. I too love Harry Potter! Recently, a special friend loaned me his Lord of the Rings trilogy. I started the first book today and was hooked after the first paragraph of the prologue!!!!
  5. Jeeze Ange....thank you for making smart's remark clear to me! Didn't have the foggiest idea what the reference was...dumb blond!
  6. While it is no for everyone, some men do enjoy it and alot who do fantasize about it would perhaps never admit it :) But, hey, everyone has a right to explore their own sexuality as they see fit and should never be made to feel like they have to sacrifice their likes and dislikes just to please their partners!
  7. Being an essentially lazy person, I can't beleive I am doing this! I took a bit from all of the suggestions. I didn't feel like going out so I opted for the vinegar and hot water. Down on my knees, inch by inch, I am cleaning the floor with this concoction and must admit it is working pretty well! To finish it off, I put a bit of olive oil on a dry cloth and rubbed it in! Nice and clean and shiny! Now, if I could only get rid of the scratches as easily! Thanks PP and Carrie!
  8. My floors have a hazy dull look to them. Anyone know how to get the shine back?
  9. I agree with Megan. I often suggest other SP's to my clients if I am unable to meet with them.
  10. Well Megan...I would say that you have a hit on your hands! I love watching a beautiful woman dance for me so the combination of that and a massage WOW! Good luck and have a ton of fun!
  11. I remember seeing this before but it still made me laugh! Thanks!
  12. I just woke up my bestest friend from a nap. I honestly CANNOT nap! I lay down and the next thing I know I have missed a whole afternoon! Please, there must be some pointers out there for successful napping. Give me the secret...please!
  13. All very valid points and as usual, Annessa and Erin have deftly described what I feel Sabrina may be experiencing!
  14. I remember that....but I must have my own description :)
  15. Hardee har har!!! You don't look it or act it sweet tits LOL
  16. Woohoo Angie...what fun...but what will happen if you decide to join???? Oh yeah....my tripod was not a casualty!
  17. Hey sexy Chanel....although I love being behind the camera, it would be an honour to pose for you!
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