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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Actually Julie, in a wine store in the states they played various cultural music at different times of the day and found that consumers would more frequently buy a French wine when French music was playing, Italian etc....you get the picture.
  2. By age 66 most of us have seen about 2 million tv commercials. According to a guest on the Rachael Ray show, companies are tricking our brains into making certain purchasing decisions. Using neuro-science, they have determined that the most addictive sounds have a much better success rate in tv advertising sales than the imagery we are used to. There reasoning is that most individuals have the television on as a background source of noise and that these sounds may attact our attention from the task at hand. The top three sounds are 1) giggling baby 2) vibrating cell phone 2) ATM dispensing cash Can you think of a commercial using one of the above either consciously or subliminaly that uses this tactic? How well has it worked where you are concerned? There is one tv ad that always makes me look up but yet I can't remember what it is for other than somekind of hair product LOL. Mixed in with the sound track is a faint but annoying vibrating cell sound that always makes me check my phone.
  3. Meg O'Ryan

    This is a wonderful picture...sexy, seductive while leaving the real fire to the imagination! The hint of blond hair is the best touch :)
  4. I feel so lazy just nominating a post but yet when someone says it all....
  5. I have a fav regular who was contacted regarding what I looked like from the neck up....he kindly told the individual to contact me directly and/or check out my reviews. I really appreciate that (not that I am some monster or anything LOL) But discretion both ways is a paramount to this industry and I am forever grateful that he did not elaborate on the topic!
  6. Third here....I panicked...what shall I do with my day CERBless????
  7. Wow....that would be a wonderful booking! I am not knocking the 1 hour notice at all but even a next day booking is a luxury :)
  8. I like to take my time getting ready for an appointment. The less stress getting ready, the more relaxed I will be during my time with that special guest. This being said, I hate wasting that time for a no show! I could have been gardening, reading or even dancing around the living room, naked with the music blaring! The rituals we go through prior to an engagement can sometimes be extensive and if not required it's a waste of time!!!! Please do not make an appointment that you may possibly not be able to make or atleast give us a heads up!....And as Emma said, NO I will not be able to see you in 15mins!
  9. This is a very sensitive area. If you take the time to see and hear the clues then it can be a wonderful experience! Not every woman is the same so perhaps a brief discussion (which can increase the eroticism of the moment) prior to your decent can increase the pleasure of both participants!
  10. I think womankind should embrace the morning wood....such a beautiful sight to behold and the appreciation received for this rejoicing is uncomparible!
  11. Thank theliquor, never been described as a spinner before....think I am a bit too old to hold that title LOL. Besides.....I am nowhere near Winnipeg!
  12. I am on your side Emma. Besides, morning sex is wonderful!!!
  13. First of all....tell her to join Cerb and ditch CL for the time being. Second of all, she needs to seek out a "mentor". There are some lovely ladies on Cerb who have experience and would impart their wisdom for the sake of her safety. No one should ever be put in this type of situation and there are ways to ensure that it does not happen!
  14. Quick point....yes it is competitive but there are enough hobbiests to go around and under handed, sneaky, pressure tactics are totally unnecessary. Afterall...you catch more flies with honey!
  15. Chalk it up to an unfortunate loss...move on! This, or should I say these, situation is totally unacceptable. There are no valid excuses for that many f**k ups!
  16. This is quite simply appauling! This agency needs to be exposed post haste! This poor woman needs our support and should also seek that of the authorities immediately. There is absolutely no need for this type of harrassment to go un-punished. Are we back in the stone ages again?
  17. I may be wrong but I believe that most ladies have clean shower facilities available to their guests. Gentlemen....if you have even the slightest incling that you may not be 100% "fresh" for god's sake, take a few minutes and use the shower!!! We will wait and be more than happy to see you walking from the bathroom with a towel around your waist :)
  18. Annessa, you have another calling! Bet you could rake in millions writing those cheesy romance novels LOL
  19. I guess I am not understanding you. I did not think she was an SP. I thought that you meant you cannot commit to her if you are still seeing SP's. Anyhow, if she did look pissed off, then apologize!
  20. then I guess you need to choose what you want more! A wife or a secret life of visiting SP's. Only you can make that choice! I wish you well and bid you to follow your heart, that is the only way to make sure you will be happy and satisfied with your decision.
  21. Ok...I misread your intentions. I think the only way this can move forward is with more discussion. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Ask her what she is looking for; be blunt. Inquire as to how she sees you fitting into her life. Get an answer, then you will know how to proceed. Ask if you ARE just a booty call or if she could have deeper feelings over time. Next, be 100% open and honest about what it is you expect! Explain that you want to wake up next to her in the morning. The only way people understand how another is feeling is by being completely up front. The worst that can happen is she will not want what you do....at least then you will know and can move on!
  22. I love your witty outlook on every topic!!! Keep those fingers limber and that mind wide open!
  23. Amelia, you have now given me something else to look forward to online! Great site and awesome blog! This gals got major talent!
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